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Unread 11-15-2008, 06:53 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by Harbor Master View Post
I am engaged in debate with the owners of another Corvette Forum over this very issue. Same person, same issues, and same frustrations. I will defend DVD to the best of my ability as long as I can justify his actions. He is well intended and brings many good assets to your club. The thing I like most about him is his ability to make people smile. Off the wall at times and hard to follow. Who cares! He helps create an environment that motivates people to participate and have fun while doing so. I followed DVD to this site and am very pleased that I made the decision to do so. If I find that he is treated unfairly here as he was at the other site I will pursue the same course of action. Everyone deserves to be treated with respect and not singled out by a small group of nay sayers. I know I am new to this site. But the truth of the matter is that I interacted with DVD for over a year. I would like to thank all of you in advance for your consideration and fairness on this subject.

Im not all about adding fuel to the fire, but if you wanna talk fairness then fine. Go look in threads months ago, where some of his stuff was just so off the wall, you werent smiling you were thinking wtf. It only got worse until enough people said something and we all cooled off cause of admin.

I go look Just for Laughs section, and see nothing but his threads started, a lot of them are the off the wall wtf

"What do ya do? With a blonde & a Beer???????????? If ya don't know? I'm shure as h**l not gonna tell ya!!!..................from the desk of the PHANTOM!!!!.........."


.............A!...... cold Beer & Lasts Nights Pizza!!!! Memo from the desk of the PHANTOM!!!!.............Now Ya'll can't say, ya never did this?........ need some on This??????.......Ya, Know!!!!........ ta add ta this the girl! ya brought home Last Night!!!!.......................IT'S.. Called......... LEFT OVERS!!!!!!"

I know this is supposed to be a tight knit community, 1) im sure 99% of us all drive vettes or had one, 2) 99% of us live in florida or visit for winter.

On a full scale forum like some others i post at, half the oddball stuff hes responded to would be considered forum trolling. Is it also that hard to put just a small effort into grammar? I know this isnt english class, and were not writing term papers, but half arse grammar helps make more sense of a post then forty million periods and random smiley emotes. I dont see how this motivates people. The motivation i see it bringing from people who are avid forum users is negative motivation, i.e, criticizing or just not showing up or responding to anything. I put him on ignore because his post were horrible imo. Every so often ill click show post and then wish i never did.

Im not trying to sway you from this site, by all means welcome to the forum. Lot of great people here, and tons of knowledge, but you expect people to not single someone out, but you expect everyone to just let random stuff be posted. I know youve interacted with him for over a year, look at it this way, if you didnt know him and you saw post like his coming in your email...prolly hit the spam button? Im really still trying to think of many assets hes brought, please fill me in. If you want us to be fair to him, then have him be fair to us. Simple grammar and senseful post, is all we ask

Prolly wont like me for this post, sure Rich will get an email, but if were going to express ones self about the situation then Im gonna get my say in, and again welcome to the forum.
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