• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

2009 Hurricane season?

Rich Z

Internet Sanitation Engineer
Staff member
Connie and I have only been living here in north Florida for just over 17 years now, and certainly not long enough to have seen a whole lot of precursors to hurricane seasons. However, one thing that I have noticed (or at least think I have) is that every year we have had an especially wet March and April, we have had a fair number of hurricanes actually make landfall in Florida. Not sure if it's a sign of the way the upper steering currents in the atmosphere are working or not, but it seems to me that during the drier Springs, a lot of the tropical storms got turned away because of fronts that were pretty low into Florida, helping to turn them northward and then out to sea. During the years with landfalls, that front system was up much higher into the mainland of the USA and didn't have any effect on those storm tracks. So more of them hit Florida or crossed over into the Gulf of Mexico.

Anyway, I hope I am wrong about this, because we are getting pounded by rain the last several days, and it brought back memories of some of those storm years we've had.

Heck, if someone can find historical data relating to what I am mentioning above, I'd be interested in seeing it to see if I am just completely off base or not.

Quite frankly, I'm thinking a nice sturdy garage that can withstand winds of 150 mph might be a real good idea for us.

I don't think a couple of days rain would be considered "pounded.":D

Heck, the aquifers are so low it's not funny, lakes and stream beds are way down and rivers are below normal:(

We need the rain and with what we've gotten thus far as a precurser to hurricane season, I wouldn't sweat it at this point:thumbsup:(God! I hope I didn't just jinx us:eek:)
I dont know about your areas, but I was reading the local newspaper couple days ago and they were talking about the current water situation...and all the important water people agreed this area is doing quite well. They were only shy of 3ft of water in one major area from being full I guess(memory has eluded me). Of course they also mentioned more rain wouldnt hurt..

Kinda glad I bought a big suv with the rainy season coming up...the last major rain storm I drove through was a costly repair getting the ecu to work again, even though according to local GM dealer ecus never get wet when driving through I guess deep puddles. Turd burglars they are.
Rich, this is kinda weird... I was just talking to a friend the other day and I mentioned that "usually in years of a dry spring, most of the nasty weather heads up the Gulf or in from the East". We are having a very dry spring down here.

Batten Down the Hatches. :shrug01:, :eek:

I don't think a couple of days rain would be considered "pounded.":D

Well, I'm at ground zero with the rain up here, and if the rains we are getting aren't "pounding" then I don't know what is. When we get a good 3 inches of standing water in our driveway in about 15 minutes, THAT is a pounding!

And btw, the rain is POUNDING on the roof of my house at this very minute.... :hehehe:
Rich, this is kinda weird... I was just talking to a friend the other day and I mentioned that "usually in years of a dry spring, most of the nasty weather heads up the Gulf or in from the East". We are having a very dry spring down here.

Batten Down the Hatches. :shrug01:, :eek:

I think it all revolves around the jet streams and where they are located. When they are further south, they direct the storms away from Florida and accordingly bring the rains further south. When they are more northern, then the south is dry and northern Florida gets the rain, and the storms aren't steered away from us and the Gulf of Mexico.
Well, I'm at ground zero with the rain up here, and if the rains we are getting aren't "pounding" then I don't know what is. When we get a good 3 inches of standing water in our driveway in about 15 minutes, THAT is a pounding!

And btw, the rain is POUNDING on the roof of my house at this very minute.... :hehehe:

Well maybe you could direct some of that pounding down here....it's dry as a powderhouse for the most part.:thumbsdown:

I don't think a couple of days rain would be considered "pounded.":D

Heck, the aquifers are so low it's not funny, lakes and stream beds are way down and rivers are below normal:(

We need the rain and with what we've gotten thus far as a precurser to hurricane season, I wouldn't sweat it at this point:thumbsup:(God! I hope I didn't just jinx us:eek:)

The other day I had two walking catfish stop me and ask for a drink of water:lmao:
It's been raining up here SOLID for the past 24 hours. VERY heavily much of the time. Going to be great for the bamboo shoots due to come up, but it will be a week or so before we'll be able to get any of the vettes down the road. I understand there are flood watches or warnings in effect in the area with some roads bordering or crossing streams closed already. We get a rain like this every few years here this time of year. Once the stream on the north end of our property flooded the road almost up to our driveway. Fortunately the house stays high and dry.
According to my mother who is 95 and a Florida native ,Hurricanes we're much more frequent in the 20's and 30's.Florida was much wetter and almost tropical .The family had productive orange groves as far north as Platka and a freeze was very rare.They had a large farm outside of Homestead and water was never a problem.
What are you people doing up at 1:00 A.M. - 3:00 A.M.? :shrug01:

Around that time is when I get up for one of my nightly pee sessions. :lmao:

I might just log-in and see what is going on. :yesnod:
I'm 2.5 hours south of Rich Z and when I sneeze from the pollen I see dust.

I've lived in the Sarasota area for over 63 years and only been hit three times (that I remember, it's an age thing) and a bunch of big blows. The natives call Miami to Ft. Meyers hurricane alley, something about the gulf stream and the storms attracted to warm water.
I got 3 inches yesterday and 2.5 inches today...(so far) And 70% chance again tommorrow....Growing up around here in the 60's and 70's it always rained every afternoon in the summers. Between 1 and 3 oclock you could count on a thundershower just about daily. Then it would clear off and be so humid you thought you were in a sauna....:ack2:
I got 3 inches yesterday and 2.5 inches today...(so far) And 70% chance again tommorrow....Growing up around here in the 60's and 70's it always rained every afternoon in the summers. Between 1 and 3 oclock you could count on a thundershower just about daily. Then it would clear off and be so humid you thought you were in a sauna....:ack2:

I too am a native here (Tampa) and growing up 50+ years ago, recall similar weather patterns. Always rained for a few hours then quit and got hot.

Rich, Yesterday I spoke with a collegue who handles my work up in the Tallahassee area. He said it was so bad that in some areas, such as waculla and the outlying area, on the back wood roads, he either has to take the 4x4 or service has to wait for a week until it dries up.

As far as the hurricanes, it seems South and South and North Florida get hit the most :( The Panhandle is a hurricane magnet for anything coming up the Gulf.
Another 3.5 inches this morning! All between 3:00 and 4:30 AM, man was it pouring! And more coming this way as I type. That's 9 inches in the past three days so far!
You're not right Gordon....:banghead: Mind in the gutter....:NoNo:


Thats what happens when you spend too long hanging around the police...right Ken? Ken? K E N!!!!!!
Get away from the bunnies!!!:rofl1:
Just got in and in my e-mail is a standby status for our SAR team. My be going to the panhandle if they activate.

I guess the state has activated the EOC due to the flooding and more rain to follow....:toetap05::toetap05: