• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

100 in a 45 speeding


Been around for awhile
Wow i am screwed.:banghead: yesterday i was nailed for doing 100 mph in a 45. What hell was i thinkin.:shrug01: o well guess i going to court for this 1:crazy03:
Actually, I'm surprised you aren't in handcuffs. So perhaps the officer was giving you a break after all.

But yeah, going to be real tough coming up with a valid reason for that judge when you appear before him/her....

Hope you have an otherwise clean record.
What jurisdiction (department)?
What kind of area (commercial, residential, mixed, etc)?
How determined (radar/Lidar/pacing)?

Is it a mandatory court appearance?

If it's not mandatory, I'd probably skip the court and do driving school.
Otherwise, hire an attorney.

Going into court on your own on something like that is suicide (IMO). They whole "throw yourself on the mercy of the court" thing is BS nowdays. All are $$$ hungry and there is little "mercy" any more.

On the other hand, 100/45 is a bit tough to reason out:NoNo:
(Tell 'em your Lloyds mat got stuck onder your throttle:rofl1:)
If you decide to go to court, just tell the judge that the officer listed the wrong car on the ticket and that you were actually driving your Toyota Accord when the throttle stuck:yesnod:

I agree with Shadow. I can't ever remember losing a traffic case and it always ended up costing the defendent more $ (court costs and attorney), plus, traffic school is a whole lot less effort.

My final comment would be :NoNo::NoNo::NoNo:
30 over is mandatory here....no way I'd show up without a good traffic lawyer, any way you look at it, it sounds like it's going to be expensive....:shrug01:
Just tell him the Truth your a idiot :NoNo: and had a lapse in judgement and you got nothing else to say but sorry :banghead: then ask him if he needs a ride home????:lmao::lmao:
Oh ,I see your from North Carolina .You need to get a hold of GM Junkie to represent ya .He knows all about excessive speed :D
Thought in all of Florida, minimum for doing 50+ the speed limit was minimum court appearance, plus 1,000 dollar fine. Second offense was 5,000 dollar fine and jail time. Both of which you get points on your license that cannot be removed from any type of school. Third offense was just something ludicrous fine wise and definite jail time.
Happen in Florida on the road to my old house.He was in a unmark Durango and was right on my butt so i floored the HHR and he Pace me at over 100 but said i was doing 100 mph.I had a safe driving record until this crap :banghead:
I don't think he'll admit to tailgating you but how fast were you really going? Sounds like after reading your last post maybe he did give you a break. I guess you're about to find out. Good luck.
Happen in Florida on the road to my old house.He was in a unmark Durango and was right on my butt so i floored the HHR and he Pace me at over 100 but said i was doing 100 mph.I had a safe driving record until this crap :banghead:

Well, I guess you could claim you thought the guy was a maniac or something the way he was dogging your tail and you just wanted to get away from him. Say you feared for your life because of his aggressive and antagonistic driving. I guess if it's OK to shoot someone who puts you in fear for your life, then just simply trying to escape from him because you have the means to do so, should be a piece of cake. :shrug01:

Get an attorney and try to put HIM on the defensive. Reasonable doubt and all that.....