• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Site responsiveness?

Rich Z

Internet Sanitation Engineer
Staff member
Is it just me, or is this site slow as molasses sometimes? I'll make a post and it seems to take FOREVER for it to take. And it seems that just clicking on any forum or thread for the first time also takes forever before the screen displays.

I had to switch to a cheaper hosting solution when I got rid of the server I had for this site, and I realize lower cost can mean slower service, but damn....
I've not had any problems,CAC is the only site I've been having trouble with the last 6 mo!It sometimes does all sorts of weird crap!:shrug01::shrug01:
Most the time I just give up over there!~!:hehehe:
Sometimes it seems real slow to me also, but then the next time it'll be back to normal.
Doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason for the slowdown either. When it's slow, all
of the other places I visit are running just fine. :shrug01::shrug01:
Andy :wavey:
Well, I filed a support ticket with the hosting company, so maybe they did something.... It seems much quicker to me, as well. Maybe is just that "squeaky wheel" thing....
Actually my first computer was an Exidy Sorcerer that I got in 1978 or so... had a Z80 CPU running at a blistering 2 mHz with a whopping 32 KILObytes of RAM.... Backups were done on audio tapes at 1200 baud.
Boy that is going back a ways. I remember reading somewhere that the average cell phone has more memory than the computers used in the Apollo spacecraft.:eek:
Rich, do you remember the Heathkit H8?


Yep. Actually my FIRST thoughts of having my own computer hit home when I got my very first issue of BYTE magazine (which I still have, btw) showing the Altair 8800 (http://oldcomputers.net/altair.html). That was about the same time (1975) I first started working with computers with a little shop making small systems for small businesses. Started out putting the tables together for these computers but soon progressed to repairing the circuit boards to the component level.

Actually, I have pretty much the complete set of BYTE magazine that Connie has been "urging" me to get rid of. Probably put them up on Ebay one of these days. I've seen that first issue sell for a pretty decent penny.

Interestingly enough (not really) the first programming I actually did was with that Exidy Sorcerer I got. The ONLY programming available was Z80 Assembler, so that's what I played around with. Come to find out that it served me well pretty quickly, because when I got a floppy disk add on for that system, it didn't work, so when I took a look at the code itself, I called the guy I got it from and pointed out that his routine to write to the drive was actually calling the video write routine. Obviously he had never TESTED the thing before sending it out. And that sort of crap holds true even today.... :rolleyes:
Does this site seem SLOW to anyone else lately? Last couple of days it's been rather painful trying to get the site to pop up on my browser. Sometimes taking over 30 seconds before it displays the main page..... :banghead:
Does this site seem SLOW to anyone else lately? Last couple of days it's been rather painful trying to get the site to pop up on my browser. Sometimes taking over 30 seconds before it displays the main page..... :banghead:

To be honest Rich, I have not had a problem getting the site to pop up. But since I bought a new computer, everything runs much quicker for me than it used to.
