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Unread 12-24-2008, 12:14 AM   #58
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Originally Posted by ANTBRAX View Post
You forgot the difference between "then"=refers to the past and "than"=an alternative to...but whos the english major

...a back up plan to 19 idiots willing to die over a ficticious storybook? Maybe they coulda waited, I dont know 15-20 years in order to amass a crowd of idiots large enough to harass the city council in some small, ultra liberal California town(of which I am not a part).Thats an extremely farfetched, doomsday scenario that sounds like something the right wing has been spouting for the last 8 horrible years, the same type propaganda that got the country into an unjustified war against a country that hardly had running water.

This is not DVDs are way off base even bringing him into this conversation.

Yeah you know our country/government is so awesome with all its great wisdom and technology going against a country that hardly had running water, annnd we still cant find the man we originally were after. Theyve kept us their long enough to make us the fools. There is more people overseas willing to kill us, then there are enough people in this country with no balls to stand up for themselves(all the antigun ppl), may sound farfetched, but in all reason its still fetchable( i know this isnt a word prof. but im making a point).

Im not picking on DVD(Ive put him on ignore, but when ppl quote him I cant see how someone made it through school with that kind of grammar), it was a direct comment to you. You try to be witty about someones grammar on a forum(remember this isnt class), which my comment should have stood out like a sore thumb, but you had to make a comment about a typo(oooh noes). To me it shows youre running out of words, or quitting early like Harbor did.

A ficticious story book, just like our bible ? Thats why I never followed religion, I'm not gonna base my life from something written over 2k years ago, times have changed. Unfortunately people over in the Mid. East are easily brain washed, and are willing to die for their virgins(sadly their book didnt clarify male or female, so I'm sorry for them).

Z, he waste his time here for entertainment, and to write pen pal comments to his little buddy.
Beware the snake bite.....
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