• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

So What Have We Learned.....


New member
So What Have We Learned in Two Millenia?

"The budget should be balanced, the Treasury should be refilled, public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be tempered and controlled, and the assistance to foreign lands should be curtailed lest Rome become babkrupt. People must learn to work, instead of living on public assistance."
Cicero - 55 BC

Evidently we've learn nothing from history!!!!! :shrug01::shrug01:
So What Have We Learned in Two Millenia?

"The budget should be balanced, the Treasury should be refilled, public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be tempered and controlled, and the assistance to foreign lands should be curtailed lest Rome become babkrupt. People must learn to work, instead of living on public assistance."
Cicero - 55 BC

Evidently we've learn nothing from history!!!!! :shrug01::shrug01:

Unfortunately my friend, I feel you are correct:(:nonod:
I believe we have learned that man is incapable of governing himself....except for maybe you and me....and I'm not sure about you...!?:banghead:
Despite the banality of our society, we at least have many freedoms that other countries can only dream of.
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Yes, we have those many freedoms today, but they are quickly eroding before our very eyes. The present administration wants to control every aspect of our present lives. Fortunately, you can still buy a gun, but have you tried to get ammo lately? Obama's handprints are all over that one...(see the above post on re-loading). The real heartbreaker for me is that these people were elected by a MAJORITY of our fellow Americans!:banghead:

Oh well, on a lighter subject: How's the vette Mark?
Unfortunately, the government under the Obama administration, is attempting to control or influence matters not relagated to the Federal government:(

As I've sadi before and apparently, I'm (unfortunately) correct, the bail outs were a bad idea!:NoNo:

They didn't work, were not long term, have failed to really save any jobs and the General may still end up bankrupt before it's over. Worse yet, we (the taxpayer) now owns a POS compnay that can't support itself:(:nonod:

They just said today that they will likely miss thier scheduled payment to the government....go figure!:rolleyes:

The government is now controlling in part or parcel:

The banks
The Car Companies
The Insurance agencies
and now, he's trying to get his hooks in The Credit Card companies.

Although I agree with his premise on them, who the hell does he think he is to "mandate" or "demand" (even if it's formed as a "request"), that they do anything with thier rates, changes, or collections practices?

As I said, he's right but he's going about it all wrong!:mad:

With all his end running around the US by doing 3rd world politics, he's looking more and more like a damned "king" than a president!:thumbsdown:

Even though I didn't support or vote for him, I said I'd give him the benefit of the doubt and see what he could do?

I have and I'm not impressed:thumbsdown:

So in case he forgot, it's WE !!! THE PEOPLE.......any questions?
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Well, I believe things are going to get worse before they get, uh, more worse..... :thumbsdown:
Well said Gordon. Unfortunately I have to agree with you.

Well unfortunately (for us), he has already forgotten...or simply doesn't care about anything but advancing his ideaology and agenda. It will be up to US to provide the reminder!:yesnod:
The real heartbreaker for me is that these people were elected by a MAJORITY of our fellow Americans!:banghead:

Actually the MAJORITY voted for McCain. Obama got the electoral vote. He won the smaller states with the bigger electoral vote. Obama only had a few key areas, one of which is the extremely liberal New England area....
Don't forget to soap some windows while you are at it to REALLY show the world how serious you are. :hehehe:
Don't forget to soap some windows while you are at it to REALLY show the world how serious you are. :hehehe:

Funny Rich but it states a sad fact. Everywhere I go I hear anger about the direction our government is taking us and our inability individually to make a change. Let the majority remember who voted those guys and gals into office based on their promises and hold them accountable in 2010 on their actions.

I have yet to have someone tell me they voted for Obama and their proud of his leadership, maybe I hang with the wrong crowd?
Actually the MAJORITY voted for McCain. Obama got the electoral vote. He won the smaller states with the bigger electoral vote. Obama only had a few key areas, one of which is the extremely liberal New England area....

Tell me again why we bother to vote, then........ :shrug01:
Funny Rich but it states a sad fact. Everywhere I go I hear anger about the direction our government is taking us and our inability individually to make a change. Let the majority remember who voted those guys and gals into office based on their promises and hold them accountable in 2010 on their actions.

I have yet to have someone tell me they voted for Obama and their proud of his leadership, maybe I hang with the wrong crowd?

Everyone I talk to is getting completely fed up with the government. I don't mean just a little bit, either. I think quite a few people are coming to the realization that we have lost control of our country and it is going to be very painful trying to wrestle it back.
Everyone I talk to is getting completely fed up with the government. I don't mean just a little bit, either. I think quite a few people are coming to the realization that we have lost control of our country and it is going to be very painful trying to wrestle it back.

It took years to get us into this mess....I'm not sure we CAN get out of it at this point. Face it, the world as we knew it has changed...I'm not sure if politicians ever DID have morals, but that is surely lacking today. Next thing you know Rod Blagovich and the flunky he appointed to the senate will be running for President in 2010...if they can stay out of jail!
Everyone I talk to is getting completely fed up with the government. I don't mean just a little bit, either. I think quite a few people are coming to the realization that we have lost control of our country and it is going to be very painful trying to wrestle it back.

Not going to happen. When in history can you recall any state in which the people were able to get control of their lives back from the government? The government is beyond the stage where anything remotely like that can happen. We have 5 generations of people who have been brainwashed into thinking that the government is right. Even the people in the gov't offices are brainwashed into thinking that if it's the gov't, than it is right.

However, I can think of several instances where it got to a point where there was revolt, the state was divided. And then they either fell into chaos or were conquered by their enemies. I hope we can break the cycle, but I don't see too much chance of that. :shrug01: