• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Pray for our son


Scrap the crib idea. This is easy and my save you a few bucks :rofl1:


  • RedneckTimeOut.jpg
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Rob & Mary, First I want to congratulate your son on making such a tough decision, to join the military, especially in times like this. It shows that his parents did a great job.

Merry Christmas and Nappy Holidays !

The Bohanon Family
Thank you for all your kind words and prayers.We had a good sit down this mornig and I believe we have all the details sorted out.We are over the SHOCK of it all now and are looking forward to moving on.We are still nervous but we all fill alittle better after the talk.

I guess all we do now is wait.But we are now looking at baby stuff,man it's been along time the last time we have done that:lmao::lmao:

Man have prices of baby stuff gone up,looks like I will be making alot of things instead of buying them,I'm desighning a crib made out of raw metel,chicken wire and a whole lot of duct tape as we speak.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::ack2::eek:

Thanks again for all of your help and prayers,we will keep all of updated.Man I need a vacation.:banghead::banghead:

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still working out the details:lmao::lmao::lmao::eek:
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As a grandfather of 5 with a son-in-law deploying next month to the middle east for the third time, I know how you feel my friend. Karen & I wish you and your family the best for this holiday season and a most prosperous New Year. You and your family will be in our prayers. Looking forward to seeing you guys at the next shindig...
BM, I have three grown children and through the years each one has kept their mother and I up many nights in more than one occassion so I have a pretty good idea of what you are experiencing. However, with God's help, you and your now extended family will get through it. God bless and Ann and I will keep your family in your prayers.
First of all, thoughts and prayers for you and your family!
I got this video in my email and thought it would be appropriate for you and all of the military families here. I thought it was just cool!


If the link doesn't work copy and paste it in your browser, it's worth the few minutes to watch. :usa_flag:

Well here is the latest from the crazy farm.Tommorrow the boy leaves for S.C. for bootcamp,he was'nt suppose to leave until Weds.,but has he will soon learn,you go when and where they tell you.Also tommorrow at 9am he his getting married,then off he goes.
You try to teach them all the stuff they will need to have a better life then we did and then you see them go and do all this crazy stuff,:eek:O well,what can you do,as a parent you wish your kids do better and try to plan out a better plan for them,This was not in my plans:lmao:They start out so well and then all this happens,well atleast I thought it would be alittle more normal here once he was gone,NOPE,we now have a his girlfriend/wife living here,then the baby will be here soon,Man, I guess it will get quiet here when I died.:lmao::lmao:But then again,with my luck it will probably be crazy there too.:lmao:Will that's it for now.Can you over load a prayer list,I think I have.You know you have asked for too many prayers when you get God's answering machine:lmao::lmao::rofl1:I'm too young and good looking to be a grandfather.:rofl1::rofl1::rofl1::crazy03:
You might think you are too young, but if your children are old enough to have babies....then you are a "grandpa" . It is a scientific fact.

Get a DNA test. Just to be sure.
Your son will be fine. He'll change for sure......the better

When I say that he'll change for sure, the better, is because the Armed Forces do change our son's and daughter's. And, for the better.
Where I presently work, my boss has a son in the Army.serving in one of the worse places..His platton, is guarding the Valley of Death. His son, 20 year's old, been in for a year and a half. Under fire every day, but the son deals with it, and loves his country. Loves the men he serves with. And wouldn't leave the hell hole he's in for nothing.
My son, 20 year's old, quit college w/ a 4 year scholarship. All paid for. A 4.3 average, to join the Marines. His choice, what he wanted, and he LOVES it.
Has graduated 1st in his class in all his training. Can't wait to go kick ass and take names.
Another of the fella's I work with, a son in the Army EID, has done 3 tour's so far.
Another fella I work with, his son joined the Navy 6 month's ago. He too is proud of his choice to join.
What these boy's all have in common? A want to be more than just average men. A future, Responsibility, Committment, to their country, their loved one's, themselves. God bless them all.each and all of them.
I'm sure your one proud Father and Mother for sure.
As for the other thing...........it'll all work out as well
BM,, your son is in great hands, you or he won,t regret his decision.
My son is in AlIskandariyah, Iraq, arrived there in November, (3rd ID) hes seen action, but is safe.
We have the best trained and equipped military in the world.
Now the wife,, thats a different story, I had to have the son be careful what he says.
Like I mentioned in one of my earlier posts, I know what you are going through. My son-in-law ships out tonight to Afghanistan for 15 mo. leaving behind a wife and two babies. Hopefully time will fly and everyone's sons and daughters will be back safely soon...

Well our son graduates from bootcamp friday,so we are heading to S.C from Wed. to Sun.I sure hope all this has change him,because I know it has changed me,Him being gone,married,and now I will be a grandfather:eek:I'm just too good looking to be a grandfather:lmao::lmao:I'm looking forward to the trip,just to get out of town will be nice,hope the weather is good there.What a year it has been,and it's only April:ack2:At least when the baby is here I can borrow some daipers for detailing,atleast the clean one's:lmao::lmao::lmao:
Rob, you and Mary have a safe trip. I know you must be proud. Please relate to your son we are ALL VERY PROUD of HIM also and thank him for his service to our country.

May God Bless Him and All Our Service Men and Women. The lights will be on and the flags will wave when they all return home.

Oh BTW, gradfathers aren't bad looking. Look at me:eek:!
You guys have a safe trip and enjoy the time with your family. :thumbsup: Oh, and you'll be a fine looking grandpa, and Mary will be a very young looking grandma :yesnod: