• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.


Man, I vote in all the elections, but for some reason I'm just not "in" to it this year. I guess it just seems like no matter who gets into office, bad things always result from it. Yeah, yeah, I know all the arguments....... :shrug01:
Rich Z said:
Man, I vote in all the elections, but for some reason I'm just not "in" to it this year. I guess it just seems like no matter who gets into office, bad things always result from it. Yeah, yeah, I know all the arguments....... :shrug01:
Go vote Rich. The GOP needs you this year. You don't want the libs taking your guns, do you? And we really need to "stay the course" in Iraq. A win for libs is a victory for the bad guys over there.........
Hi Guys,
Seems to be a lull in our posts....so i'll toss one in here concerning the vote turnout today.
In many ways, today is far more important than previous elections....it is a true test of our gullability and just how far removed we all are from reality. Having flown for the speakers guild in Washington for a long time (charter jets), I have seen and heard a lot of things while sitting in the cockpit. One of the most notable was a crude takeoff on a Coors Silver Bullet commercial...by none other than Sen. Kennedy. This was hilarious and goes hand in hand with the catering orders for the specific "personalities" to be flown. (and what/how much they like to drink!)
This is not the time nor place to elaborate but, guys, today we give away the store or dig in.

I was handed a USB file today by a German airline crew. I asked what it was and was told to just have a look. Man, you can imagine what was going through my mind....I was thinking it was a copy of a hidden camera turned loose on some of their flight attendants. I was disappointed...but not really.
It was a over one hour of compelling video called "Loose Change". Google it if you have not seen this.
Having been standing in front of a hotel across the river from Manhatten on 9-11 I saw it all. I had some questions that I will forever keep to myself.
I would never go see the likes of M. Moore's movie about how much he hates W. This seems to be a more objective approach to what could be a turning point in our government.
How can we continue to support people WE place in office when they act like babies and care more for themselves than they do us? (Do they pay any Social Security taxes?)
I suppose I am pretty much Republican. I do like to see O'reilly when I can even though he has gotten a little too rich doing this to suit me.

The thoughts of Nancy becoming 3rd in line for President cannot be a good thing. Yes, I know her or I would never speak out. In fact, I am not "against" anyone. I am against pulling out of Iraq at this point...something I believe a Democratic congress would love to do. Maybe.

I voted by absentee since I am in Europe working. I will be home this weekend to make sure my 355 mile 07 C6 will start for me. (First, I have to see if my wife will start for me!)
I do have a cool program on my computer called TVU Player. Anyone who travels abroad regularly like I do will love this! Download it free and take some of home with you on the road! Any high speed hotel connection will work.

I'll be watching the returns and hope I can sleep afterwards.
Going to the places I do throughout the Middle East every month gives me many opportunities to spread the PR in a far more useful way. These people just do not know us like we really are...for that matter, we do not know them either.

I had dinner last week with a Muslim family in Amman. They are exactly like us. Of course the parents are well educated and the kids know what it is to have their asses whipped when they screw up. Remember those days? Hell, we go to jail for not sparing the rod.

Sorry for the long note but....have a look at Loose Change.
Regardless of your position on all this, we cannot turn away from how these issues will be addressed. Granted, tougue in cheek but, considering where I heard about it, someone is not willing to leave it alone. No judgements here.
I am American through and through...American Indian to be exact.
I have no axe to grind. There is too much of that going on anyway today!
Go wave at somebody and let them know you care. Even a Mustang!

We are all related. Seeya. Brent
Exercise your right. Vote.

I wouldn't say I'm a political person, but I pay attention, and vote. I'm kind of in the middle and have voted either way. Can I ask a silly question though? Why are Corvette owners overwhelmingly Republican? Just curious more than anything. We definitely need new candidates though, I think they're all liars.

Thanks for educating me in advance.
Not qualified to educate... I did give some thought to Vette owner's political persuasion. Never gave it much concern but you seem to be correct in your observation. Hmmm.
Term limits for congress is a no brainer. They will try by any available means to keep their jobs....jobs?
These people are self centered, imposing, rude (unless it is election time), self serving and getting rich by taking us for fools. Maybe we are but I think they are feeling the heat. Blue, red, D or R, they do not have our best interests at heart. Maybe some exceptions but they are quickly consumed.
I work hard for my Vette....I even had to make some sacrifice to own it. My retirement will be meager to say the least....if I have to hand out carts and happy face stickers at Wal Mart....I will have a Vette. Republican? Nah, I just love Corvettes and always will.
Cheers, my friend.
Yeah, OK, so I went out and voted.........

Didn't those mongrels in office pass some sort of law where you cannot have their voting record publicized for 90 days or so before an election? Sheesh, the founding fathers of this country HAVE to be spinning in their graves over that one!

One thing that does bug me is that I wish there were some readily available score sheet on the justices we are supposed to vote on whether they keep their jobs or not. As it is, I basically just have to guess, so I don't vote either way for any of them. :rolleyes:
The one thing that turned me off about this election is that even though you are on a no call list with your telephone, I had every politician calling the house at all hours of the day. If the phone marketers cannot do this then how did these candidates?
als2052 said:
The one thing that turned me off about this election is that even though you are on a no call list with your telephone, I had every politician calling the house at all hours of the day. If the phone marketers cannot do this then how did these candidates?
"no call list" doesn't apply to non-profit organizations.
2Vettes said:
Voted, done!

Me too! Just got back. Wife and I went to the Polls and then out to dinner. I am not sure which it was that gave me the indigestion? :thinkin:
als2052 said:
The one thing that turned me off about this election is that even though you are on a no call list with your telephone, I had every politician calling the house at all hours of the day. If the phone marketers cannot do this then how did these candidates?

Politicians ALWAYS exempt themselves from the laws they make. They are not only exempt, but not responsible for any damages such laws may cause.

Then they get money literally thrown at them from outside interests to get them to do their job the way the highest bidder wants them to.

Sheesh, no WONDER these people spend boatloads of money to get into office! They'll make it all back, with interest, while in office.

Cynical? Who, me? :shrug01:
Rich427 said:
Me too! Just got back. Wife and I went to the Polls and then out to dinner. I am not sure which it was that gave me the indigestion? :thinkin:
:rofl1: :rofl1: