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Unread 03-28-2009, 09:05 AM   #6
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Tallahassee
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Well guys, thanks for weighing in on the topic, and Gordon, thanks for a most thorough dissection of all the issues. I'm in Tallahassee, and so far, there aren't many, if any, toll booths around here (yet), nor red light cameras that I'm aware of. I have noticed that on my way to work on one of the main roads running through town, they've shortened the yellow light duration markedly at one busy intersection, seems like by about two seconds or so? Nice little devious way to "catch" more "red light runners." Big Brother can get pretty creative when it comes to extracting more money from the citizenry, it seems. Like you Gordon, I too am a "dinosaur" of sorts...will hit 57 come April. I also believe that these clowns (pols) are supposedly working for us, but many times, they seem more like the enemy. Yes, I vote, although sometimes I really wonder if it does much good anymore. Anyway, I feel the upstanding, hardworking, law-abiding citizen who pays taxes should have a right to fight back as it were (legally of course) and take advantage of anything that helps to "even the playing field" a bit. Like a Valentine One detector, for example. Sometimes I think people are getting complacent, or too intimidated to fight back. We're fast becoming a nation of sheep, afraid to stand up for our rights, etc. I think 911 had a lot to do with this, it's really warped our thinking, IMHO. Well, I'm beginning to ramble a bit too much. Enjoy talking with you guys, and this forum, I must say, has a much more "warm and fuzzy" feel to it than, for example, Corvetteforum, which, as I'm sure most of you have noticed, as soon as there's a hint of disagreement, the little Richard Cranium mods jump in and lock the thread. I don't bother posting on there anymore, as I feel this forum allows a lot more latitude, as in, freedom of speech. Well, y'all have a great weekend. Stay safe, and in the immortal words of Ahhnold S. "I'll be back!"
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