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Unread 11-08-2008, 01:51 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by Guro305 View Post
Yeah but if you noticed for the two weeks prior to the election as the polls narrowed and it was looking like the possibilty that McCain was going to pull it off, the markets somewhat stabalized.

It's like RichZ said, why should I put my money into a volatile market because you tell me I should and then also tell me you are going to tax the s#!t outta me when it does go up and I make some money. Hippy f@(king liberals!!!!!! It scares the crap outta me thinking of one party who has literally lost it's mind moving way to the far-left (socialist) is going to have that much power. It never works. If Repubs can't take back either the House or Senate in 2010, then it's see ya later for me. The only thing worse then living in a socialist society is living in a socialist society that amount of time plus one day.

I'll take FloridaZ with me to the Far East and live out my dream by starting my own stripclub. U.S. Navy Seamen and Marines, no cover!:thumbsup:

Hey beotch!! Wait for me!!!!

As far as the stock market though, I have to respectfully disagree.
Although I'm not a daily stock watcher, I do try to keep up with the market through other sources.

They never really stabilized for any length of time. They took short bouts, then dropped like a rock for one reason or another, then bounced like a rubber ball again.

I agree that too much power in one party is a problem and I don't care what party it is.

I was reading his website earlier. Some real radical crap going on over there. It gives little incentive for a person to want to go out and work hard or try to get ahead, and almost none for a business to want to try to grow

If he gets his way untethered (no pun intended please), I won't be that far behind you....but I'm probably headed south......carribean south, probably an english, spanish or french held territory....won't need a vette, just a dune buggy

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