• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

I Hate to Mention It, But


New member
I didn't want to say anything, but I still have occasional issues. They are the same as before, not as often but at least once a day I either have trouble accessing the site or posting. I just made a post in the Gen Florida area and I had to do it three times before it took. I just kept getting timed out. Same issue trying to access the site.
I hate to mention it after all the work you've put into it and again, maybe it's just me and something on my end.
I got:
5.67 Megabits / sec
692.27 Kilobits / sec
3.453 Seconds
I use Road Runner via Brighthouse. Whenever these issues occur I always check connections, speeds etc.
I know my computer is about due to be replaced it's about 5 years old.
Today I bought a new printer, not sure if the other one was dying or not. It quit printing Word, Note Pad and Paint Documents. Heck, it was only 9 years old. The new one is printing fine.
Here's what I am getting....

6.53megabits per second
796.8kilobytes per second

1:48 PM Fri Nov 09, 2007

I have sites on severs at two different data centers in two different parts of the country, and I know for a fact that often the slowness I get can sometimes be in either one of the data centers, and often from Comcast on my end. Oftentimes slowness problems can affect entire regions because the network itself can have problems that will manifest itself through a LOT of servers. For instance, a typical page request from a server for me will often make hops through 11 to 14 servers in order to complete. Any one of them CAN have a problem at any time.

Unfortunately, there is no real solution to the occasional slowdowns and outages.
Here's mine. I've had no trouble posting lately.

6.74megabits per second
822.57kilobytes per second


9:14 PM Fri Nov 09, 2007
OK, since I'm seem to be slowing down the World Wide Web, I'm going to upgrade from Windows 98 First Ed. Found A copy of Windows 98 Second Ed on Ebay for $37.99