• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Well merry damned Christmas!!


New member
My son took the wifes Volvo to the Dallas Bull tonight with a couple of friends.

I'm up at 2:30 (am) doing some paperwork when the cell phone rings, it's him:eek:

Long story short, the car was IMPOUNDED by Stepps Towing. Parked in a fire lane along with about 10 other cars.

I went out to get him and his buds (just got back @ 4am!).

While I was there I took a few pictures of the "fire lane" and it's markings (or general lack thereof:D) and the signage on property.

There are hundreds of cars parked in the lot as overflow. Seems they only screw with ones in this little back alley???

What my son did wasn't right but I think Stepps may have a little problem with thier authority on this one?

But first, me 'tinks I must do a little research before running my yap :rofl1::yesnod:

We successfully jammed up a tow company several years ago on a similar matter. Cost them a bundle in returned fees:thumbsup:

Oh well.
But damned!! $112.00.......feck you and merry christmas to you too azzwipe!:lmao:

I hate some of these scumbag tow truck drivers more than telemarketers and collections people!!!!:mad::toetap05::toetap05:

I'd rather deal with a crack whore:lmao::lmao:

Time to get back to work!:wavey:
My money is on Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich! :lmao::lmao:
Andy :wavey:

Yeah.... That probably explains pretty succinctly why the worst politicians are rabidly anti-gun. They start thinking about what their constituents would do if they found out how badly they are getting screwed and they get the cold sweats. :thinkin: "What am I going to do?!?!", that think. "Ah! I know, BAN the guns so they won't be able to hurt me....." :yesnod: They'll never be able to get close enough with just knives and clubs.....
They can on private property. It's actually not enforcing laws, it's fulfilling a contract between the towing company and the property owner to remove unwanted vehicles from the premises. It also applies to contracts between towing companies and state entities. If you live in/near Tallahassee you may have experienced this if you go to the civic center and park illegally in a state parking lot at night. And, yes, these lots are posted. I personally think these companies are nothing more than vultures, but it is legal. Ethical?...no.
They can on private property. It's actually not enforcing laws, it's fulfilling a contract between the towing company and the property owner to remove unwanted vehicles from the premises. It also applies to contracts between towing companies and state entities. If you live in/near Tallahassee you may have experienced this if you go to the civic center and park illegally in a state parking lot at night. And, yes, these lots are posted. I personally think these companies are nothing more than vultures, but it is legal. Ethical?...no.

He's absolutely correct:thumbsup:

The signage is specific pursuant to State Statute, in design, size, and essentially wording.

There's meet the statute and are clearly posted. I don't have an issue with that part.

I have since found out however, that the property owner and the rent-a-cop (Marshall Security) that oversees it for them, "allow and permit" a violation of thier own policy.

They allow overflow parking from the Bull on the weekends under some agreement between the 2.

So my issue is and has been, the "Fire Lane."

I have more research to do on the design and markings required by statute and/or ordinance, but right now, I have to finish my Christmas shopping! I have time to play with this over the holidays, but I see a real s**tstorm on the horizon for these idiots!!:reddevil::mad:

Lets see. "If" I'm correct, and "If" the location is improperly marked. and "if" the guard is selectively enforcing parking restrictions...

Approximately 12-14 cars per night, 2 nightsd a week for the last 2-4 months @ $112.00 each (minimum).....this is gonna be an expensive lesson for somebody......:lmao:

But I have to be right! Otherwis, you suck it up and deal with it, get the word out to the patrons of the bull...watch where you park!
My son took the wifes Volvo to the Dallas Bull tonight with a couple of friends.

I'm up at 2:30 (am) doing some paperwork when the cell phone rings, it's him:eek:

Long story short, the car was IMPOUNDED by Stepps Towing. Parked in a fire lane along with about 10 other cars.

I went out to get him and his buds (just got back @ 4am!).

While I was there I took a few pictures of the "fire lane" and it's markings (or general lack thereof:D) and the signage on property.

There are hundreds of cars parked in the lot as overflow. Seems they only screw with ones in this little back alley???

What my son did wasn't right but I think Stepps may have a little problem with thier authority on this one?

But first, me 'tinks I must do a little research before running my yap :rofl1::yesnod:

We successfully jammed up a tow company several years ago on a similar matter. Cost them a bundle in returned fees:thumbsup:

Oh well.
But damned!! $112.00.......feck you and merry christmas to you too azzwipe!:lmao:

I hate some of these scumbag tow truck drivers more than telemarketers and collections people!!!!:mad::toetap05::toetap05:

I'd rather deal with a crack whore:lmao::lmao:

Time to get back to work!:wavey:

I hope your "NEW YEAR" goes a little better!........"SWAMP RAT"....:thumbsup:
I hope your "NEW YEAR" goes a little better!........"SWAMP RAT"....:thumbsup:

It'll be fine, thanks:thumbsup:

This is either going to be fun or an exercise in futility. Either way, I'll learn something new...and hopefully, so will they:D:thumbsup:
It'll be fine, thanks:thumbsup:

This is either going to be fun or an exercise in futility. Either way, I'll learn something new...and hopefully, so will they:D:thumbsup:

Ya gotta watch out Fighting guns & lawyers. They can both do you in......"SWAMP RAT"....:thumbsup:
its a money racket just like the new traffic cameras in temple terrace,estimated 2.4 million a year to be collected.Cameras only shoot pics of cars south bound into t.t no other direction
its a money racket just like the new traffic cameras in temple terrace,estimated 2.4 million a year to be collected.Cameras only shoot pics of cars south bound into t.t no other direction

Yeah... wait till the set up automated payroll deductions to pay the tickets without your say-so......... You just KNOW they are wondering if they could get away with that.
Yeah... wait till the set up automated payroll deductions to pay the tickets without your say-so......... You just KNOW they are wondering if they could get away with that.

If you have SUNPASS and have it automatically refilled when it reaches a certain limit, then what you suggest isn't all that impossible or unlikely.

I'm sure it would set off a crap storm...like we haven't had a few of those recently?
Well, if your son parked in a fire lane the car should have been towed. We're not talking about parking in a 'no parking' area. We're talking about something relevant to life safety. It may suck that you had to go pick up your son at 4:00 in the morning, but HE is the one responsible for that--not the tow company.

BTW I totally agree that there are some towing companies that have questionable ethics, but from your description of the incident it is your son's responsibility.
Well, if your son parked in a fire lane the car should have been towed. We're not talking about parking in a 'no parking' area. We're talking about something relevant to life safety. It may suck that you had to go pick up your son at 4:00 in the morning, but HE is the one responsible for that--not the tow company.

BTW I totally agree that there are some towing companies that have questionable ethics, but from your description of the incident it is your son's responsibility.


That's why the "facts" are relevent:thumbsup:

What you and I both lack at this point, are "facts."

We have laws and ordinances for a reason. It levels the playing field and keeps everyone honest.

If or when he breaks a law, be it speeding or anything else, he pays the price. Just ask him:yesnod: It's not "dad to the rescue."

He'll always be my son and I'll always stand by him and help him as I can. That said, I won't incorage bad behavior nor will I condone illegal behavior:thumbsdown:

However, when theres horsesh!t afoot, then dad does what he does best and somebody has hell to pay:D

I've always believed in doing the job, doing it correctly and doing it honestly.

From what I'm seeing here, it was neither:thumbsdown:

Picking him up at 4 am is not a big deal to me as I was already up at 2 anyway.

I'll let you guys know how it turns out. If he's wrong, we suck it up and deal with it:thumbsup:

BTW...if this "fire lane" does turn out to be proper, which it's likely not, then parking there considering the area, was no risk to anyones safety at midnight. :NoNo:

If done during the daylight and business hours, it's a whole different ball game.

It's still "illegal" but not "dangerous."
Well, good luck on the fire lane not being properly marked (if its actually a fire lane). Most areas are pretty strict on fire protection for a reason. Also just because it may have not been business hours for the building with the fire lane, that does not mean its not a life safety issue. Anytime a firefighter has to go to a fire, it can be a life safety issue for them. When someone hinders their ability to properly do their job by parking in a fire lane, its a risk to their life.

The local fire department can tell you if the area he parked in is a fire lane and if its properly marked.
Well, good luck on the fire lane not being properly marked (if its actually a fire lane). Most areas are pretty strict on fire protection for a reason. Also just because it may have not been business hours for the building with the fire lane, that does not mean its not a life safety issue. Anytime a firefighter has to go to a fire, it can be a life safety issue for them. When someone hinders their ability to properly do their job by parking in a fire lane, its a risk to their life.

The local fire department can tell you if the area he parked in is a fire lane and if its properly marked.

I think I can figure out whether if's properly marked or not:D

I agree with your premise and I support anything that makes a FF's job easier and safer.

That said, operating hours vs. non-operating hours makes a real difference in "life safety" issues.

During non-business hours, the worse thing that can happen is someone gets a fire hose drug across thier car or through the window via the AXE (seen both):lmao: or the place burns to the ground unoccupied.

Regardless, I'm not debating the law. If it's proper then it's proper and that's that:thumbsup:

If not, the rent a cop, the property owner, the tow company and possibly the bull have a problem to deal with;)

I'll figure it out later on this week or early next.

Ya'll have a great Christmas:thumbsup: