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grumpyvette 11-09-2016 09:16 AM

congratulations AMERICA!
congratulations AMERICA!:dancer01:
The Wicked Witch is dead, long live the King!
yes, I was very worried about the vote total being stolen,
by rigged and software modified voting machines,
I saw numerous people post that was an issue , that they saw,
my faith in the intelligence of the average man is partially restored.
but its obvious that the TRUMP vote totals must of been overwhelming.
you could see the news station people/news casters were surprised
,amazed, confused, (AND PISSED)
as they showed they were totally in HER pocket,
they could not at first accept the truth, that,
most people know and accepted the tidal, wave of documented, evidence,
that,she was and is overwhelmingly corrupt
Drain the SWAMP, of corrupt politicians:dancer01:

I'm sure that HILIARY was planing on stacking the Supreme court with several absurdly liberal activist judges, fully intent,
on destroying the current U.S. constitution,
that imminent potential disaster being for now avoided, and now
little or No chance for a liberal exclusive court either!
is a huge reason to celebrate!
it just gets better, and better.
plus you just know the local gunshops stacked up a huge inventory of ammo and rifles and magazines,
they fully intended to sell at a premium as millions of people panic,
if the wicked witch was elected,
that inventory glut now will sell at much more reasonable prices now that thre threat has been reduced.
and Id expect TRUMP to stop the liberal dream of stopping all coal mining in the U.S.A.
and flinging open the boarder to a flood of illegal immigrants

now the threat is obama and an avalance of executive orders to screw up AMERICA as much as he can while he still can, but almost all that can be recinded by TRUMP

I can,t help but wonder what will happen with the Clinton Foundation?
I think the legal avalanche should destroy that rather quickly as the vast amount of cash,
Their 'UNDER THE TABLE, FOREIGN donations' will dry up.
AS She no longer has nearly the same or any potential political influence to pedal,
and BOTH THE CLINTONS, won,t be above the law,with procecuters,both federal and state,no longer, being afraid to touch the SWAMPS MEMBERS,
so all those big corporations and foreign governments will take their big donations/ BRIBES elsewhere.

Rich Z 11-09-2016 10:57 AM

I think they need to put a collar on both of the Clintons so they don't flee the country to escape the coming prosecution and prison time.

Yeah, you could see the shock in their eyes when they realized that even stacking the numbers in the polls, it STILL was not enough for Hillary to steal the election.

Speaking of which, just think of what the Clintons owe right now because of the money they took based on promises they said they would keep after Hillary had been elected. Wouldn't be in the least surprised if they both have incidents in the near future made to look like suicide. They certainly owe some powerful interests that they cannot pay back. They were CERTAIN that this election was in the bag. They thought they were untouchables, and certainly acted the part. Sure would like to be a fly on the wall hearing their conversations now.

In thinking about this, maybe the director of the FBI was actually being smart about how he handled Hillary's case. Had Hillary been charged with crimes now, Obama would have certainly pardoned her on his way out the door, and then she would have been off the hook completely. NOTHING is really going to happen on the prosecution front until Obama is out of the picture for good and charges will stick.

One way or another, the Clinton Foundation and their dirty business is over with.

Assuming they don't have Trump killed, of course. There does seem to be a nasty habit of Clinton enemies having fatal "accidents". They probably still do have some tricks up their sleeves.

85vette 11-09-2016 11:58 AM

Very pleased with the outcome! :dancer01:

Rich Z 11-09-2016 12:43 PM

mrr23 11-09-2016 08:32 PM

ok republican congress, we did our part, now do yours.

Rich Z 11-10-2016 12:10 AM


Originally Posted by mrr23 (Post 195712)
ok republican congress, we did our part, now do yours.

Or when the swamp gets drained, YOU go with it. Congresscritters are a dime a dozen. :bump:

Rich Z 11-11-2016 12:16 PM

Kind of interesting how upbeat I feel since the election. Regardless of the rioting and protesting some people are doing. I guess a lot of those young folks took Hillary's promises to heart about free education and having their student loans forgiven and are now shattered to learn that they really will have to pay their own way. Tsk, tsk. Damn shame, isn't it children? Welcome to adulthood.

So as long as some whacko heavily influenced by the flame fanning of the wounded powers behind the Clintons doesn't kill Trump, I guess I'm expecting that this country will finally be making the turn around we have all been hoping for.

Rich Z 11-11-2016 01:30 PM

Well, just when you think Hillary couldn't get any more sleazy and had slimed her way back under a rock.....

Cor66Vette 11-11-2016 05:00 PM


Originally Posted by Rich Z (Post 195738)
I guess a lot of those young folks took Hillary's promises to heart about free education and having their student loans forgiven and are now shattered to learn that they really will have to pay their own way. Tsk, tsk. ...

Chances are they're used to living off their parents' teet anyway, so whatever they have to their names has probably been given to them already. Besides, most of these kids' political beliefs come from what they hear in their households, so with that, their parents are the ones who have to face the new reality and pony up the dough for their kids' school expenses.

President-elect Trump is the only one who entered this race who could have come up the winner. He fought his own party, the opposing party, and the leftists in the media. AND he had some of the "fair and balanced" media against him, too - and we all know which blonde Fox News person that is, who by the way, I read is being replaced by Judge Jeanine Pirro.

Mr. Trump is kicking ass and taking names, and he's only just begun.

Rich Z 11-11-2016 08:34 PM

I sincerely hope that the powers that be realize that if they have Trump killed, things are likely going to get VERY ugly in this country. Everyone seems polarized and charged up over this election.

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