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Unread 12-21-2009, 07:47 AM   #19
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Name : Jack Legere
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Originally Posted by MADN3SS View Post
Great shots Alan (or Allan, can't remember..getting old!) I wish I could've made it over for the launch. Monday is just so difficult. There's 5 or 6 launches left, and 4 or 5 of them are on Wednesday's through Friday's, which are my days off.

Andy, here's a great tip for you. RENT a lens! So far for my D300, I've rented a Sigma 50-500 (no stabilization, Sigma calls it OS) and a Nikon 80-400VR. I loved the Nikon lens. Here's a couple of sites. I've rented from LensRentals both times.

I really like the 80-400VR but wish it went to 500mm. The Sigma zoomed in the barrel and the Nikon extends the barrel. I wish the Sigma had OS because I like that it went a little wider. Sigma does have a 120-400mm OS and a 150-500mm OS, I just wish they went wider. Cost is definitely an issue when you're buying a super zoom. The Sigma 50-500mm is about $1100, the Sigma 120-400mm OS is $900, the Sigma 150-500mm OS is $1000 and the Nikon 80-400VR is...are you ready for it? $1650! You can get a used one for around $1200. I have a Sigma 70-200mm 2.8 and I could add a Sigma 2X Teleconverter for $249. That would get me to 400mm with no OS pretty cheap, plus my D300 has a 1.5X crop factor, which effectively puts me at 600mm.

My wife and I went to Kennedy Space Center a couple of weeks ago. Did the NASA up close tour and got within a mile from the launch pad. Unfortunately the Rotating Service Structure was blocking any view of the shuttle except the bottom of the heat shield/underside of the wings. I'm behind on posting/processing pics. I'm considering starting a little photography business on the side. Not for hire or anything, just some of my best stuff on the side. So I'm getting my portfolio together.

Did you drive the Vette over? How cool would it be to have a picture of the Space Shuttle launch with the 2DR Rocket in the foreground?!

Sorry if I hijacked your thread a little.

Originally Posted by MADN3SS View Post
I'm extremely jealous Jack! I did the "Up Close" tour and my only complaint was that the rotating service structure was blocking the view of the shuttle. I completely understand why it's there though. Nice pics.
Here's your wish for a Corvette with a Shuttle launch in the background...I comply with most requests and/or wishes! How 'bout my '82 and '06, nose to nose!!
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