• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

New server in the works.

Rich Z

Internet Sanitation Engineer
Staff member
Well, the current server this site is on has been sending me nastygrams that the /home directory is running at 84 percent full. Processor loading has been hitting pretty high as well during certain times of the day. :ack2: My other server is no better off, so it looks like I need to add yet another server and offload this site and maybe a couple of others onto it to balance the loading somewhat.

There will be a burn-in period where I'll be testing the new server, so if it passes with flying colors, we'll be looking at a bit of downtime here in order to jump over to the new server. Shouldn't be more than a few hours or so. Unless Murphy's Law raises his ugly head, of course.

Guess at the next show I'm going to have to take the stun gun to prod along some advertisers to step up to the plate here.... :reddevil:

The data center is located up in Atlanta and the test pings and throughput transfers were VERY good. The processors are dual Xeon 3.0 ghz so it should make this site pretty snappy.

Anyway, just a fyi.... I'll give you all as much warning as I can about when to expect this site to be down for the transfer.
So far the new server appears to be pretty stable and somewhat quicker than this one. So we might be moving in the next week or so.

What will happen is that I will let you all know the date this will take place. This site will then be locked down for the duration, so you will get a notice to that effect when you stop in. This is done so posts don't get lost that are made while the transfer of the site is taking place. Once the transfer is completed, the site will be reopened and things SHOULD be back to normal.

Ok, sounds like a plan. I'm starting to have withdrawals already and you haven't even said when the downtime will be. :shrug01:
OK, I'm planning on starting the move on Thursday, May 31rst. I will be shutting down access to this message board sometime on Thursday, and it will be reopened once the move is complete. Figure on it being down most of the day. Might be much less, but I'd rather plan for the worst.

Rich Z said:
OK, I'm planning on starting the move on Thursday, May 31rst. I will be shutting down access to this message board sometime on Thursday, and it will be reopened once the move is complete. Figure on it being down most of the day. Might be much less, but I'd rather plan for the worst.

Rich, good luck with the move. I've been in computers all my life and know that moves like this are NOT easy! Looking forward to being back up on the new one!
Andy :wavey: