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Unread 05-26-2006, 07:49 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by Rich Z
Darn! I can remember my dad talking about a monster hammerhead shark in that area years ago. All the fishermen called it "Hitler" for some reason. Seems to me I also read an account back in the 1940s about people pulling up huge tarpon and by the time they got them to the boat, only half of the tarpon remained from something biting off the back half of them.

Oh, one thing my dad also told me. He is living down in Englewood and says that NONE of the commercial fishermen he knows will EVER go swimming in the Gulf of Mexico. They know what is in those waters.....
Hey Rich Z, Your dad lives in my neck of the woods.The Fishermen are smart folks not to swim in that area.Still today i have heard fishermen telling stories about reeling in their catch only to find the head is the only thing left.
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