• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

absolute B.S, survey results


retired mech engineer
much survey info is probably totally bogus, ever wonder about those survey results you see posted and wonder about what morons they asked to get those results?
well know I know how they got those results and I was pissed!
some young gal from who knows what group,stops by and knocks on the door while I'm at my sons house with a "survey" she wants to get my (OPINION) so she asked If I could answer a few questions, and shes holding a clip board with at least 1/2" thick stack of surveys
the usual opening questions,
approximate age group,
but I notice the surveys stapled and when she finished the first page she starts to leave, I ask her to wait a second and grab the clip board, shes filled out the top page of the survey... but theres 5 more pages stapled, to it, on each 5 page survey, all about things like what I feel about illegal immigration, gun control,tax increases,political candidates,funding schools,increasing property taxes, obama care, medicare, etc, and this sneaky BITCH has already checked all the choices on those pages.
now its obvious that theres a predetermined result they are working on supporting so next time you see a survey posted be aware that theres a good chance the results are TOTALLY BOGUS, made up to SUPPORT a POLITICAL AGENDA you might NEVER support
needless to say I told that sneaky %$%^^&& to get the hell off the property

she was some college age mush for brains babe
lets just say you want to consider who paid for the poll to be taken before trusting the results because its very obvious some sources are far more interested in getting data supporting their agenda and pushing an agenda than getting facts during polls FINDING THE TRUTH is one of those ANNOYING FACTS that can be IGNORED in some polls, when it POPS UP if it doesn,t support the AGENDA
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Doesn't suprise me either. I had some little sht and his two brothers come to my door one day. And because they didn't like what I told them they had some brass ones to insult me on my own property. At that point I could feel absolute rage boiling from deep down somewhere we don't talk about at parties. Anyway, I told this fn punk that I didn't know where he was from but where I am from you don't tell someone to f off on their own property. He still did not get the message until I flashed my shotgun from behind the front door and explained at that point he was tresspassing. I am not sure if they were even doing a survey my guess is that they were surveying the place to come back later.
but I notice the surveys stapled and when she finished the first page she starts to leave, I ask her to wait a second and grab the clip board, shes filled out the top page of the survey... and this sneaky BITCH has already checked all the choices on those pages.

grumpyvette- When you grabbed the questionnaire, did you happen to notice what "your" (already) checked answers were?