• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Got pulled over last night...


New member
but didn't get a ticket. It was actually the first time where I didn't think I deserved one. I was doing 55 in a 45 on my way to work. He was pacing me from behind. Honestly I thought I was doing 52, but hey, what's 3mph between friends. ;)

Anyway, he came back with my details and said "I'm not giving you a ticket because a lot of people speed through here, including me"! I think he just wanted to see the pretty silver Corvette! :hehehe:

It's my third time being pulled over in the same mile stretch. I need to find a new way to work! :lmao:

I thought maybe Ivo was driving in front of me and drew the cop out. He does that to me a lot! Always tryin' to get me in trouble.


Edit: This is the first time being pulled over in the Z. Both previous tickets on this stretch of road were in my Camaro SS.
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I've never been pulled over and not given a ticket. Oh, no I'm wrong, once. So, I guess I don't have anything to gripe about :nonod:
I'm with 2vettes, I've never been pulled over and NOT recieved a ticket:shrug01:

At least that cop was nice and honest. The last time I got pulled over, I was passing a cop getting back on I95(he had stopped to help someone that was broken down). So I'm cruising about 75 and he passes me doing about 80, so I let him get 10-12 cars out in front of me and then stay there doing 79-80. Well about 4-5 miles up the road he starts slowing down, so I slow down. Then he slows down more, so I just keep cruising just over 70 and sure enough as soon as I pass him, BAAM, light come on.
He said HE paced ME, got a ticket for 80 in a 70.:toetap05:
I consider myself lucky so far, tickets usually come in 3's for me. Only time I've been stopped was the first week of ownership. Officer said that I ran a red light on a left hand turn, I didn't want to argue so I smiled and told him that the car is new and I'm still getting used to it......He smiled and said that he wasn't going to write a ticket but said if he saw me taking any turns again at about 45 mph, he wouldn't care what color the light was!:hehehe: :hehehe:

Then he just said, Sweet Car- have a nice day:) :)
Well, I have had my Z since the end of September last year, and have not been stopped yet for anything. (** knock on wood **). I'm surprised because the windows are so heavily tinted I thought for sure I would get stopped just so they could see who was driving the car so I could get "profiled". :rofl1:
Ive been questioned by LEOs thinking that im driving a stolen car. I think they just wanted to give me a hard time. Go figure :confused: ...
i have been pulled over one time since 2000 and i was putting 400 miles down every other weekend on I95 quite often. my speed was over xxx at 4:30 am no traffic at all. i was given a very professional warning from a very nice trooper in a z28. i was very lucky to have not gone to jail. it could be because i pulled over as soon as i saw the reflection on the side of her car and waited for her and i had all my stuff ready. who knows, but i truly expected to pay the price for my actions. it just reinforced my opinion of the fhp. most of the troopers i have delt with have been very good people over all.
I got pulled over a few months ago. He was pacing me doing 68 in a 50. Yes I got a ticket but gave it to a local attorney and $200.00 to make it go away. I'm 52 and I don't think they will have a problem since the last time I've received a ticket was at 19. I love my Velocity Yellow Vette but it is a beacon for laser.:yesnod:
My last ticket came with a lovely pair of silver braclet and coast about $5000.
that was all most 2 years ago and was avery good lesson and won't do that agin.
DWALK'00 said:
My last ticket came with a lovely pair of silver braclet and coast about $5000.
that was all most 2 years ago and was avery good lesson and won't do that agin.

Wow! What exactly did you do, if you don't mind my asking, to warrant the bracelets?
Rich Z said:
Wow! What exactly did you do, if you don't mind my asking, to warrant the bracelets?

I got followed out of a bar parking lot by a state trooper how pretty much had me arrested for a DUI before he even talked to me, good part was they did not have the evidence to convict (because the cop screwed up alot of the report up as well as the video) so the charges got reduce to reckless driving, better charge but you still have to do all the same classes and everything else as a DUI but it is only 4 points that will go away. A DUI stays on your record for 75 year. It was an expensive very good lesson and I don't plan on doing it agin.
My husband is the only man I have ever seen that can get out of tickets, for example....last year before we got the vette we had a 01 Honda s2000, one Saturday he wanted to see how high the speed-o-meter went, well he got it up to 157 mph before the Fhp. stopped him. He explained to the trooper what he was doing and the trooper told him that he has an s2000 also and he got his up to 162 mph so don't do again and let him go. This was on I75 just north of Tampa.
WC06VETTE said:
My husband is the only man I have ever seen that can get out of tickets, for example....last year before we got the vette we had a 01 Honda s2000, one Saturday he wanted to see how high the speed-o-meter went, well he got it up to 157 mph before the Fhp. stopped him. He explained to the trooper what he was doing and the trooper told him that he has an s2000 also and he got his up to 162 mph so don't do again and let him go. This was on I75 just north of Tampa.
Man they would have put me under the jail for doing that:hehehe: .He must have a gift:thumbsup:
WC06VETTE said:
My husband is the only man I have ever seen that can get out of tickets, for example....last year before we got the vette we had a 01 Honda s2000, one Saturday he wanted to see how high the speed-o-meter went, well he got it up to 157 mph before the Fhp. stopped him. He explained to the trooper what he was doing and the trooper told him that he has an s2000 also and he got his up to 162 mph so don't do again and let him go. This was on I75 just north of Tampa.

If what you say is true that cop should be fired. Most cops I have met, Florida and Mass take their job very seriously and would not let this type of infraction slide, especially considering the consequences that they would suffer if their actions were found out by his or her superiors, 157 mph is definately an arrestable offence and is also driving to endanger. I find it extremely hard to believe that a State Trooper would let a total stranger who was doing 87 mph over the speed limit go just because he owns the same kind of car. Hell, the fines alone would probably be over $1000.00. Christ I got bagged in my Envoy doing 13 mph over and he couldn't write the ticket fast enough. :rofl1: If a cop stopped you going 87mph over the speed limit he would be covered in drool just knowing he would probably be writing the moving violation of his life. :lmao:
Nytro said:
If what you say is true that cop should be fired. Most cops I have met, Florida and Mass take their job very seriously and would not let this type of infraction slide, especially considering the consequences that they would suffer if their actions were found out by his or her superiors, 157 mph is definately an arrestable offence and is also driving to endanger. I find it extremely hard to believe that a State Trooper would let a total stranger who was doing 87 mph over the speed limit go just because he owns the same kind of car. Hell, the fines alone would probably be over $1000.00. Christ I got bagged in my Envoy doing 13 mph over and he couldn't write the ticket fast enough. :rofl1: If a cop stopped you going 87mph over the speed limit he would be covered in drool just knowing he would probably be writing the moving violation of his life. :lmao:

I got a ticket a couple of years back that was more than double the 45mph speed limit. Obviously it was excessive, and dangerous. Especially since it was coming over a little bridge where, now that I realize it, a lot of people are fishing at all hours of the night. The officer didn't say a word to me about anything. No lecture. No "what the hell were you thinking?!" He just wrote the ticket for 48mph over the speed limit and sent me on my way. I still look back and wonder "what the hell was I thinking?!" :rolleyes:
Nytro said:
If what you say is true that cop should be fired. Most cops I have met, Florida and Mass take their job very seriously and would not let this type of infraction slide, especially considering the consequences that they would suffer if their actions were found out by his or her superiors, 157 mph is definately an arrestable offence and is also driving to endanger. I find it extremely hard to believe that a State Trooper would let a total stranger who was doing 87 mph over the speed limit go just because he owns the same kind of car. Hell, the fines alone would probably be over $1000.00. Christ I got bagged in my Envoy doing 13 mph over and he couldn't write the ticket fast enough. :rofl1: If a cop stopped you going 87mph over the speed limit he would be covered in drool just knowing he would probably be writing the moving violation of his life. :lmao:

I understand what you are saying and I agree....But I guess things may have been different if he was a punk kid doing it. And I know what he did was wrong and he was very lucky, they would have taken me away in cuffs.....
Nytro said:
If what you say is true that cop should be fired. Most cops I have met, Florida and Mass take their job very seriously and would not let this type of infraction slide, especially considering the consequences that they would suffer if their actions were found out by his or her superiors, 157 mph is definately an arrestable offence and is also driving to endanger. I find it extremely hard to believe that a State Trooper would let a total stranger who was doing 87 mph over the speed limit go just because he owns the same kind of car. Hell, the fines alone would probably be over $1000.00. Christ I got bagged in my Envoy doing 13 mph over and he couldn't write the ticket fast enough. :rofl1: If a cop stopped you going 87mph over the speed limit he would be covered in drool just knowing he would probably be writing the moving violation of his life. :lmao:

While catching and writing a ticket for that high of a speed would be a personal victory, it doesn't make our pay go up. It also doesn't matter if we write 5 tickets at 15 mph over or 20 at 85 mph over, there are no quotas. Different officers have different opinions about the MANY MANY MANY laws that are on the books. We cannot enforce every law we see people break (especially traffic laws with um-teen million cars in Miami alone, not to mention Tampa or other big areas). The only thing that's important to any Department of moderate size to large size is that the officer stays busy. That can be drug arrests, tickets, or whatever.

Having said that 157 MPH is definetly a great ticket to write. It however is not a criminal offense by itself. Speed in and of itself is an infraction, not a crime. The exception to that rule is things like weather conditions, other traffic (pedestrians and cars in area), cross traffic (possible streets or driveways a car could pull out of etc). If you have these factors then the speed becomes a danger to the public around you. The action becomes dangerous to the life limb and property of those around the violator because of his actions then it becomes RECKLESS DRIVING. Reckless driving IS a crime, and normally results in a minimum of an arrest.

One exception (and we were only taking about 1 car speeding excessivly in the previous posting) is "Racing on the highways". Racing doesn't actually need high speeds, and can be a slow down next to another car (obviously below the speed limit for a "rolling start") with the intent of competing in a speed contest where the endurance, speed, or stamina of the car will be tested in a race to a point off in the distance.

I have written tickets into the 120's, and taken people to jail for reckless much below that. Different factors change the possible outcome. Bottom line is I'd try not to write Vettes, so if the guy stopped and had a good attitude where it appeared he was ashamed of his actions or truly sorry it is our discretion to either write the ticket or not write it.

Once the fines reach the max they do not keep going up. Even 30 plus in a school zone tops in the $500 range. A judge can go much higher on the fine if they choose, but the Trooper or Officer cannot.

The initial story is possible in my opinion. Drive safe & save-da-wave!:wavey:
Why doesn't the land of the free and home of the brave have an "autobahn"? :shrug01:


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