• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

You see the problem is this:


retired mech engineer
You see the problem is this:

The folks who are getting free stuff,are so used to getting free stuff.
THEY Don’t like the folks who are paying for the free stuff,
Because the folks who are paying for the free stuff,
Can no longer afford to pay for both the free stuff and their own stuff.

And, The folks who are paying for the free stuff,
Want the free stuff to stop.because they can,t afford it
And the folks who are getting the free stuff,
Want even MORE free stuff on top of the free stuff they’re getting already!

Now….. The people who are forcing people to PAY for the free stuff,
Have told the people who are RECEIVING the free stuff,
That the people who are PAYING for the free stuff,
Are being mean, selfish, heartless, prejudiced or racist.

So …. the people who are GETTING the free stuff,
Have been convinced they need to HATE the people who are PAYING for the
free stuff because they are selfish. And they are promised EVEN more free stuff, if they will vote for the same people who force the people who pay for the free stuff, to give them more free stuff, knowing full well the people who are PAYING for the
free stuff can,t afford it, but its more about maintaining control than keeping promises.
the people in control can always BLAME the the people who are PAYING for the
free stuff if THE people in control can,t force the people paying for the free stuff, to provide endless new free stuff
remember its ALL about maintaining a liberal democratic political majority, logic, reality and funding have no bearing on this, its about maintaining office for politicians, and blaming anyone threatening their continuing control
Well grumpyvette....now that you're retired are you getting any free stuff?

Well, Remo ... being grumpyvette is retired, as am I, :dancer01: by mere definition, that word indicates that we once worked. So what a retired person "gets", is not "free stuff" since we worked and paid into SS, contributed to a retirement plan, and invested earned income into any investments from which we now derive income.

To me, free is when you reap the rewards from another's labor and not from your own sweat.
Well, Remo ... being grumpyvette is retired, as am I, :dancer01: by mere definition, that word indicates that we once worked. So what a retired person "gets", is not "free stuff" since we worked and paid into SS, contributed to a retirement plan, and invested earned income into any investments from which we now derive income.

To me, free is when you reap the rewards from another's labor and not from your own sweat.

But Red...what happens when you exceed what you paid into Social Security....does it then become "free stuff"?:)
But Red...what happens when you exceed what you paid into Social Security....does it then become "free stuff"?:)

Bear in mind that the money paid into SS over the decades would have been accruing interest if it had just been salted away in an interest bearing savings account. The REASON the government has gotten itself into hot water with SS is because they treated the money coming in from this program as a free pot of gold to be dipped into as a general fund, instead of investing the money wisely to pay for the promises they made with this program. And now they want to blame it on US, calling it "entitlements" like it's some kind of dirty word we should be ashamed of when we want to cash in our chips. Quite frankly, they took money out of every paycheck I earned and it was not optional on my part to participate. The government treated my paycheck as their OWN entitlement, it seems, and now they want to squeal like pigs (literally) caught in a grinder when it comes time to pay the piper.

Personally, I am retired too, but am not drawing even a dime from either my state nor federal retirement. And quite honestly, I'm not expecting that to be available when I might need it. Those programs will either become dissolved when the government entities responsible go insolvent, or else they will be paid for by freshly printed up money that will be worth little more than toilet paper because of the raging inflation that the government is painting themselves into a corner with.
Personally, I am retired too, but am not drawing even a dime from either my state nor federal retirement. And quite honestly, I'm not expecting that to be available when I might need it. Those programs will either become dissolved when the government entities responsible go insolvent, or else they will be paid for by freshly printed up money that will be worth little more than toilet paper because of the raging inflation that the government is painting themselves into a corner with.

Rich...thanks for the lesson on the state of Social Security. I'm interested in knowing why you don't take any money from your state of federal retirement funds.
Rich...thanks for the lesson on the state of Social Security. I'm interested in knowing why you don't take any money from your state of federal retirement funds.

Two reasons: (1) I really don't NEED to yet, and (2) the longer I wait, the bigger the check if they still exist at that time.
You never know what the future holds?...If I was retired and of age to collect what's mine, I would take it, if I needed it or not!...I worked for it, and paid taxes for it...Nothing in life is free as far as I am concerned...This Sh*t administration wants the have not's and the F**g free loaders to think that the folks that worked hard and long for what they have, to share with them...If the administration feels that stronly about giving away Sh*t, let them give away there's first!!...:banghead:
You never know what the future holds?...If I was retired and of age to collect what's mine, I would take it, if I needed it or not!...I worked for it, and paid taxes for it...Nothing in life is free as far as I am concerned...This Sh*t administration wants the have not's and the F**g free loaders to think that the folks that worked hard and long for what they have, to share with them...If the administration feels that stronly about giving away Sh*t, let them give away there's first!!...:banghead:

Oh, I agree. When there is talk of "sacrifice", how many of our representatives do you see lining up to do their own sacrificing? No, they will campaign and drum up MILLIONS for their re-election, but I don't see any of them donating any of that money for anything other than their own self interest.
FREE STUFF....You must mean like the 1 billion plus we the givers of free stuff paid so the free stuff takers could have a cell phone.....:reddevil:
FREE STUFF....You must mean like the 1 billion plus we the givers of free stuff paid so the free stuff takers could have a cell phone.....:reddevil:

Yeah man.... When did it become some sort of Constitutional RIGHT that everyone MUST have a cell phone and internet access that is to be paid out of our taxes?
Mitt Romney Will Save Florida

With his overwhelming win in Florida, I'm sure he'll make everything right for all.
With his overwhelming win in Florida, I'm sure he'll make everything right for all.

Yeah, right.......... :rolleyes:

I think we will have NO good choices at this upcoming presidential election. :shrug01:
Speaking of voting, THIS is interesting, I think....

Rich....the caucus is a flawed process throughout the country. In the end when the delegats get to the convention they can vote any way they want. The bigger issue is to set up a standarized electronic system that the entire nation would use. Just my thoughts.
Rich....the caucus is a flawed process throughout the country. In the end when the delegats get to the convention they can vote any way they want. The bigger issue is to set up a standarized electronic system that the entire nation would use. Just my thoughts.

Actually I believe the opposite. Electronic systems are way too easy to subvert by whoever controls the programming. Even today, how do YOU know that your vote was actually counted the way you voted? Can you go anywhere and check on that? Personally, I would like to see all voting made public record that could be verified by the people actually doing the voting. That people could see who voted for who and VERIFY that the votes are legitimate. Seriously, I don't have any problems letting people know who I voted for, and based on the number of signs, discussions, and bumper stickers, it doesn't seem like many other people have any issues with that information being public neither. The whole concept of secret balloting is just a recipe for fraud and corruption.

Heck, I happened to wander into another YouTube video last night that I thought was rather interesting even though the source is a bit unusual....

Do you ever get the feeling that we are just cattle too ignorant and distracted to see the fences that surround us and where the path we are on is leading us?
Speaking of free stuff. I'd just like to see a list of the other countries we give foreign aid to meaning both cash and arms.:eek:
Actually I believe the opposite. Electronic systems are way too easy to subvert by whoever controls the programming. Even today, how do YOU know that your vote was actually counted the way you voted? Can you go anywhere and check on that? Personally, I would like to see all voting made public record that could be verified by the people actually doing the voting. That people could see who voted for who and VERIFY that the votes are legitimate. Seriously, I don't have any problems letting people know who I voted for, and based on the number of signs, discussions, and bumper stickers, it doesn't seem like many other people have any issues with that information being public neither. The whole concept of secret balloting is just a recipe for fraud and corruption.

Do you ever get the feeling that we are just cattle too ignorant and distracted to see the fences that surround us and where the path we are on is leading us?

Rich...how about a standardized "manual" system. As far as recording who voted for whatever becoming a public knowledge I think you and I will part ways on that one. There are people that own businesses, police officers, fire fighters and yes even some regular everyday folks that would not care to have their votes become public knowledge.

And about that path and where it's leading us. One way to correct that is to make sure your vote counts. Not unlike you, I too am concerned about the direction of the country.

Rich...how about a standardized "manual" system. As far as recording who voted for whatever becoming a public knowledge I think you and I will part ways on that one. There are people that own businesses, police officers, fire fighters and yes even some regular everyday folks that would not care to have their votes become public knowledge.

And about that path and where it's leading us. One way to correct that is to make sure your vote counts. Not unlike you, I too am concerned about the direction of the country.


Personally, I believe that the authority that comes with voting needs to have the responsibility for the choices you make attached to it. If you are not willing to stand behind your vote, and damn the torpedoes, well, is that what America has really become? People AFRAID to admit who they voted for?

I believe that the shirking of this responsibility that should be inherent in the voting process is exactly what has gutted it into the farce that it is today. WE allowed our votes to become meaningless because there is no way for us to audit it after the fact. How do you run a recount with a purely electronic system? Just press a "recount" button that will ALWAYS give you the same answer? Yeah, that would be helpful. No there needs to be a verifiable physical document of some manner that can be used to VERIFY that the votes made are legitimate and accurate. Otherwise the winner of any such unverifiable elections can be whoever it is that controls the voting process WISHES to win.
Speaking of free stuff. I'd just like to see a list of the other countries we give foreign aid to meaning both cash and arms.:eek:

I'm sure that if we could get a TRUTHFUL accounting of that, we wouldn't like what we would see. Which is exactly why I think we would NEVER be able to actually get a truthful accounting of where our money really goes.