Thread: Slashed tires
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Unread 10-12-2007, 09:27 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by Shadow View Post
Ok, A couple of things:

1) I'm buying the drinks, but we're drinking down here! You have to many crazies up there

2) You have (IIRC) 60 days to follow up on a referral to the SAO. If there was no referral, then you really haven't started the process yet.

Look at the video ASAP! If it's on there, you need to report it IMMEDIATELY!

If it's not, you're probably SOL

Without more than speculation, the states not likely to pursue charges on a criminal mischief. BTW, whats the total cost of the tires he cut?

You really should have made the report when you found the dameage anyway, just for principle. Most departments have a call in like manned by civillian (non-sworn) employees and LDO's (officers on light duty).

Get that done ASAP as well.

Did you take pics at the scene? Again, check that video ASAP before it gets, damaged, "lost" or recorded over.

The bar? Maybe. The have a duty to maintain a safe environment for thier customers. I'm working one right now where a similar thing occurred.

They had a "bouncer" which "implies" that they maintain security OR they know there's a problem and failed to warn customers. YBOR CITY in Tampa has a HUGE sign over a lot here that tells a story of a particular bar in the area that has had multiple homicides and agg. batteries in the last few years and warns patrons of the dangers associated with the establishmentDamn line was half way around the block last time I was there (few weeks ago)

Anyway, if the bouncer (security person) took no action, then you and your friend may have a civil case against the bar for damages.

Let me know how the video turns out first

Gordon I will. I am going to see if I can find someone with a video VCR so it won't take me 12 hours to watch 30 minutes of video. I will call the JSO when I get off work and report the tires being slashed And get a report filed on that. Total cost I would have to look at my receipts for my tires. They are in my glove box.
yes I am not going to this place for a long time if ever. It's unfortunate it is one of the few places in my area where you can Sing kareoke have a few drinks a feel safe. Well the safe part doesn't need to be added anymore because I am not working there anymore. I will let you know when I have all the details. It might be Monday when I get back here to work but i will try to send you a pm before then. Thank You again!

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