Thread: Email from Iraq
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Unread 06-19-2008, 09:28 AM   #1
TampaBay Vettes
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Talking Email from Iraq


Received: Thursday, June 19, 2008 8:52 AM
Subject: KOV Iraqi Campaign

Well I did it. I’m here and trying to get to work. All is well and the family tells me they’re doing fine as well. I hope to send regular updates and a few pics maybe.

I’m currently in a temporary tent with ten other guys. It is terrible living conditions but sandstorms here have kept the helicopters grounded so me and two other guys need to wait till later this week to take a ground convoy into my final destination of Forward Operating Base Shield. I am in Bagdad but stuck in the IZ (International zone). I’ve been going all over place to get paperwork done, getting passes, and generally just looking like a dork that’s lost. Really want to get to FOB Shield. Hopefully that won’t be long.

I dropped my laptop the other day and cracked the case but it still seems to be working well. Crossing my fingers for now! They have a tent we call the Café that has internet and a TV hooked up to Armed Forces Network. (AFN) AFN is about two or three year old shows and all the commercials are Govt propaganda on steroids. They really preach a lot. This place is a real trip. Most people live in small temporary trailers stacked by twos. The Iraqi buildings in the IZ are not being rebuilt. When we leave it will be easy to erase the fact we were ever here. Except for the demolished buildings. I have been in the IZ for three days now and have only heard 2 attacks and nothing that’s been close but a month ago people tell me it was real sporty with an attack every couple of min. All the big buildings show signs of the bombing (Our initial bombing and their mortar and rocket attacks). No since in rebuilding until hostilities are under control. There is A LOT of dirt and its so fine it gets past the air conditioners and into your offices, living quarters, just about everywhere. The dust storms have held the sun at bay which is good because standing outside is like standing in a blow-dryer. Went to the old US Embassy for a briefing and this building is amazing. Its a Saddam palace that was not bombed. The rooms are three or four stories tall and all covered in intricate marble and murals of his conquests over the Iranians. The place is crawling with all sorts of people and more women than I thought I would see (These ladies due their gender justice; I’m a bit of a chauvinist and I’ve been quite impressed). Civilian and Military. The department I’m in MNSTC-I (called Men-Sticky) is brought together from all over the world and from all over the services and a lot of experienced contractors. It’s quite a collection. British, Australian, Swiss, Italian, Japanese, Georgian, Peruvian, and of course Iraqi & American. Haven’t seen any of Iraq outside the IZ yet but Ill let you know how it looks later. I’ll try to send more details soon.

If you were wondering what work I’m doing over here the attached website will help explain it.

This is the command I’m working for and if you follow the bottom link to the Ministry of Interior TT link it explains a little of the exact office I’m working in.

Chuck Slaven


Bagdad, Iraq

Get in, Shut up and Hold on!!!
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