• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Jon - FuelInjectorConnection.com

Rich Z

Internet Sanitation Engineer
Staff member
So this morning just before 9 am I hear the phone ringing. Of course I'm still in bed because I didn't hit the sack till nearly 4:30am last night. Connie answered the phone and then came in to tell me that Jon from the place I sent the fuel injectors to (http://fuelinjectorconnection.com/shop/) called and wanted to speak to me and asked that I call him back when I am available. I just knew it had to be bad news, and no sense trying to get back to sleep with that hanging over my head, so I just got up and called him back to get it over with.

Yeah, he said all of the injectors are just loaded with pieces of metal. He told me that they all just really need to be replaced. "Well yeah, so what else is new?", I thought. There goes another $500+ down the drain, I was thinking. So I asked Jon what this was going to cost me, reaching for my wallet I had just placed next to the phone, anticipating this news. Surprisingly he told me there would be no charge. He's been following this thread all along and said he wants to help me out as much as he can. I was quite surprised by that and told him that I would pay for the injectors, as this certainly is not his fault. But no, he said for me not to worry about it. He'll send me out a new set of injectors on Monday. Actually I had quite a pleasant conversation with Jon and he seems quite personable.

Oh yeah, I mentioned that I had a head bumping with the guy (Ed Hutchings) who was going to do the tuning on my car, so Jon said he would hook me up with the guy I really need to talk to. Mike Carnahan out of Georgia. I actually spoke to Mike a few months ago, but really never pursued his help all that much. Matter of fact this is the guy that Aaron contacted about helping me with the tuning as well. Evidently the guy is just very busy, so perhaps that's just the status quo with tuners that are really in demand for their expertise. Jon said he would get the ball rolling for me, so I guess I'll just hope for the best with this.

Honestly, I guess out of all this it is rather humbling to run into a few people who really have gone out of their way to help out with this disaster.

Thanks, Jon, your help is really appreciated.
Wow, a great story! Great to hear about about the quiet folks out there doing awesome work. :thumbsup: