• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

#$*& insurance company!

Mark Dalton

New member
I don't often have anything to rant about but I do now. Got a letter from Nationwide yesterday about my homeowners policy. After 17 years with them without so much as a single claim they are dropping me. No reason given. The letter said I had been selected for "non-renewal". Insurance companies in Fla. are getting more and more out of control.:mad: I'm sure I'm not the only one to get such a letter. Anyone else in the same boat?

Got mine last year...

Best thing that ever happened to me.

Got a better deal, better coverage, lower rate...couoldn't be happier....want the agents contact info?

For the record...insurance companies SUCK!
I am wating for same any day now from State Farm...if that happens, they will be losing all of my business...

Got mine last year...

Best thing that ever happened to me.

Got a better deal, better coverage, lower rate...couoldn't be happier....want the agents contact info?

For the record...insurance companies SUCK!

I'd love the contact info Gordon. If you could pm me, that would be great. Thanks!
Connie and I decided last Fall to just drop State Farm for home owner's insurance. With the high deductible we would have to pay for hurricane damages, then quite likely have to take them to court to collect, and then the likely possibility that State Farm Insurance of Florida would just declare bankruptcy anyway, we just said screw it and dropped THEM.

Of course, they raised the premiums on all our vehicles, so quite likely we will be making a change there as well. But probably only for liability coverage. To hell with the rest of that garbage.

Hell, the world got along just fine without insurance years ago. They just have everyone hip deep in fear and even made their product a REQUIREMENT in certain instances, that they feel they can walk on water.

Just like health insurance MADE medical issues so damned expensive, quite likely auto insurance made auto repairs follow the same path. Any time you hide the actual expenses from the end consumer via a third party, prices will ALWAYS spiral upwards quickly. Such a system completely removes the natural controls of a public that will control such expenses with their choices of buying the product or not. Health insurance, unfortunately, reach the gold ring (in the eyes of those companies) by making the services they offer pretty much impossible for most people to be able to afford without them.
I don't often have anything to rant about but I do now. Got a letter from Nationwide yesterday about my homeowners policy. After 17 years with them without so much as a single claim they are dropping me. No reason given. The letter said I had been selected for "non-renewal". Insurance companies in Fla. are getting more and more out of control.:mad: I'm sure I'm not the only one to get such a letter. Anyone else in the same boat?

Mark, is the home owners the only policy you have with nationwide?
Yes, my cars are with a different company.[/QUOTE

I know some people that write insurance in Florida. I had asked them what's up with all these cancellations?...They all said they are reducing risk in Florida by cancellation because they can't get rate increases from the insurance commission...Every time they go fo an increase they get told no. So, we the homeowners in Florida get screwed, by cancellations...No one has the balls to tell the insurance companies, "YOU EITHER WRITE NEW BUSINESS AND STOP CANCELLING, OR TAKE ALL OF YOU BUSINESS THE HELL OUT OF THE STATE, AUTO, HOME ANNUITIES, LIFE, ALL OF IT".. The insurance lobby is to big, so the insurance commission folds like the scumbags they are!...:mad:
Yes, my cars are with a different company.[/QUOTE

I know some people that write insurance in Florida. I had asked them what's up with all these cancellations?...They all said they are reducing risk in Florida by cancellation because they can't get rate increases from the insurance commission...Every time they go fo an increase they get told no. So, we the homeowners in Florida get screwed, by cancellations...No one has the balls to tell the insurance companies, "YOU EITHER WRITE NEW BUSINESS AND STOP CANCELLING, OR TAKE ALL OF YOU BUSINESS THE HELL OUT OF THE STATE, AUTO, HOME ANNUITIES, LIFE, ALL OF IT".. The insurance lobby is to big, so the insurance commission folds like the scumbags they are!...:mad:

You hit the nail directly on the head my friend!!!

Several years ago was the first time I've every seen the State of Florida Insurance Commissioner's office grow a set of balls!!

When the Insurance companies wanted to bail, they said NO! They set a (IIRC) 10 year moratorium on thier departure.

As the time limit approached, they started gearing up to leave. First Floridian-Travellers (IIRC) was the 1st to bail like the cowards they were.

They whine and boo hoo about "losses" in Florida, yet they don't mention the years and years that we hardly had a claim!
And in states where they are regularly profitable, you never hear a peep about rebating profits to the consumer or reducing rates as a result of the profit margins now do you?

I believe all insurance companies do the same thing. They separate by state and consider thier profits and losses the same way. Yet, there's still only one State Farm, Allstate (the hand job people:lmao:) and GEICO...blah b;ah blah!!!

I too have more than a few friends in the insurance business and they are as hamstrung by all this as we are! Thank goodness most of them have several companies they write for. One of my buddies was lucky. His company not only cancelled HIM, but thier entire company was banned from writing new policies until they and the State could overcome some pending litigation...you guessed it boys and girls...over rate hikes!!

They try to hold everyone hostage with thier childish practice of taking thier toys and running when it gets tough.

I've said the same thing Ironhorse said for years..
No cherry picking. It's all or nothing baby!
Either write everything, or GTFO and we'll find someone who will.

Could you imagine being one of only a couple of companies allowed to write in Florida?

Even at stimied rates and an occasional loss, having all the business throughout the state would more than make up for any issues.

It just takes forward thinking busienss people to see that and politicians with the balls to make it happen!

I happen to have a close friend running for office.

I think I'll get his views on this. Might make a difference in the way I vote this next election;)

Make calls, write letters, send emails and faxes to the Governor, to the Insurance commissioner, to your local representatives, etc. Get involved. It's your future we're talking about.

Time to end this nonsense!