• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Cops suing the victims they are supposed to protect?

Rich Z

Internet Sanitation Engineer
Staff member
What You Expect Not Always What You Get

March 29, 1996|GARY STEIN

Silly, naive me.

Here I am, thinking it would have been so refreshing if Sunrise Police Sgt. Mark Byers had let it rest the first time, when he got it right.

That was back in September, when Byers was named among the 10 "Top Cops" in the nation by the National Association of Police Organizations.

Byers was honored after he smashed through a sliding glass door and saved the life of a woman being threatened at gunpoint by her estranged husband. For his efforts, Byers got himself a severely injured pinky. He has had multiple surgeries, and can no longer fire a gun. He has been reassigned to a desk job.

"Police work is a tough job," Byers said nobly when he got the award last year.

"Sometimes these things happen. ... I'm just glad I had the opportunity to save this lady."

A few months later, Byers doesn't sound quite as glad. Or quite as noble.

He has an attorney. He has filed a lawsuit against the woman he saved, Jane Liberatore. And he has added a lot of chutzpah.

Silly me. I always thought police officers were aware that risk was part of their job.

This is why we have cops

Liberatore is being sued, we were told this week by Charles Morehead, Byers' attorney, in part because she "set up the incendiary situation" in which her boyfriend was shot to death and Byers severely cut his hand while trying to save her.

Liberatore's boyfriend, Harry Schwartz, was shot by her husband, Anthony Liberatore.

And now Byers' attorney says, "when you cheat on your husband and create the potential for murder or aggravated assault and a police officer is injured as a result, you make your own bed and you have to sleep in it."

Naive, silly me. Again.

I always thought we needed cops because we have so many screwed-up family situations.

I always thought cops were there for our protection without questioning our moral character.

I always thought we paid taxes for cops to be there.

But obviously, this is the wrong attitude.

No longer can we have such a thing as a simple injury in the line of duty. Not when we can claim "pain and suffering."Not when we can have an attorney pompously pontificating about infidelity.

The only one not pontificating is Sunrise Mayor Steve Effman. He gave me a "no comment while there's pending litigation" when asked about a police officer suing a citizen he's sworn to protect.

Benefits warranted, but . . .

Interestingly, this all comes at a time when officers are fighting - statewide and nationwide - to get health insurance benefits if they are disabled in the line of duty.

That fight started when two Plantation police officers were severely injured in an explosion last year, and could have been left without benefits for their families.

Source: http://articles.sun-sentinel.com/1996-03-29/news/9603280697_1_byers-police-officers-cops


Officer Sues Woman He Saved

Cop Seeks Damages For Injury To Hand

March 28, 1996|By SCOTT GLOVER Staff Writer

Last year, Sunrise Police Sgt. Mark Byers was given a national award by President Clinton for smashing through a sliding glass door and saving the life of a woman being threatened at gunpoint by her estranged husband.

Last month, Byers filed a lawsuit against the woman he saved, seeking damages he suffered after cutting his hand while breaking through the door.

"I was floored when I got the papers," Jane Liberatore, the victim, said Wednesday. "I just want people to know that if they get help from the police they can expect to be asked to pay for it later."

Charles Morehead, Byer's attorney, said Liberatore is being sued, in part, because she "set up the incendiary situation" in April 1994, in which her boyfriend, Harry Schwartz, was shot to death and Byers severely cut his hand while trying to save her.

The lawyer said Liberatore knew her husband, Anthony Liberatore, was on his way to her Sunrise home with a loaded shotgun. However, she failed to call police until he arrived outside the house.

"When you cheat on your husband and create the potential for murder or aggravated assault and a police officer is injured as a result, you make your own bed and you have to sleep in it," Morehead said.

Byers, 35, has undergone multiple reconstructive surgeries but can no longer use his pinkie finger, making it impossible for him to fire a gun. The 15-year veteran has been reassigned from patrol to a desk job. The lawyer said Byers is suing Jane and Anthony Liberatore for pain and suffering as a result of the injuries.

Anthony Liberatore was sentenced to 23 years in state prison for shooting Schwartz to death. Liberatore was at home with Schwartz when she saw her estranged husband, Anthony, outside. She called 911, a call that Byers answered. When Byers arrived, Schwartz was already dead on the living room floor, shot in the chest. And Anthony Liberatore and his wife were fighting for a shotgun. Jane Liberatore declined to respond to Morehead's allegations that she was cheating on her husband. She denied that she knew her husband was coming to her house with a loaded gun, and doesn't understand why she's being sued.

"I just feel like I'm being victimized once again," she said.

Source: http://articles.sun-sentinel.com/19...13_1_byers-anthony-liberatore-jane-liberatore

Does anyone here know this guy? He's been posting on one of my other sites and I'm curious about this incident as background about him.
I don't know about you but my trigger finger is my index finger and if I lost my pinkie completely I believe i would still be ale to fire a gun.......

but no I've never heard of this guy or his story....