• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

What the heck happened?

Yeah, been testing things concerning the server problems. Now that my server host has admitted that the problem is with their network, I'm going back to the original color scheme.
Rich Z said:
Now that my server host has admitted that the problem is with their network, I'm going back to the original color scheme.
YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! :dancer01: :dancer01:
Andy :wavey:
Rich Z said:
Yeah, been testing things concerning the server problems. Now that my server host has admitted that the problem is with their network, I'm going back to the original color scheme.
Does this mean this is temporary then until they fix whatever their problem is????

I hope you get it fixed before Ray comes back from the Bahamas though. LOL!!!!!! I know he will be ranting!!!! :rofl1:
Psychotic Avian said:
How do I neg rep you here??????

:NoNo: :crazy03: :lmao: :D

Sorry, but you can't. I disabled negative reputation points. I've had far too many problems on my other sites with people getting all riled up over getting negative points. I don't want that to happen here.

So in effect, if you can't say something nice about someone's post via the reputation system, it is best that you not say anything at all.... :)
Rich Z said:
Sorry, but you can't. I disabled negative reputation points.

So in effect, if you can't say something nice about someone's post via the reputation system, it is best that you not say anything at all.... :)
Thats a nice touch Rich,I've seen first hand how some people go overboard on the Neg Rep thing!!:thumbsup: It's is best if you don't have something Good to say,Just don't say it!!!:thumbsup: :D:D:D
Psychotic Avian said:
Does this mean this is temporary then until they fix whatever their problem is????

I hope you get it fixed before Ray comes back from the Bahamas though. LOL!!!!!! I know he will be ranting!!!! :rofl1:

I was also thinking about Ray being gone and the site changes that have happened since he left. Actually, I was hoping things did not go back to normal until AFTER Ray returns. I can't wait for Ray to go into :thinkin: WTF mode! :rofl1: :rofl1: :rofl1:
gmjunkie said:
Thats a nice touch Rich,I've seen first hand how some people go overboard on the Neg Rep thing!!:thumbsup: It's is best if you don't have something Good to say,Just don't say it!!!:thumbsup: :D:D:D
I wonder where you have seen this at???????

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Rich427 said:
I was also thinking about Ray being gone and the site changes that have happened since he left. Actually, I was hoping things did not go back to normal until AFTER Ray returns. I can't wait for Ray to go into :thinkin: WTF mode! :rofl1: :rofl1: :rofl1:
He should be back shortly. And yeah I think he is gonna go bonkers here. I know he liked the original colors of this website. I hate to say this but this is the ranting section but it reminds me of another corvette website that has the same default colors as this. :NoNo:
Got a gripe about life? Want to sound off about the unfairness of the universe? Does something just REALLY piss you off? Well, come on in and talk to Ray about it!

Man, I got all riled up and just shot one of the moderators here a PM. Ray wasn't here so I picked someone else. Sorry I took out my rant out on him but I wanted to spare the forum of my wrath!!!!!!

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Rich Z said:
Yeah, been testing things concerning the server problems. Now that my server host has admitted that the problem is with their network, I'm going back to the original color scheme.

I'm not going to wait for Ray to get back.WTFWhen is it going back to normal:shrug01: ,It looks like another web site :ack2: and I thought We're SPECIALhere:crazy03: :lmao:
Hey Rich,

I don't see the original color scheme either. But no sense in blowing a gasket, you have been dealing with a lot the last week or so. We can live with it until you get it fixed, whenever that happens. Just remember the positives on this, Ray is going to think he is in the wrong place when he returns and is not going to have a clue what has been happening! The first 15 minutes he is back on the board is going to be hilarious! :yesnod:
Psychotic Avian said:
Got a gripe about life? Want to sound off about the unfairness of the universe? Does something just REALLY piss you off? Well, come on in and talk to Ray about it!

Man, I got all riled up and just shot one of the moderators here a PM. Ray wasn't here so I picked someone else. Sorry I took out my rant out on him but I wanted to spare the forum of my wrath!!!!!!

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

No biggie:thumbsup: You don't have an arrow tough enough to pierce my skin:rofl1:

Rich has been busier than a 1 legged man in an arse kickin' contest with his damned snakes and all:yesnod: :lmao: (yeck! Snakes!)

And he's been doing some stuff with the site and talkin/working with some somputer geek types to get things back on track, speed up the site and make it livable for everyone:thumbsup: Not sucking up, but hey guys, chill a bit and let the boy do what he's gotta do...:thumbsup: This is just my opinion but since we're ranting:rofl1:
Rich Z said:
Are you all NOT seeing it back the way it was?
Nope not here. But you get kudos for at least listening to the concerns and working on it! :thumbsup:

Hopefully you will figure it out shortly. It has been confirmed that I am not the only one that finds this current setup unattractive. Good luck with the fix.
OK, how about now? Are you back to the original color scheme now?