• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

What did He say????

Lou G

New member
I just spent an hour listening to the President talk and answer questions concerning his Health Plan.

I must be very stupid because I still don't know how the Plan will work, how much the Plan will cost and who/how the Plan will be funded. :shrug01::shrug01:

I know we have very intelligent people in this forum that watched the President tonight and can answer those questions from me.

Thank you in advance.
I know we have very intelligent people in this forum that watched the President tonight and can answer those questions from me.

Thank you in advance.
Well,It ain't me Lou!!:lmao::lmao::lmao:
All I heard was a bunch of waisted oxygen,and backing around circles!!:D
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How's it work: Elfin magic!

How will he pay for it? Kind of like Robin Hood: Steal from the hardworking folk and give to the freeloaders.
Most government projects have a convoluted flow chart that all funnel to a common point that is a black box of government slight of hand. It is normally labelled "AND THEN A MIRACLE HAPPENS!"..... :rofl1:
TV Spam

I was going to watch the News Conference, but I had a choice between a Root Canal and the Speech. I choose the "Root Canal"! :lmao:
I only saw a clip of it, but what i got out of it was "it's going to cost a lot of money now, but it would even cost more later, so we want all your money now, so it doesn't cost more later!?!"....:confused:
I just spent an hour listening to the President talk and answer questions concerning his Health Plan.

I must be very stupid because I still don't know how the Plan will work, how much the Plan will cost and who/how the Plan will be funded. :shrug01::shrug01:

I know we have very intelligent people in this forum that watched the President tonight and can answer those questions from me.

Thank you in advance.

You missed the whole point. Keeping the tax payer in the dark is the point. By the time we realize what is happening it is too late to stop.
I say "just tell the Treasury to print another bizillion dollars" to pay for it and this time make it two-ply
The response I got from our esteemed Senator Bill Nelson when requesting he not vote for the Health Care Bill. Wonder where he stands on this issue? :shrug01:

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Manning:

Thank you for contacting me regarding the health care reform process. Anyone who has battled a major illness knows the system is broken, and we can no longer wait to fix it.


The task before us is immense, but Americans will rise to the challenge. I will be sure to take your views into consideration as the debate progresses. Please do not hesitate to contact me in the future.

Senator Bill Nelson
The response I got from our esteemed Senator Bill Nelson when requesting he not vote for the Health Care Bill. Wonder where he stands on this issue? :shrug01:

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Manning:

Thank you for contacting me regarding the health care reform process. Anyone who has battled a major illness knows the system is broken, and we can no longer wait to fix it.


The task before us is immense, but Americans will rise to the challenge. I will be sure to take your views into consideration as the debate progresses. Please do not hesitate to contact me in the future.

Senator Bill Nelson

The man is a pencil neck wimp and fink of the first order...another fine example of the electoral process:banghead:
Like someone said, its all smoke and mirrors.....recall what Obama said during the campaign..."spread the wealth"....take from the working and give to the lazy assed leaches.
One way to reduce the burden on the health care system is stop giving free health care to illegal immigrants. They're criminals and should be treated as such. Send a bill to Mexico and Cuba to cover all the free medical we have shelled out for the criminals!

Another key to reducing the cost of health care is education...keep kids in school, they learn, they have a better chance at becoming employed productive citizens than leaches on the backs of the working Americans.

Problem is, our government, under the current regime loaded with liberals, want to perpetuate a lifestyle of dependency on the government which increases the governments power base over those that have embraced that dependency lifestyle. The government is literally oppressing these folks in order to maintain power over them.....of course no one ever wants to talk about that.
The new plan being touted cant be any worse that what we now have which is nothing...and it is costing us an arm and a leg...thanks to George and Bill before him...
The government cannot run health care. They have proven that they can't run any program. To allow them to take charge of health care is a ridiculious concept.

Heres an idea, if one needs health care, or will need it in the future (as everyone does/will), stay in school, get educated, get a job.

It is not my responsibility to pay for the health care of someone else or their kids. I have my own family and two of my own kids that I have busted my ass to provide for.
The government cannot run health care. They have proven that they can't run any program. To allow them to take charge of health care is a ridiculious concept.

Your so very right.The Gov't has not run any program with success .But today Obama said he'll cram this up out azz rather anyone likes it or not.Not one country has maintained socialized medicine with success.

I know why people join militias.
They are getting a little worried because OBAMA'S numbers are tanking.
They say that the people attending the democratic town meetings are being bussed to disrupt the speakers. I saw and heard Pelosi say a couple of days ago on tv that some of these people were nazis.

Today I heard that the DNC sent a talking-points email to their troops asking that they call or email their congressmen in support of the health care program.

Grassroot opposition to the health care program is labeled "nazi" and extreme right wing nuts but it is ok for the liberals to send talking-points for support of the program.

I am really getting tired and angry with this bulls***. :mad: