• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Yeah, GUNS were the bad guy...

Rich Z

Internet Sanitation Engineer
Staff member
And self defense was to blame as well....:crazy03:

Well, we all knew this slant was eventually going to be taken concerning the Zimmerman case....



Of course, I had to make a reply to that bit of nonsense....

Seriously? Mr. Gabordi, how many instances of complete ignorance can one person make in a single editorial?

First off, what does the "Stand Your Ground" law even have to do with that case? Are you saying that Mr. Zimmerman needed to retreat before using his gun in self defense? How, pray tell? Borrow a shovel from someone and start digging a hole in the ground underneath him to try to escape the pummeling from Mr. Martin? Mr. Zimmerman wasn't "standing his ground" at all. He was LAYING on it. And had he NOT had the means for his self defense at hand, quite likely he would now be buried in it.

There is no evidence to dispute Mr. Zimmerman's claim that he acted in self defense. None. Zip. Nada. The jury very plainly saw that, which is why they reached the verdict they did. Matter of fact, the evidence presented clearly shows that he absolutely NEEDED to act in order to save his life, or at least stop a very severe beating. Are you SERIOUSLY claiming that he did not have a RIGHT to self defense under the TRUE circumstances of that incident? That Mr. Zimmerman was completely in the wrong, regardless of the fact that he was a member of a community watch program, and was fully engaged in what that volunteer position entails? To WATCH for potential troublemakers afoot in his neighborhood?

The timeline of what is believed to have transpired via supporting phone records is now public record. Simply Google the keywords and you will find several instances. This timeline is also clearly discussed in the defense's closing statements during the trial. Those FACTS point to Mr. Zimmerman having lost sight of Mr. Martin for at least three minutes during which time he was NOT pursuing him. One minute prior to those three minutes where Mr. Martin has been lost sight of, Mr. Zimmerman is responding to the 911 operator's suggestion to not follow Mr. Martin, and evidence points to him being in the process of returning to his vehicle. In the span of about four minutes where there is NO contact between Mr. Zimmerman and Mr. Martin, Mr. Martin, who clearly had the opportunity to avoid any conflict by going to ANY place he felt safe that Mr. Zimmerman was not located within, instead chose to engage Mr. Zimmerman in a physical confrontation. Evidence points to Mr. Martin delivering a "sucker punch" blow to the face of Mr. Zimmerman, knocking him to the ground. Then Mr. Martin continues the assault by straddling him and engaging in a continued physical attack by pounding Mr. Zimmerman's head against a concrete sidewalk. It is Mr. Martin who chose to escalate that incident with a physical confrontation. Mr. Martin could have even run away immediately after delivering that "sucker punch". But did he choose to do that? Apparently not. At any point, Mr. Martin could have broken off the attack, but did not and for approximately 40 seconds of continued attack by Mr. Martin, Mr. Zimmerman rightly became convinced that he was fighting for his life. He THEN pulled out his legally carried concealed weapon and shot his assailant. Mr. Zimmerman had no reason to believe that Mr. Martin was EVER going to stop while he was still living. So he did what he had to do to save his own life.

The evidence was PLAINLY displayed during the court case. ALL of the video of the entire court case is on YouTube. Did you not avail yourself, Mr. Gabordi, of the opportunity to view those FACTS before making your apparently ignorant claims in your editorial? Or is the Tallahassee Democrat only truly interested in following up this travesty they helped initiate by the obviously inflammatory photos of a Mr. Martin when he was only 12 years old as an outright lie obscuring PHYSICALLY what Mr. Zimmerman had actually been up against, by further trying to obfuscate the truth with comments designed to rile people up into a furor?

Please cease with the emotional rhetoric unsupported by factual evidence. And your obvious anti-gun bias, Mr. Gabordi, is plainly visible in your editorial. Please READ the actual text of the Stand Your Ground/Castle Doctrine law. It is excellently written and goes a very long way to turning the tables in favor of the victims rather than coddling the predators who make such laws absolutely necessary in real life.
Well written!! In all the writings, etc., was it ever brought out why Martin was in that neighborhood? Where did he live in relationship to the shooting?
Trayvon Benjamin Martin (February 5, 1995 – February 26, 2012) was the son of Sybrina Fulton and Tracy Martin, who were divorced in 1999. He was a junior at Dr. Michael M. Krop High School and lived with his mother and older brother in Miami Gardens, Florida.[17][18][19] Trayvon's English teacher, Michelle Kypriss described him as an A and B student who majored in cheerfulness.[18]

On the day Martin was fatally shot, he and his father were visiting his father's fiancée and her son at her townhome in The Retreat at Twin Lakes in Sanford, a multi-ethnic gated community, where the shooting occurred.[20][21] Martin had visited his father's fiancée at Twin Lakes several times.[22][23]
Martin had been suspended from school at the time of his death.[24] He had been suspended twice before. One suspension was for tardiness and truancy.[25] Another suspension in October 2011 was for graffiti, when Martin was observed by a security camera in a restricted area of the school marking up a door with "W.T.F."[25] When he was later searched by a Miami-Dade School Police Department officer, looking for the graffiti marker, the officer found several pieces of women's jewelry in his backpack, which Martin said a friend had given to him. A screwdriver was also found, which was described by the school police investigator as a burglary tool. The jewelry was impounded and given to the police, but no evidence ever surfaced to indicate that the jewelry was stolen.[25] Martin's third suspension involved a marijuana pipe and an empty bag containing marijuana residue.[24] Martin was not charged with any crime related to these incidents and did not have a juvenile record.[26] Judge Nelson ruled that the defense may have access to Martin's records, including the details of these suspensions, as well as access to Martin's social media sites,[27] but ruled they will not be admissible as evidence during the trial unless they can be shown to be relevant.[28]

Martin family attorney Benjamin Crump said the parents had never heard about the bag of jewelry and that it was completely irrelevant to what happened on February 26.[25] Martin's parents and their attorneys also said the defense's request for school records and social media was a "fishing expedition" aimed at attacking their son and an attempt to assassinate his character.[29]

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shooting_of_Trayvon_Martin
So, how is Sharpton and ilk going to label this guy's statements as being racist? :lmao:

I'm sure Al would simply dismiss this man as a rogue religious fanatic, not a true man of the cloth, like himself. It's good to see that some still have the strength to stand up and speak the truth. As he summarized, some are not willing to accept the truth.

The state should have never taken this to court. I can only assume they did so to appease those that disputed the findings of the law enforcement investigators, thinking that a not guilty verdict might settle this once and for all. What a waste of tax payers money. But it did provide the media with a platform to show their true colors once again. They had the option of accurately depicting the facts, but they took the low road and painted their own picture, being sure to keep the pot stirred so to speak. What a striking contrast was the photo of a 12 year old Trayvon Martin to the photos found on Facebook. Obviously, facts don't sell the news. When you choose to write fiction you can end it anyway you like and make it sound much more entertaining.

I wish the legislators would pass a law that would award these fiction writers with a felony charge for misleading the public.

One of the things I noted during this media circus, why was George Zimmerman described as white? To me he appears Hispanic. And from what I have read, he claims to be Hispanic. Yet the media insist on calling him white? They don't call Barrack Obama white, although we're told he is half white. He is presented as the nation's first black president. Obviously he is claiming to be black and the media is presenting him as such. :shrug01: