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Rich Z 05-04-2006 02:40 AM

Radar detectors.
I think I should have started a raffle of some sorts on my other forums. People were certain I would have speeding tickets enough to paper my house with them. But here it is 7 months later and I haven't gotten a single one. *knock on wood!*. But I have to admit I thought seriously about getting a radar detector. I even did some research and found the Valentine and Escort models at the top of the list from people who have tried them.

It appears that different states use different methods of speed detection, so how about Florida? Is any one particular unit better then others in this state? And how about you? Do you have one?

exile 05-04-2006 05:41 AM

Yeah, I haven't been w/o one for the last 15 years. I drive safer than most peeps on the Florida highways with the exception of occasional spirited driving:shrug01: , but I am now so comfortable with a radar detector, I wouldn't drive without one. Evens the score somewhat I think...........Tom:rolleyes:

Z06 Rocket 05-04-2006 09:54 PM

No radar dectector here.


Originally Posted by Rich Z
It appears that different states use different methods of speed detection, so how about Florida?

In Florida they use the radar and laser. If you are going to buy a unit then you may want to buy the one that covers both, and even the one that has a rear detection mode as well. In my opinion if you are "clocked" the radar/laser detector will beep, but it's only an early warning of an impending ticket. The police are smart enough to pause the radar, and laser is only a second long pulse when the trigger is pulled. When the laser or radar is sent out and your detector "sees" it it starts to beep, but too late,,,, the numbers are already on the display.

The main reason the detectors are good sometimes is if the police sit still (or drive in moving mode) while leaving it on. Then you can get a good warning beep. That's only if there's a half hearted attempt to run the radar. Laser is not passive (like leave it on and drive). It has to be aimed at a specific vehicle and trigger pulled like a gun.

Some people say jammers work, but I seriously doubt it myself.

PS, when you have a detector, and should you get stopped, you WILL get a citation. The police look at it as though you raised the stakes by using the detector, so you stand to loose more (ie no warnings, bigger pot in the game).

Just my .02 :crazy03:

Rich Z 05-04-2006 10:34 PM


Originally Posted by Z06 Rocket
PS, when you have a detector, and should you get stopped, you WILL get a citation. The police look at it as though you raised the stakes by using the detector, so you stand to loose more (ie no warnings, bigger pot in the game).

Just my .02 :crazy03:

Good point........ :thinkin:

SebringBill 05-05-2006 12:29 AM

I've had a Valentine V1 hanging on my windshield since 1998.

Laser is hard to beat but it also only works during clear days; no nights, fog, smoke or rain.

MADN3SS 05-05-2006 01:19 PM

I have a Valentine 1. Except for all the false alarms, I'm kind of used to it. I've never had anything see a radar signal from so far away. But like it was said above, radar and laser are two different animals. I don't remember what it's called, but the window for laser is so small. It's very hard to get an overflow signal from it bouncing off another car. You have to be in the right spot.

But, for the always on radar, the V1 is great. I was driving on 275 going south last night and just before I hit the actual bridge, I got a signal. Slowed down a bit and it kept getting stronger. Believe it or not, the signal was coming from the other side of the hump on the bridge! They were doing construction and there were state troopers on the other side. It held that signal until I almost reached the first exit for 4th street.

BTW, checkout Radar/Laser jammers do not work. Plus they are being sued by the Government. At least Rocky Mountain Radar is.

EDIT: Radar jammers do not work. Laser Jammers do. SEE POST #10 BELOW.


Z06 Rocket 05-05-2006 05:54 PM


Originally Posted by SebringBill
Laser is hard to beat but it also only works during clear days; no nights, fog, smoke or rain.

The laser is diminshed slightly by fog/rain/smoke, but only if it gets thick enough to prevent the laser beam from bouncing off the target and returning to the measuring device. Rain is the best inhibitor since the water bends light.

They work great at night. If anything, the night allows the laser to be seen even easier by the device measuring the beam (over an abundance of light in the daylight sun which is still no big problem).

The laser is a "point and shoot" method of operation. It's very similiar to a scope on a rifle. The red dot is put on a car and the trigger is pulled, the machine measures the time out vs. the time back and bingo, theres the speed. It's vehicle specific since the sight picture lets the user aim at one car. There is no defense in court that they mustve clocked someone else. I think I've heard that at 1,000 ft away the laser beam is only 2ft across, where as the radar "cone" could be hundreds of feet across allowing another car to be clocked. If the officer can see you, then he can clock you. Even when your emerging from behind another car and are not in 100% view of the officer. They just need to put the dot on your car. Laser's pretty nasty stuff,,,:ack2:

The advantage that the motorists have is that laser is not passive, so the officer has to choose to sit still and use it. They have to aim and try over and over, so it can get old for them to sit still and keep trying.

Radar allows them to be a slight bit "lazier" and just turn it on and off without the constant effort to point and aim over and over. Plus radar can have moving mode where an officer is going the opposite direction and clock you. Some newer systems can clock you in the same direction as well. They can catch you speeding up behind them before you see them ahead and apply the brakes. Then they just slow down and let you go by to stop you. This uses the radar beam telling the device the difference in speed between the police car and the speeding car to tell the officer your speed (no math involved for the officer :rolleyes: ).

Just be careful out there guys, and let the little rice burners and cafe racer motorcycles get the police attention while we just cruise on by.:yesnod:

SebringBill 05-05-2006 11:03 PM


Originally Posted by Z06 Rocket
The laser is diminshed slightly by fog/rain/smoke, but only if it gets thick enough to prevent the laser beam from bouncing off the target and returning to the measuring device. Rain is the best inhibitor since the water bends light.

They work great at night. If anything, the night allows the laser to be seen even easier by the device measuring the beam (over an abundance of light in the daylight sun which is still no big problem).

It's my understanding that laser isn't allowed at night as the beam could temporarily blind the driver.

FourG63 97GST 05-06-2006 08:47 AM

I have a Valantine one also. saved me couple. actually I havent gotten a speeding tickets since I've had it :knock on wood: 3yrs maybe, luck maybe, but im not complaining. buddy of mine has a laser jammer, block laser from the front and rear of the vehicle. he got pulled over, cop was like "I was unable to read your speed", he just played dumb and he was send on his way.
It was $600 installed though, but really good insurance.

MADN3SS 05-06-2006 09:57 AM

I guess I was a little incorrect about my previous information. From what I understood, Radar/Laser Jammers don't work. Radar jammers do not work. Laser Jammers do.

Rocky Mountain Radar claimed to have a "passive" radar jammer since "active" ones were illegal. Every test done proved otherwise. Here is a quote about radar jammers.

"Invisibility to police radar may sound terrific but historically, effective jammers have been nigh impossible to find. There are good reasons for this. For one, they're blatantly illegal in all fifty states, since jamming police radar requires broadcasting a powerful, modulated signal. And precious few engineers are sharp enough to outwit the sophisticated digital signal processing (DSP) universally employed by modern radar. Not to mention, jammers are fiendishly expensive to construct."

"A one-square-inch antenna, no matter how efficient, is simply incapable of reflecting enough signal back to a powerful police radar to jam it. For that matter, we've tested $5,000 active jammers that pumped out 500 milliwatts of microwave energy--50 times the power transmitted by a modern radar--that failed entirely to jam anything."

Here is a link to information about Laser jammers.

Interesting information. It reviews a few products, including a BEL, Escort and the best one, from Blinder. A quote from the review about the Blinder M-20 Xtreme.

"In our last test an earlier Blinder model turned in disappointing scores. Bur grom what we saw on this go round, they've clearly devoted the intervening time to radically improving their product. it jammed the Kustom ProLaser III and LTI Ultralyte 200LR down to point blank range, the Laser Atlanta to 319 feet and the Stalker to 200 feet. And it was the only unit to jam both the Jenoptic Laveg and Riegl LR235.90P (the most widely used European laser) to point blank range, a remarkable feat."


Z06 Rocket 05-07-2006 07:51 AM


Originally Posted by SebringBill
It's my understanding that laser isn't allowed at night as the beam could temporarily blind the driver.

Naw, It's not visible to the naked eye. It is not the same as a red dot laser pointer someone might use for presentations on a board or wall.

06 C6 05-24-2006 10:34 PM

I have a Valentine One and will never have anything else. Believe it or not, it'll often catch the radar signal 2 miles out. Plenty of time to back off. I like it best because of the arrows. It'll tell you if the signal is in front of you ( and how many) or behind you. Costs a little more than the others, but WORTH it.

Rich Z 05-25-2006 12:18 AM

I have heard some people complain that the Valentine gives too many false warnings. Has that been the case for you? Are you in a more rural area or in an area more heavily populated?

MADN3SS 05-25-2006 06:58 AM


Originally Posted by Rich Z
I have heard some people complain that the Valentine gives too many false warnings. Has that been the case for you? Are you in a more rural area or in an area more heavily populated?

Definitely a lot of false warnings! If you drive by most grocery stores it will set it off. It will indicate that it is getting 2 signals, one for the in door and one for the out. On the all bogeys mode, which has no filtering, I can't even use it around town. Way too many signals. I turn mine on advanced logic, which gets rid of some, but not many. On my normal route to and from work, I just had to memorize where it goes off and how many signals it detects. I just have to pay attention to the number to see if it rises by one. Kind of a pain in the azz. On the highway, I just keep it on all bogeys mode. I do love the arrows though. One of the only things going for it. And the fact that if they make any upgrades to future detectors, that you can send yours in for the upgrade instead of buying a new one.

06 C6 05-25-2006 06:41 PM

Rich...I have my Valentine in my Corvette 24/7. To be honest, the main time I use it is on the road. Virtually ALL radar detectors will be going off anywhere in the populated areas...any time you pass Target, Walgreens, CVS, etc.
I use mine primarily when I'm on the highway. It's unsurpassed for distance...(mine picks up the signal as much as 2 miles away). I was reluctant to spend the money initially; now, I feel that it's worth every penny.
06 C6

Rich Z 05-25-2006 06:48 PM

Well one part of me says I should get one, simply because I like all sorts of technological gizmos. And yes, maybe it may save me from a speeding ticket some day. But the other part of me is reluctant. It's just another gizmo distraction I have to worry myself about. And honestly, my track record with getting things that meet up to my expectations is kind of poor. I'm getting tired of spending money on stuff that is not debugged, has poor quality control, or just doesn't work like some sane person designed it. So yeah, I'm getting gunshy about buying stuff, I guess. I guess this latest fiasco with the Diablo Predator (in another thread), is leaving a foul taste in my mouth.

MADN3SS 05-25-2006 08:52 PM

Another thing....there is no mute button. That gets annoying. I unplug it a lot!

exile 05-25-2006 09:10 PM

OK, I have stated this earlier but here goes again. Radar detectors work very well. There are some extreme circumstances where a cop can bag you before you know he's there, but as stated, it's rare. The radar used mostly in most areas is K/Ka band. The more sophisticated radars are too expensive for the cops to use extensively. So for me, 99 out of a hundred times I'm hit by radar it's from K band. My detector lets me know way ahead of time there's a cop up the road with radar. I check my speed, most of the time I'm good, but occasionally I'm a little over. When I'm feeling a little frisky with another vette or stang, if my radar detector is quiet, I have a little more liberty and am more apt to play.
You can still get caught. You can get caught with laser, instant-on, or just plain visual. But a radar detector is very liberating on the road. I've got so comfortable with mine I am uncomfortable without it, say when I'm driving the Jeep or someone else's car. Yes, there are false warnings, but you get used to the behavior of the detector after a while and know when the alarm is false. I mentally tune out false reading and the only time it bothers me is at a long stop light or if I have someone riding with me and we are talking. Then I turn it down or off. I know when a cop is approaching by the way the warning builds. Goes from a low reading and low audio warning and builds up rapidly. That's a police cruiser up ahead. What's my speed?
You can't go wrong with a good detector. It cost less than one speeding ticket and it can save your bacon many times over. It's a great gismo in my opinion and I won't be without one till I'm old and creeping along in my Cadillac. I don't know it's in the car till it's needed.......Tom

sigarms 05-25-2006 10:34 PM

Rich-I have two radar detectors one at each end of the price range. My Valentine1
is good and may be the best but it's expensive. I use it only on the interstates and in town it's stored in the vette tray behind the seats and covered.
The other unit is a Whistler 1730 www.buyradardetectors.comunder Whistler and believe it or not it's $39.00 at WalMart(WallyWorld). It's for the daily driver and it picks up a lot of signals but it will go bezerko crazy when it gets hit by a real radar gun. I leave it plugged in all the time. It saved me 3 tickets in one day several years ago.
If you have never had a detector before buy one of these cheap ones and see if you like having something on your dash and it may save you a tix at the same time.
You mentioned you like Techno Gizmos. Start a thread and list the stuff you have and the stuff you like.. WiFi hotspot finder. Actron code reader

Rich Z 05-26-2006 01:21 AM


Originally Posted by sigarms
You mentioned you like Techno Gizmos. Start a thread and list the stuff you have and the stuff you like.. WiFi hotspot finder. Actron code reader

Oh the gizmos cover a wide range of stuff. Laser range finder, major audio doodads (Heil air motion transformers, equalizers, sound pressure meters), electronic measuring instruments for my lathe and milling machine, chronograph for my shooting hobby, digital powder scale and trickler, miniature security cameras, digital game camera, all kinds of computer stuff, etc., etc........ I'm actually surprised I have NEVER owned a radar detector before. Even in the days with my GTO.

I guess I am reluctant to see the "raised eyebrow" look from the wife when she sees a radar detector in the Z. "Uh huh.... thinking you may need that, huh?" :toetap05: :rolleyes: The other day when she came home from work, she asked me "Anything exciting happen here today?" And I said "Oh yeah.........." So she comes back immediately with "You get a speeding ticket today?" So I think she is expecting that......

Hmm, thinking back, I'll bet it's been at least 20 years since I have had a speeding ticket....... (trying to knock on wood, but not sure this compressed particle stuff will suffice....)

So most of you seem to like the Valentine, eh?

MADN3SS 05-26-2006 05:39 AM

I was driving on the Howard Frankland bridge a few weeks ago going from Tampa to St. Petersburg. I hadn't actually hit the bridge yet, but almost, and my Valentine went off. It went off all the way down the bridge getting stronger the whole time. I couldn't figure out where this guy was. It ended up being a traffic radar because there was construction on the bridge. On the other side of the hump though! That was pretty damn impressive to go off that far away. Has to be a couple of miles. It's great on the highway.

exile 05-26-2006 09:22 AM

Oh go ahead and get one Rich!:waveyd:

Z06 Rocket 05-26-2006 04:12 PM


Originally Posted by MADN3SS
I was driving on the Howard Frankland bridge a few weeks ago going from Tampa to St. Petersburg. I hadn't actually hit the bridge yet, but almost, and my Valentine went off. It went off all the way down the bridge getting stronger the whole time. I couldn't figure out where this guy was. It ended up being a traffic radar because there was construction on the bridge. On the other side of the hump though! That was pretty damn impressive to go off that far away. Has to be a couple of miles. It's great on the highway.

That only works if the officer is lazy and leaves it on. The other way they do it is to pause it then re-activate it when they see someone buzzing by them. Then the beep you get is just an early warning of an impending ticket. Plus alot of officers feel if you up the ante' by having a radar detector then you deserve the ticket for the times you got away with it. If you get stopped throw the detector in the back hatch area....;)

Billjax 06-03-2006 11:19 AM

Happy with Escort 8500
I'm pretty happy with my Escort 8500. It has a "City/No X" mode that cuts false alarms to nearly nothing. Like others have said, I know where it does false and mentally tune it out. When the signal is real, I know it.

They finally opened up 9A so I can take it to work and it's freeway all the way. I use "highway" mode for max range. Come to think of it, I keep it in highway mode all the time now. If I'm driving around town a lot, I switch modes.

I mounted mine up by the rh side of the mirror with the unit just a bit below the tint. You can't see it outside the car and it is up about as high as it can get in our low cars. I ran the wire under the trim and down to the fuse panel in the ps footwell.

Mark Dalton 06-05-2006 06:38 PM

No detector here. Most of my driving is city so not much chance to get in trouble. On the highway I rarely go more than 10 over. I'm sure there are exeptions but I doubt most LEO's will pull you for 10 over. If I get a little itchy from time to time I find a deserted stretch away from the town and go for it. I've had my Z over 3 years and have never been stopped (kow).

Hot Pursuit 06-05-2006 11:58 PM


Originally Posted by Mark Dalton
No detector here. Most of my driving is city so not much chance to get in trouble. On the highway I rarely go more than 10 over. I'm sure there are exeptions but I doubt most LEO's will pull you for 10 over. If I get a little itchy from time to time I find a deserted stretch away from the town and go for it. I've had my Z over 3 years and have never been stopped (kow).

Most officers and agencies like to wait for 15 over the limit. This is to ensure that a momentary lapse of concentration didn't cause you to speed. It also used to be the cut off where a speed whent from a "minor" to a "major" infraction in the points and fine schedule. I personally wait until 20 over, then there's no question. The truth is though that they can stop you for 5mph and above (school and constructions have no minimum), and I know guys who do it. I hate to see it, but I have seen other guys write 8 or 9 over. Hypocrites if you ask me though.:toetap05:

Hot Pursuit 06-06-2006 12:00 AM


Originally Posted by Z06 Rocket
That only works if the officer is lazy and leaves it on. The other way they do it is to pause it then re-activate it when they see someone buzzing by them. Then the beep you get is just an early warning of an impending ticket. Plus alot of officers feel if you up the ante' by having a radar detector then you deserve the ticket for the times you got away with it. If you get stopped throw the detector in the back hatch area....;)

:iagree: Just make sure it doesn't look like your reaching for a weapon! Seriously.

Rich Z 06-06-2006 12:05 AM

I usually use a "10 percent rule". I will go 10 percent over the speed limit.

I remember when I was younger and my LAST day at Andrews Air Force base outside of DC. Some :2232censored: pulled me over and gave me a ticket for 33 mph in a 30 zone. :mad: And he wasn't even a REAL cop. He had to call someone else in to write the ticket.

Zach 07-24-2006 12:12 PM

Heading home from Tampa yesterday I had been annoyed at 2 cars in front of me going 65 MPH.....I go into the right lane and I finally pass the car in the left lane....building acceleration (probably around 85-90) when my X50 goes off....absolutely HUGE speeding trap right in front of me. My detector caught it just in time for me to brake down to 75-80. Close call :eek:

MADN3SS 07-24-2006 12:13 PM

My V-1 saved me many times over on my trip to Kentucky and back. Never did more than 20-30 over. Most times were 15-20 over. One guy got nailed in front of me, just as I slowed down.

Hot Pursuit 07-25-2006 08:55 AM


Originally Posted by Zach
Heading home from Tampa yesterday I had been annoyed at 2 cars in front of me going 65 MPH.....I go into the right lane and I finally pass the car in the left lane....building acceleration (probably around 85-90) when my X50 goes off....absolutely HUGE speeding trap right in front of me. My detector caught it just in time for me to brake down to 75-80. Close call :eek:

;) :D Good you got quick reflexes, and that they weren't using laser!:ack2:

MADN3SS 07-25-2006 11:13 AM


Originally Posted by Hot Pursuit
;) :D Good you got quick reflexes, and that they weren't using laser!:ack2:

I only had the laser signal go off 3 times on my whole trip. If it is so effective, why don't more agencies use them? Is it the cost of replacing what they already have?

Hot Pursuit 07-26-2006 06:24 PM


Originally Posted by MADN3SS
I only had the laser signal go off 3 times on my whole trip. If it is so effective, why don't more agencies use them? Is it the cost of replacing what they already have?

Honestly it's because they are more work for the officer. They do not have a moving mode, so we have to sit still and purposely do speed enforcement. They have a sight picture with a "scope" on the top to look through. The sight picture lets you aim at a single car. Great for court, but a pain in real life. We have to continually aim and click, aim and click, aim and click. Add to that the laser does not go through glass so we have to stand outside the car for stealth, or sit sideways (90 degrees) to the roadway to shoot out our rolled down passenger or drivers window. I would venture to say the price is much higher to buy them initially, except that eventually is made up by the tickets themselves.

Radar is alot easier to run. It's on all the time unless we hit the "hold" button to pause the signal. We can use it in moving mode. It can be in opposite directions or in same direction mode. That means that if you are gaining on the officer from behind him, or speeding away in the same direction because you didn't look in the mirror you can be clocked. It also goes through glass. Since it goes through the glass we can sit facing the traffic or away from the traffic (facing the same way as the car we clock to avoid making a u-turn). That keeps the decals on the fenders and doors from glowing at night.

MADN3SS 07-26-2006 06:42 PM


Originally Posted by Hot Pursuit
Since it goes through the glass we can sit facing the traffic or away from the traffic (facing the same way as the car we clock to avoid making a u-turn). That keeps the decals on the fenders and doors from glowing at night.

I guess it's a good thing that I have 20/10 vision! :hehehe:

You know what I think is funny? People riding the back bumper of a cruiser! That kills me. We were in Georgia (I think) last week on the way to Kentucky. Probably doing 85-90. I can't remember if the limit was 65 or 70. Anyway, a cruiser comes down the ramp onto the Highway, so we back off to 70-75. The cruiser is doing about 80. And here comes this guy in a piece of crap beat up car, right past us and onto the cruisers azz. I get the feeling it was quitting time, since he didn't do anything. There was no radar on, but he coulda paced him and also given him a ticket for tailgating. Man he was right on there! :lmao:

SRQC5 08-30-2006 10:20 PM

for some reason i feel that if i have a radar detector, i will be more likely to speed. if not, it does give you the added protection against speeeding tickets. i will probably get one when i go off to college.

SRQC5 08-30-2006 10:22 PM


Originally Posted by MADN3SS
I guess it's a good thing that I have 20/10 vision! :hehehe:

You know what I think is funny? People riding the back bumper of a cruiser! That kills me. We were in Georgia (I think) last week on the way to Kentucky. Probably doing 85-90. I can't remember if the limit was 65 or 70. Anyway, a cruiser comes down the ramp onto the Highway, so we back off to 70-75. The cruiser is doing about 80. And here comes this guy in a piece of crap beat up car, right past us and onto the cruisers azz. I get the feeling it was quitting time, since he didn't do anything. There was no radar on, but he coulda paced him and also given him a ticket for tailgating. Man he was right on there! :lmao:


Ive seen some people do some pretty stupid things right next to cops and the cips never did anything. It sorta pisses me off cuase i know they deserve to get busted much more than some guy doing 42 in a 35 mph zone. Oh well, i guess we could be worse off.

whoodiestyle 12-02-2006 03:48 PM

i dont have one but i should get one soon anyone got any good recomendations? i dont want to flop out alot of $$ for one ethier im not rich

ynkedad 12-02-2006 04:13 PM

Well, I shelled out about $400.00 for my V1 and it's the best. IMO
There's two others that are ranked right up there with the V1. Bel Rx65 and the Escort x50 They're in the $320.00 + or - range. These are arguably the top three out there.
Mine has paid for itself at least once thus far, by helping me avoid tickets that would have collectively cost more than the V1! :dancer01:


Mekanic 12-02-2006 04:14 PM

V1 is the best, there are none ranked with it. It pwns all.

whoodiestyle 12-02-2006 05:36 PM

well it looks like v1 it is then

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