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Unread 03-16-2020, 07:56 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by Rich Z View Post
Never played with stocks myself, neither. But I did work at Quotron for a while, that runs those stats you see in "ticker tapes". And I saw that it is a rich man's game. People with lots of money can directly control the market because they can buy and sell large lots, which directly influences everyone else. So they can sell a bunch of stock, which drops the prices, then buy it back again at a cheaper price to sell when the price rises again. It is all a game to them. Meanwhile the little guys get their life savings wiped out overnight if they aren't real careful.

Thanks, but no thanks. If you want to buy something that is just about guaranteed to remain valuable, no matter what, buy guns.
Sold most of my guns well before the prices went nuts.
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