• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

What do you want out of this site?

Rich Z

Internet Sanitation Engineer
Staff member
I'm looking for suggestions on how to improve this site and make it not only better for the people currently registered here, but also more attractive for any visitor to get them to join in with us. So what do you think would help in those directions? Something you would like to see added? Something here you think should be removed? Any changes or rearranging needing to be done to make things more attractive or easier to use?

This site is for all of YOU, as I am only the caretaker. I did ask about a product review section earlier, but I didn't get any response on it. So let me expand on that a bit. This would not be just a regular run of the mill product review like you may have seen elsewhere. This would be in line with what this site is all about. Not only hard products for your vette, but also reviewing events and places in Florida that people may have some experience and feedback about that they would like to share in an easily viewable format. Is there a particular local tuner or repair shop you like and would like to let people know about? This would easily fit the criteria I am considering. What's your favorite Florida vacation spot? Best place to go snorkeling or diving? Favorite restaurant? Those kinds of things......

You see, this site isn't all just about Corvettes. It's also about Florida, and I want to emphasize that fact.

What about putting in moderators for sections where they can be an "expert on duty"? In particular tuning seems to be a topic I find intimidating yet nearly everyone seems to want to address this issue at one time or another. Maybe having a tuning section with a local expert would be beneficial?

I am currently installing the review script on one of my other sites so I can check out the mechanics of using it. From there, if I find it is suitable for what I want, and it appears that people here will find it useful, then I will install a copy here for you all to use.

Anyway, that's my plan on one mod (subject to being discarded if no one really wants it), so let me know if there is something else you think should be put into consideration.

Rich, A product review section is a great idea. It's very beneficial to hear from someone with 1st hand experience concerning a product or facility you're considering buying or having do work on your car. I also like the idea of moderators, if they're folks you can trust. You can't be everywhere yourself so having others to take some of the work load off of you is a good idea. You also said, I believe, that you had no problem with people posting racing results here. Maybe a forum specifically for that would be OK. I don't necessarily mean for street races since I don't thing it would be a good idea for the site to promote that but for drag strip, DE, or road race stuff.
Personally and officially, I don't believe that allowing a place for something to be discussed is actively promoting that activity. Just as the cops and robbers TV shows don't mean that the networks are promoting the activities portrayed in that medium.

Personally I find "kill stories" entertaining. And as such taken with a grain of salt as well. ;)

As for the reviews section, I'll be looking at that on my other site and make a determination then whether I think it would be fitting here (also pending further feedback on the idea from other members).

I also like the idea of the review section. Keeping it general is nice. I liked your information about the sea food place you talked about .. Never know, one of us may be up there some day. And, if and when one of us tries a new product or has work done somewhere it's nice to report a "yea" or "nay" from the experience.
What about something like "off topic" or "random thoughts" or something like that where folks can talk about anything that's not necessarily related to corvettes or Florida? Again, something general and open?
Rich Z said:
Personally and officially, I don't believe that allowing a place for something to be discussed is actively promoting that activity. Just as the cops and robbers TV shows don't mean that the networks are promoting the activities portrayed in that medium.

Personally I find "kill stories" entertaining. And as such taken with a grain of salt as well. ;)

As for the reviews section, I'll be looking at that on my other site and make a determination then whether I think it would be fitting here (also pending further feedback on the idea from other members).


I like "kill" stories too. And the controversy over whether simply discussing something on an open forum constitutes promoting it is a subject for a later discussion. I guess what I meant was, how many news stories have there been about kids doing something dangerous or illegal after having seen it on TV? The same possibility exists here. Sorry to get off topic. A racing forum is still a good idea. :)
2Vettes said:
What about something like "off topic" or "random thoughts" or something like that where folks can talk about anything that's not necessarily related to corvettes or Florida? Again, something general and open?

Well actually I had thought the Welcome Room could be used for that purpose. Matter of fact I believe Zach suggested that idea to me. Should I have a separate forum for that purpose?
Rich Z said:
Well actually I had thought the Welcome Room could be used for that purpose. Matter of fact I believe Zach suggested that idea to me. Should I have a separate forum for that purpose?

Maybe. It's not a bad idea. Welcome room is a "Hi nice to meet you" area. Off topic could be "look what my cat gave me for a present today".:D
Well one of my fears when starting up this site was that I might overcomplicate it. Put in too many categories, forums, and subforums, where it would just be overwhelming for many people. Plus a site with 2,000 posts scattered over maybe 10 forums looks fairly well populated. The same number of posts scattered over 100 forums makes it look like a ghost town.

So when the numbers warrant it, yes, I can more finely tune things with the forums. But for now, from what I can see, nearly every thread will be going off topic anyway. :eek: That just happens that way when people get together and start shooting the breeze.

All in due time......... :D
Product review is a great idea. Whether it be food or parts, it'd be nice to know what works and what doesn't, what fulfills it's claims, is a PITA to install or who does excellent work.

Restaurant, hotel and travel reviews as well are great. I love to hop in the vette and do a road trip, but it's nice to know what and where to avoid.

PIC, PIC, PIC!!! Include some of your trip if you can, the sights, accomodations, views, etc. Gives people a better idea what to expect.

Moderators are good as well. Just some folks to help keep the site in tact. Heavy handed tactics the likes of which occasionally appear elsewhere, should not be tolerated. Need to keep it light and friendly.

The liability of kill sections have been bantered around for years. Some say yes, some say no. If you want it, do it.

Just some thoughts.
Sorry Rich
I missed Zach's note about the "off topic" idea. I didn't notice the "general chit chat" on the line of the welcome section. Yes, I suppose that would work for general conversations. I thought about starting a general post the other day but wasn't sure where to post it. As you say, all things in their time. :D
One forum that has been well received in my other sites is a Jokes and/or Just For Laughs section. Not that I expect the rest of this site to be very serious, however.. :hehehe:
Rich Z said:
One forum that has been well received in my other sites is a Jokes and/or Just For Laughs section. Not that I expect the rest of this site to be very serious, however.. :hehehe:
Jokes are always good :)
Hey Rich, I really like the idea of the product review section. Pictures are also worth a 1,000 words. I believe Pewter99 recently posted some pics on some mods that he did. That is excellent, especially for the people that have not had their car for a long time or feel uncomfortable doing it themselves. :thumbsup:
Still chewing on the reviews idea....... Trying to figure out if it is actually worth the license fee I will have to pay for another one....... :shrug01:
3318C5 said:
Hey Rich, I really like the idea of the product review section. Pictures are also worth a 1,000 words. I believe Pewter99 recently posted some pics on some mods that he did. That is excellent, especially for the people that have not had their car for a long time or feel uncomfortable doing it themselves. :thumbsup:

Thanks...like they say pics are worth 1000 words. I try to take pics with anything I do just for this purpose. It kind of helps people decide if its something they can tackle or if they wanna pass and have it done by someone else. Also if I find anything that someone else has done that looks good I will add it as well.
pewter99 said:
Thanks...like they say pics are worth 1000 words. I try to take pics with anything I do just for this purpose. It kind of helps people decide if its something they can tackle or if they wanna pass and have it done by someone else. Also if I find anything that someone else has done that looks good I will add it as well.

Pictures are good. A DIY Mod section would be cool. It still fits into the category of Maintenance and Mods, I guess.