• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.


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Well there you go jumping to assumptions. I contacted Phil and one other vendor here to see if they had been approached by yourself or Bob to solicit their advertising for a joint venture you two were apparently undertaking. I had easily figured this out from the innuendos and hints you were dropping all over the place. Phil did NOT initiate that contact, I asked HIM about it and he had the courtesy to reply truthfully about this.

I just wanted to clear up this error you have expressed. I'm still reading the rest of your novel. :rolleyes:

That's it. You're still twisting facts. I just banned myself. Take your web site and phony accusations and stick them up your azz.
That's it. You're still twisting facts. I just banned myself. Take your web site and phony accusations and stick them up your azz.

No, the facts are the facts, completely untwisted.

But in any event, let me make your ban official then.... :wavey:
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Well there you go jumping to assumptions. I contacted Phil and one other vendor here to see if they had been approached by yourself or Bob to solicit their advertising for a joint venture you two were apparently undertaking. I had easily figured this out from the innuendos and hints you were dropping all over the place. Phil did NOT initiate that contact, I asked HIM about it and he had the courtesy to reply truthfully about this.

I just wanted to clear up this error you have expressed. I'm still reading the rest of your novel. :rolleyes:

You know what Rich?

About 20 minutes ago, I lost one of the best friends I've ever had!:(
He was my motor partner at the Sheriff's Office, a fellow martial artist, and true friend. The one that would be sitting right beside you in the jail cell going hell yeah!! What a night!!!!:dancer01:

So I really don't need this nonsense!:mad: any more.

I'm going to try an sum up my feelings quickly (so you won't have to read another novel, and then go to the hospital to be with his family.

I don't know what else to say Rich?
This animosity you've shown toward me for the last week is something I never expected to see from you:nonod:
The constant ":rolleyes:" and veiled attemtps to discredit me are more than I ever expected.

I'm not real sure what it is you're looking for?
If you'll just come out and ask, and stop all this spook crap, you'll get an answer.:thumbsup:

Despite what you seem to think, there was no ulterior motive.
I didn't mention anything about the other site because it's not yet public.

I wasn't happy when I heard Bob contacted Phil, but there's little I can do about that.
I'd have rather spoken with him face to face at the Hooters show.:thumbsup:

This whole thing was an "AFTERTHOUGHT" which came about after a variety of things fell into place.

Unlike what you did with DC (as did I on there and a couple of others), there was never any intent to "mine" this site for members.:NoNo:
Although you called it an "invitation" it's still "mining."

I have no need to do this.
I have a pretty good pool of old school muscle cars, right here in my own back yard:dancer01:
I'll do with them the same thing I did for Corvette Florida. I'll pass out flyers, talk to people and make them aware of the site.
Since I'm not looking to make $$ of this thing, it's not a big deal wheter or not it flourishes immediately or takes a while?

Anyone will be welcome on the site, much the same as it is here.
I'm sure, in the future, other vendors from here may also be interested, but I really don't know?
If they are, they'll be welcomed.
Then again, those same vendors may be on other forums as well.
There's no harm in any of that.

Now while I'm at it, I'm sorry, but from the wording of your post:

OK, so now that you guys have laid out your "facts", let me add another one.

The above is a copy of a correspondence that I received from one of the sponsor/advertisers here. I removed references to his name as I do not want to drag him into the middle of this. I also made it more readable than the original PM format shows. But in my opinion I do believe that this puts a lot of this into proper perspective now.

It certainly gave the appearance that he had initiated the contact with you and not vice versa.
Since it was redacted, there was to path or date/time (except what you posted). there was no way to tell. You never mentioneed that you asked for the information. You made it seem as though it was initiated by the member.

I reckon that whole Ass-U-Me thing bit me in the arse:hehehe:
If that is truly the case, then my apologies to Phil.

I guess I really didn't think you'd feel you needed to stoop so low as to ask others instead of asking me to my face.:nonod:

I guess you found out that no one was contacted BY me or with my permission!
You've probably also found out that no other vendors (to my knowledge) have been contacted.
Phil was contacted because he was interested in getting more involvement from the general muscle car crowd.

But all in all, I'm still really baffled?

Instead of posting some Private Message, redacted or otherwise, in a veiled attempt to discredit me, why not just ask me straight out? Publically or otherwise? Call me? Are you afraid of what you might hear?
I've always answered you straight.
Why would you thinhk this would have been any different?

Your comments regarding "innuendos" are way off base.
As I've pointed out before but you've chosen to ignore, I didn't want to release anything until it was a working site.

Even then, I'd still not have released it here without someones permission.

It's just not the right thing to do!

You know what really sucks about the whole thing?

I've lost a best friend, another friend (you) and a family, all in the same freaking week:thumbsup:

Enjoy the rest of your investigation.
I have some grieving to do:(
That's it. You're still twisting facts. I just banned myself. Take your web site and phony accusations and stick them up your azz.

That was silly Bob:thumbsdown:

No, the facts are the facts, completely untwisted.

But in any event, let me make your ban official then.... :wavey:

No, they're only straight in your mind. You don't see anyone elses POV:nonod:
That was silly Bob:thumbsdown:

Yes it was, but not unexpected. I detected quite a bit of suppressed animosity from Bob towards me.

No, they're only straight in your mind. You don't see anyone elses POV:nonod:

Actually I do. Maybe too well.

And in that vein, please stop using this discussion as an advertising opportunity.
Yes it was, but not unexpected. I detected quite a bit of suppressed animosity from Bob towards me.[/QUOTE}


It appeared to me that door swung both ways, but who am I?:shrug01:

Actually I do. Maybe too well.
Actually, if you want to know the facts, call me!:yesnod:
Otherwise, you'll simply be believing what you want to believe.

And in that vein, please stop using this discussion as an advertising opportunity.


Whose advertising?
Please, show me some advertising.

You want to know what was going on, I told you everythhig.
Now, you're upset becasue you know the facts!:shrug01:

Please feel free to explain in detail.
I truly do not see how you came to that conclusion?
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ok lets talk about privacy because someone threaten me after asccessing some state of florida records. I can narrow it down to one company and two people that Ill be report ingto the state. Im going to try an stay cool about the PM I received from BobK, but I dont take it lightly when reading through the lines of the PM being threaten. I wont take it, and will pursue it.

This PM came from BoBk today:

Mr. (edited last name here),

Gordon and myself are in the process of starting a website for American Muscle Cars which has nothing to do with this site.

You had spoken to Gordon and expressed that you would like to get into this market which is the reason I contacted you. I never thought you would infer to Rich that we are trying to undermine his site or 'steal his members'. In the past I had always supported Rich, this site and it's members.

I do not expect or desire a response to this PM. I am going to do some checking on Tampa Tuning because you are working on members cars. I did not know you could run an auto repair business out of a residence and I don't know if a business license is required. I do know from Rich's experience with harwood that a guy needs to be very careful.
So Gordon, if he works for you, is employed by you, or is an associate in your business, Ill call you out. :thumbsdown:

Richz asked me if Bobk or Gordon had reached out for me lately. I told him I got an odd PM from Bob last week, told him I didnt mix my corvette business with pleasure, and that I met with gordon at the last hooters meeting, and we discussed nothing about business oppertunities. The only thing I said was to gordon that's I wish a couple older cars would show up but didnt really have access to older car forums. Gordon said he knew a couple guys with older vettes and would tell them about hooters night. Nothing about a forum was discussed

at Richz request, I forwarded the two PMs from bob.

This is what rich asked:
Originally Posted by Rich Z

I have a big favor to ask of you, please. Have you received any correspondence from either Shadow or Bob K concerning a solicitation to you concerning advertising? If so, could you please forward that correspondence to me?

I'm not going to drag you into the middle of anything, but I'm just following up on my "spider sense" tingling about them two and the vibrations I'm getting from them...


Rich Z

this is in part of what I sent to Rich:

nothing from shadow, but an odd one from BoB K yesterday and that he wanted to met up with me to talk business and pleasure. I told im I only talk corvette business.

as far as Rich, bob, and gordon.

You guys have some set of balls dragging my business into your pissy girl fights and your all dead to me.

and for the bob, you have serious issues. I dont have a auto repair business that is worked out of my home. you want to report me, do it! I do have a business license, LLC, and EIN. Access my records again, threaten to report me, and we'll see how this all settles out in court.

I keep everything. i had a feeling bob had issues and got tired of him last year when I has helping tuning he's car for FREE. Then he bitched to me that he lost .2ths of a second at the track after his tranny was rebuilt. read from the bottom up
Dang, I said it was a joke, ya know, kidding. Would someone send you a tune if they thought you only wanted to steal it?

I didn't mean to imply you had a 'hidden message' agenda either. You replied to a PM but there wasn't anything there for me to read. It was exactly the same as when I sent it to ya. Thought maybe your reply was buried in the PM and I didn't see it.

Why the attitude? I don't get it. I had already replied to your email before I saw this. Under the circumstances I'll just put the tune in the round file. I simply told you what Jeff was charging and I thought you were offering a great deal.

Nice talking to ya. Now I think I'll use that block thingy in my user CP.

Originally Posted by phils C5 vette
I dont have a "hidden message" nor do I want to "steal" your tune. I have tried to help you like i do with may others, but im not sure the direction your questions are going. If your friend jeff has free lifetime help to get a better understanding of tuning, I think that may be a better option for you.

Originally Posted by Bob K
The last message I got from you. Looks like you replied but I didn't see anything new. Look at the message history.


Originally Posted by phils C5 vette
what are you talking about ?

Originally Posted by Bob K
Is there a message hidden in here?

Originally Posted by phils C5 vette
Originally Posted by Bob K
You want to steal my tune? Just kidding. Is your name Phil?

Hey, I'll send you the tune. Let me look at your website for email and you'll get one from r.korreck@yahoo.com. Usually I can dial within .01 of what the car will run. If you know Tracy he'll tell ya it's the most consistent C5 he's ever seen. Course I have 5 yrs of data so that helps a bunch.


Originally Posted by phils C5 vette
Dependant where your full throttle enable is set to, will determine your full throttle entree mode. You may not me in WOT throttle and that will cause your shifts to work off your PT..

If you use BETA you can send it to me and Id be happy to take a look at what's going on.

Originally Posted by Bob K
That''s the problem Phil (?) with mine and many others. At WOT it will not shift at set RPM. You still have to screw with the MPH. If you look at HP forum for the A4 you'll see what I mean. To command mine to shift at 5800 WOT the settings are as follows:

5600.0 36.0
5400.0 72.0
5700.0 134.0

To shift at 6100 it's set as follow:

6000.0 40.0
5900.0 77.0
5900.0 134.0

My friends website. Jeff is charging $250 with lifetime support.


Originally Posted by phils C5 vette
Yes at WOT throttle you shift at RPM points
At part throttle, you shift at MPH dependant on your throttle percentage. Did you reduce your torque management and zero out your delay RPM in your power enrichment?

Originally Posted by Bob K
I don't know about other A4's but on mine I had to do a lot of tweaking. You can set the RPM shift points but on mine it's also controlled by the MPH. If they don't match what the PCM wants to see a lot of us had to keep playing with them.

Bottom line on mine is I can't tell the difference at the strip unless I really drop them to run slower for a slower Index class. The weather affects mine much more than any shift point. I'm talking 5800 vs 6000 RPM.


Originally Posted by phils C5 vette
No problem Bob,

Yes the A4s are much easier to tune. A couple shift points and some line pressure and your good to go. The A6s have many more tables for differant patterns and X an Y tables, up shift tables, Down, sideway, lol
There are about 10 tables per pattern.

Originally Posted by Bob K

I just realized you are a tuner and that you want a C6 for test. For some reason I was thinking you wanted a base line tune. I'll blame it on age.

I made maybe 10 changes for my A4. I can't imagine going through an A6.

gordon if he's your employee deal with him, and delete my contact information.

Rich thanks for not dragging me in.
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as far as Rich, bob, and gordon.

You guys have some set of balls dragging my business into your pissy girl fights and your all dead to me.
gordon if he's your employee deal with him, and delete my contact information.

Rich thanks for not dragging me in.

Phil, I had no intention whatsoever to mention you by name as it was not necessary for me to do so to show my point. It was only the information about that contact that I needed, not your involvement. That was Bob's decision to do so. And unfortunately both Bob and Gordon jumped to the incorrect conclusion that you had forwarded that information unsolicited to me. I apologize that they came to that conclusion.

We are laying the ground work for a Muscle Car site and it has nothing to do with Corvettes. The reason for contacting Tampa Tuning was to see if he wanted to advertise his services (free) and bring in new members from that category, of which none post in this forum.

So once again, where is the problem? Where is the conflict?

I have countless times tried to explain a different point of view but you have a one track mind and refuse to accept my views. Now if this a troublesome post for you go ahead and delete it and ban me. I am not going to walk through here on tip toes.
Yes it was, but not unexpected. I detected quite a bit of suppressed animosity from Bob towards me.[/QUOTE}


It appeared to me that door swung both ways, but who am I?:shrug01:

Actually, if you want to know the facts, call me!:yesnod:
Otherwise, you'll simply be believing what you want to believe.


Whose advertising?
Please, show me some advertising.

You want to know what was going on, I told you everythhig.
Now, you're upset becasue you know the facts!:shrug01:

Please feel free to explain in detail.
I truly do not see how you came to that conclusion?

Gordon, I was going to take the time to cut and paste sections of posts you made to further reinforce my point in this argument, but you know what? Screw it. If you need to believe you are in the right and it makes your life more complete for you to take the route you are taking, then have at it and good luck to you. I wish you well with your latest endeavors with Bob K as your new friend and partner.

I just don't need this crap in my life.....
Gordon, I was going to take the time to cut and paste sections of posts you made to further reinforce my point in this argument, but you know what? Screw it. If you need to believe you are in the right and it makes your life more complete for you to take the route you are taking, then have at it and good luck to you. I wish you well with your latest endeavors with Bob K as your new friend and partner.

I just don't need this crap in my life.....

You pretty well summed up my feeling toward you and the matter as well Rich:thumbsup:

ok lets talk about privacy because someone threaten me after asccessing some state of florida records. I can narrow it down to one company and two people that Ill be report ingto the state. Im going to try an stay cool about the PM I received from BobK, but I dont take it lightly when reading through the lines of the PM being threaten. I wont take it, and will pursue it.

First, lets clear the air on a couple of matters Phil.

lets talk about privacy
after asccessing some state of florida records

1) All state (county, city, federal, etc) records, unless specifically governed and/or protected by statute, ordinancve or "otherwise", or kept private by request (you have to request to have your info flagged),

I can narrow it down to one company and two people that Ill be report ingto the state

2) Whatever bobk does as an individual, he does so of his own accord. I'm not his baby sitter nor his mother, so I'm only going to say this once. DO NOT drag me or my company, into any pissing contest the 2 of you may have.

Your post makes it sound as though he accessed something that anyone here could not have accessed?
I doubt that is the case.
He would not have access to that sort of information (AFAIK?).

I'll tell you here and now to save you the trouble.
I nor anyone associated with me, has accessed ANY of your records, public or private.
Hell, until I read the message he was sending you (yeah, for some reason he felt the need to send it to me:rolleyes:), I didn't even know your last name.

Kind of hard to access "private records" without a little more information don't you think?

The website was my idea, not bobs.
After some issues arose here, and based on come conversations with you and some others,, I decided to move forward with the idea of a multi make/model year muscle care site, not a Corvette specific site.

He and I were discussing it in passing and the next thing you know, we've got a site name?
I had to reign him in because I didn't have the time to deal with it at the moment and wasn't ready to move forward at the time.
It's not even an active site at present.

After I read the PM he was sending, I suggested that he NOT send it.

I sent you a very specific PM regarding this matter yesterday, and have not recieved a response.
Then I see it here, publically?

You know my position on the matter, so again, do not infer that I or my business had anything to do with it.
If there's anything unclear about that, you have my number and I think you realize that you can call me and speak freely about most anything.
Please feel free to call. I'll be happy to discuss the matter with you and can assure you, you wn't see it back here in print.

So Gordon, if he works for you, is employed by you, or is an associate in your business, Ill call you out:thumbsdown:.

I'm not sure what "calling me out" means? but my business affiliation with Bobk, has been previously stated here.
I'm not going to go further into my business on this site.

If his affiliation with my company is a :thumbsdown: for you, then it's a problem for "you."
So be it:shrug01:

Where business is concerned, he actually does an admirable job:thumbsup::thumbsup:
That said, it's business.

As with all organizations, there are people in all walks of life, yours included, that I don't care for either.
That said, I don't hold you accountable for thier actions now do I?

Richz asked me if Bobk or Gordon had reached out for me lately. I told him I got an odd PM from Bob last week, told him I didnt mix my corvette business with pleasure, and that I met with gordon at the last hooters meeting, and we discussed nothing about business oppertunities. The only thing I said was to gordon that's I wish a couple older cars would show up but didnt really have access to older car forums. Gordon said he knew a couple guys with older vettes and would tell them about hooters night. Nothing about a forum was discussed

However, if you read Rich's (redacted-cut out, covered or concealed for the uninitiated:) )post on the matter semi-quoting your response, it certainly doesn't read that way.:nonod:

When you and I spoke, and you expressed an interest in gaining more participation from the "muscle car" groups in the area, I told you that I'd see what I could do?, and that I had a lot of friends and connections in that genre.'

You're correct, nothing was mentioned about a web site, because it didn't exist at that time:rofl1::lmao:

Thank you for making my point. Now, if rich will believe it, we're golden!:thumbsup:

...Access my records again, threaten to report me, and we'll see how this all settles out in court.

Accessing the records is perfectly legal.

Making a false, scandalous, unfounded report on the other hand, especially after the facts are known, is quite another.

If he accessed state (Division of Corporations) records, City and/or County (depending on the venue) Occupational licensing, etc., all public records, he would I assume from your statement, find all the required documentation. After meeting you the other day, I have no reason to believe otherwise.:thumbsup:

At that point, there would be nothing to report:NoNo:

Any actions after that could be considered scandalous, libelous or slanderous and could certainly lead to serious issues for him in court.

So, Bobk, if you're reading this from wherever...govern yourself accordingly.

gordon if he's your employee deal with him, and delete my contact information.
Rich thanks for not dragging me in.

Unfortunately Phil, Rich did drag you into this albeit, unsuspectingly.
Take a look:
QUOTE]at Richz request, I forwarded the two PMs from bob.

This is what rich asked:
Originally Posted by Rich Z

I have a big favor to ask of you, please. Have you received any correspondence from either Shadow or Bob K concerning a solicitation to you concerning advertising? If so, could you please forward that correspondence to me?

I'm not going to drag you into the middle of anything, but I'm just following up on my "spider sense" tingling about them two and the vibrations I'm getting from them...


Rich Z

As you can plainly see:

1) Rich never indicated that he was going to post the content of your response on the web:nonod:
Only implied that he was using it to shore up some sort of suspicions.

2) He failed to post the complete, unredacted version which would have resulted in a more complete picture.

3) He never indicates that it was he, that initiated the contact, and not vice versa.
His post makes it appear that the contact was "from" a member and states nothing about being "in response to" an inquiry from" him.

This is the problem with:
a) posting PM's
b) Posting out of context segments.

Had this been the case, I'd have never brought you into this in the first place.
Once again, an ASS-U-Me-ing has bit me in the arse!

As I said in another post, If I'm incorrect, I'll apologize!
My apologies to you sir for any misunderstandings.

You have a good rep and are a fine gentleman, from what I hear, an excellent tuner, and I hope all goes well for you in your future endeavors:thumbsup:

Now Rich,

I'm just following up on my "spider sense" tingling about them two and the vibrations I'm getting from them...

"spider sense"?
"tingling about them two (sic)"?

That's almost as bad as the "we don't need your kind around here" statement you threw at me once before:lmao:

Have you received any correspondence from either Shadow or Bob K concerning a solicitation to you concerning advertising? If so, could you please forward that correspondence to me

Instead of all this sneek and peek, why not just pick up the phone (or if you don't want to have a "face to face" over the phone, then email me), and ASK!!!??????
I've always been up front and forthright with you, even when it cost me a position here before.
To a fault, I've always been honest with you about feelings and opinons.
There would be no reason to do otherwise now.:NoNo:

It's as simple as that, and all this nonsense would have been settled.

You never indicated to Phil that you were going to use portions of his statement on the internet to attempt to support your theories.


Phil has a point!

This has turned into another (this is the 2nd or 3rd one (IIRC?)) childish, playground battle over who has more toys, friends, the bigger d**k or WTF ever?

It's immature and uncalled for (especially in this age of cell phones and emails) on both of our parts, and I regret not having the fortitude to not let you drag me into yet another unwillable pissing contest.
There's one thing I've found over 30 total years as a LEO is, if someone has thier mind made up, you're likely not going to change it.
Not sure why either of us are trying?

My apologies to the members of this site and to Phil.

As with the other one, I'm done with this thread!
Gordon, it is my opinion that your intention here on this site now is to only cause strife and aggravation. As I mentioned, I don't need this in my life.

Quite honestly, if this site needs your participation in order to survive, then I would rather let it die.

Take care, fella.
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