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Unread 04-27-2010, 01:14 PM   #1
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Default C6 issues...try these 3 repairs before going to the dealership...

Having been to the dealership for 3 seperate issues concerning my '06, I have some repair/fix information that may save you time, travel and especially cost when it comes to these 3 anomolies:

1. Inoperative cruise control.
2. Compass in rear view mirror inaccurate.
3. Driver and/or passenger window detent fails when opening/closing either door.

1. The fix here is to disconnect one battery cable and hold it against the other cable for about 30 to 60 seconds. Does not matter which cable. What this fix does is somehow reestablishing the 'null' in the computers. After diagnostics was hooked to my car while operating it down I-95, the service computer showed all parameters of the cruise control operating properly. The technician knew what needed to be done after that with the battery cables. Keep in mind, this will be a factor in dealing with problem number 3, but not all the time. The cruise control worked again!!

2. When the compass appeared inaccurate on my '06, the simple fix was simply this: go to a huge parking lot that is empty and do figure 8's about 7 or 8 times without breaking the pattern. This will reset the 'tumblers' and the computer is nulled to north. Problem solved unless you truely have something wrong there.

3. Each door has its own ECM that controls the segment and partial opening of each window, whether opening or closing the door...its that little pause down the window takes indicates that you experience a failed detent. As for me, I did have a hard fail of the driver's doors' ECM and that was replaced. When disconnecting the battery for any reason, or that of the problem stated in number 1, and you've reconnected the battery, the next move is to put down both windows at the same time, bring them up at the same time, repeat the process, then try each individually after that. You may need to step out of the car to truely see the detent work properly. Note: once the battery is disconnected, the timing of the ECM's have been altered and must be nulled and matched once again. It fixed the problem recently.

These simple little fixes are all done at home, cost is zip, nada, zero, and saves time to and from work and/or the dealership. If neither of these 'fixes' work, you actually may have a hard fail, but its worth finding out by trying these first.

I'm sure these fixes may also be partial to just the '06, but I'd try them anyway to all C6' never know unless its tried!
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