• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

LOUDER is not better!

Rich Z

Internet Sanitation Engineer
Staff member
Well, I got pulled over for the first time today in the C5Z..... :o

It was a Florida state trooper. I saw him way back and knew I was in his sights. Just a little while prior to that, around the bend on route 319 on my way back from Tallahassee, some older couple in a jalopy-mobile were varying their speed from 45 to 50 mph in a 55 mph zone. I think they must have been arguing or something. So as soon as an opening presented itself with oncoming traffic and line markings, I nailed it to go around them. However, I dropped into third gear instead of just downshifting to fifth, so the revs were pretty high and certainly VERY LOUD.... Not to mention the turbos kicked in, so it probably DID sound like a banshee out of hell.

Anyway, the officer pulls me over with the flashing lights and siren going. I roll down the windows and he asks me to step out of the vehicle since it sits so low to the ground. He says " Do you know why I pulled you over?" And I said, "Well I assume it is because I passed a car a little bit ago and probably got on it a bit more than I needed to." He said he really didn't see me speeding and obviously didn't clock me but he most certainly HEARD me, so he couldn't give me a speeding ticket. But he could give me a ticket for failure to obey traffic control signs. :thinkin: I didn't say anything at all. I think maybe he was trying to get me to admit how fast I really was going, but I couldn't see any sense to volunteering anything. Certainly he had no evidence at all unless I offered something that it was even me he had heard. He just heard a screaming car, and came looking for one that could have possibly made all that racket...... -> ME <- But I didn't try to bullsh!t him and hand him any lines.

When I was fishing my license out of my wallet, he asked me if I had a gun in my buttbag on the seat, and I told him "Yes, I do." So obviously he saw my CCW card. He just asked that in the future if I am pulled over again to please notify the officer that I do have a gun on my person. He said some guys he knows have gotten killed in the line of duty, so they are all skittish about such things.

The guy seemed amicable enough and not a hardass, so we just talked a bit. He saw the CorvetteFlorida.com decal on my window and I mentioned that it was my site. He said he had seen the name somewhere.... He said "You have a nice ride. A VERY nice ride." So apparently he is a Corvette enthusiast somewhat, or at least appreciates cars of that nature. So after just talking for a bit, he hands me back my license, registration and insurance card, and offered to shake hands, saying "Have a nice day, Richard."

Maybe I need to name my C5Z "911". Just crank down on the go pedal and all the cops in a quarter mile radius will come a runnin.... :hehehe: Not that I am all that keen about the idea, mind you.... I would rather be a bit more stealthy than I obviously am these days..
Nicely handled. Most LEO's are very fair. Just give them respect and don't give them a hard time and they will respect you as well. :rolleyes:
What you say is very true. Most people talk themselves into a ticket or an arrest by "POP", Pissing Off the Police...a little respect is a two way street and it usually works best for everyone involved.
Good for you...

Glad to hear you got off with a compliment and a hand shake!:dancer01:
Well handled Rich!:thumbsup:

Kudo's to you for your courtesy and the Trooper for his kindness and understanding:thumbsup:

BTW...if we ever get T-shirts you need to send him one:thumbsup:
Shadow said:
Kudo's to you for your courtesy and the Trooper for his kindness and understanding:thumbsup:

BTW...if we ever get T-shirts you need to send him one:thumbsup:
+1 :thumbsup:
While most officers can find a reason to pull a car over just to get a closer look at the little blue-eyed blond behind the wheel :reddevil: ,I used to pull cars over just to find out what they had under the hood:yesnod: I wonder what a shrink would say about that :shrug01:
larrybroga said:
While most officers can find a reason to pull a car over just to get a closer look at the little blue-eyed blond behind the wheel :reddevil: ,I used to pull cars over just to find out what they had under the hood:yesnod: I wonder what a shrink would say about that :shrug01:

They'd say you're a "perfectly normal" ...cop...:thumbsup: :lmao: (BTDT)

Also, I like the one liner at the bottom of your page...got the T-shirt:thumbsup:
i had a tail light out on my lt1 firebird formula. it had alot of the go-fast parts on it. anyway, i had to go to the police station and show them that i had fixed the problem. officer came out and told me to start the vehicle. she says the good news is your brake lights are working, bad news im giving you a ticket for your exhaust. (flowmasters series 40 w/ gutted cat) apparently it is illegal to change your exhaust system in florida. she explained to me that she loved the v-8's and was not going to write me a ticket, but to be carefull because other cops may. apparently this law was passed mainly for the ricers, but can be applied to anyone.
Is it too loud?

I had the kindof the same thing happen to me back when I owned my '69. I had ordered it with the factory side pipes but soon replaced them with '67 side pipes as the '69s were too quiet. I was heading home one night and after leaving a stop sign got pulled over. When I asked the cop the reason he told me I "roared by him" and must have been speeding. After some verbal sparring he admited he had no radar on me and other than the sound, he had nothing on me. He let me go with a warning. This was when I lived in a small town in Ohio. He did have a boy scout with him as a ride along and was probably trying to impress him. :NoNo:
When I was 16 I had a 1970 Dodge Challenger that was in need of exhaust repair. But I liked the way it sounded. I was driving through Allegany, NY a small college town. Everyone hung out at the local sub shop. So as I passed I would pop it into neutral and give it a rev. About a mile down the road I got pulled over. I shut the car off. The officer asked me to start the car, I did. He asked if i Liked the sound, I said yes. He said give it a rev, I did. He said, sound nice doesn't it? I said yes. He then said shut it down and come with me. He put me in the back of the police car and proceeded to write me a ticket for modified exhaust.
Well, my Dad was a LEO at the time, so I went to him with the ticket. He said fight it. I said are you crazy. This is a ticket from Pez, he is the meanest LEO I know. He told me to take pictures of the holes in the stock exhaust and present them to the judge. My case was dismissed. I had an inadequate exhaust not a modified exhaust. Needless to say, I didn't drive in Allegany again for a LONG time. :shrug01:
SteveK said:
He said fight it. I said are you crazy. This is a ticket from Pez, he is the meanest LEO I know.

No way,,, not PEZ!

That Pez makes Bad Bad Leroy Brown the baddest man in the whole damn town look like a boy scout!

Just kidding,,, Isn't Pez the exchange student from "That 70's Show"?

I know this has...

been said (argued) before, but Harley's have LOUD pipes all of the time. Why is it a cars and trucks seem to be discriminated against? I know that cars/trucks usually aren't Loud until they get on it but....that didn't seem to be the case with Steve's experience:banghead: .
I know, There really is no answer, I just had to Vent!

Well the cop that pulled me over didn't say a word about the loudness. Just that he HEARD me and didn't SEE me. :shrug01:
I am not complaining because I have always deserved it, but I have never been pulled over and not got a citation or two.
naples said:
I am not complaining because I have always deserved it, but I have never been pulled over and not got a citation or two.

Before I got mine, a friend of mine who has had several Corvettes over the years told me "Corvette owners do NOT get warnings! They get TICKETS."

It was just my lucky day, I guess. :thumbsup: