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Unread 04-26-2009, 09:58 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by 85vette View Post
It took years to get us into this mess....I'm not sure we CAN get out of it at this point. Face it, the world as we knew it has changed...I'm not sure if politicians ever DID have morals, but that is surely lacking today. Next thing you know Rod Blagovich and the flunky he appointed to the senate will be running for President in 2010...if they can stay out of jail!
It did take years and decades of presidents on both side of the politcal spectrum, screwing things up

We can imporve the situation, but to do so would require us (the American People) to reign Washingtonh in!

We can start with regaining control of our own LOCAL, (city/count and administrative boards) government!

Insist on fiscal soundness in government and run (vote) those that refuse to play well with others, out of the freaking park!!

It will inevitably piss off some of the special interest groups, but so be it!

I want our state,local and federal governments back on track!

When agencies start whining about "toys" it's time to remind them why they took the job in the first place.

It's going to require cuts (not necessarily cut backs) in places that are near and dear to our hearts. We're going to have to be willing to bear the heart tugging strains of military, law enforcement and other state and local workers and see the bigger picture. We're going to have to insist our governments work like private enterprises!

Get your local government cleaned up and working soundly, then utilize those people and thier political influence, (ie: the power of of thier voting constituency) to change the STATE and it's group of donkeys.

Once that's accomplished, you can then proceed to the Federal level.

We (the Americal people) can, however, do something about THIS administration sooner rather than later. I don't get the warm fuzzy feeling that O' see's, hears or really cares, what "we" think. It's "his" vision and we're just cogs in the wheel.

In two (2) years, change his support group Get out and campaign!! Don't just vote (do that as well), but campaign!

Whats do you call a duck that can't fly?.....LAME!!

We shut him down at the pen and paper level and wait for Elvis to leave the building.

In the meantime, I suggest BOTH parties (and any other parties that want to play) start looking for a VIABLE candidate or two for the next election.

I'm not sure if politicians ever DID have morals,
Morals, ethics and sound judgement are three (3) totally different things. Although "morals" and "ethics" generally run hand in hand, it's not necessarily the case.

I don't necessarilly want a "moral" giant in power either. Take Rhonda Storms for example (please take her!!).

She's a right wing conservative who if given her way, would oppose any and all adult related businesses, internet sites, or anything else that didn't fit her far right christian beliefs

I know it's ok to discriminate against the adult businesses, but what happens when she doesn't like the logo you choose for your private business or car? She could use the same premise to enact legislation to limit or restrict your right to use it!

At the same time, she just proposed a christian tag (like the sports, military and college tags we have now) with I understand, a picture of Jesus on the cross, for the DMV to sell.

I don't mind it if someone wants it, but what if someone wants a gay pride flag or some other non-christian symbol? Where do we draw the line? We need to keep religion and government at bay with each other. It's ok to work together, but lets not have one over power the other.

For her, all she's trying to do is forward her agenda. Whatever happened to viewing a proposal or situation for it's facts and leaving personal belief and conviction out of the picture?

For example, I'm not a proponent of gay "marriage" from a "religious" standpoint. That said, I believe that from a political standpoint, we have not business ro right to refuse that opportunity to be miserable to anyone based upon thier sexual tendencies

I don't think the government has the right to restrict it or dictate what "marriage" means.

Unless we as a government can articulate legitimate reasons for disallowing the union (ie health risks, criminal statistics, etc), then we need to stay out of the battle. Actually, without sound reasoning as a basis for disallowing the unions, there should be no battle at all!

Churches have no business setting policy and/or law (IMO).

That said, I also don't think government should mandate that anyone (church, notary or otherwise) should be forced to perform the ceremonies or allow use of thier PRIVATE facilities!

I want people in government that listen to the people that elected them and do what's in the best interest of the community, citizens, country, etc., based upon evidence, sound judgement, and reasonable thinking. I want Ethical people, not religious people in power!

As my preacher has said many times "religious people scare me!)

So lets get this country back on track toward fiscal soundness first. The rest will start to fall in place.


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