Thread: Speed trap rant
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Unread 02-09-2007, 09:39 AM   #6
Junkyard dog
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Default Not worth it

The speed limits bounce up and down like a rubber ball all the way from Baldwin to Ocala. I guess I've just dodged the bullet for several years. It's an 82 mile stretch and I figured out I can stay on the interstate for an additional 35 miles with my cruise control on and no stress and it's only about ten extra minutes and a few bux for gas. That way I never have to be victimized like that again. I have the utmost respect for law enforcement but this guy is an insult to the profession. Right down to writing the ticket for exactly 15 over so it would move me up another price/point category. Kinda like something out of a bad B movie script. Now I understand why somebody spends the money for the billboards. I just wanted to warn my fellow members about it if you ever have to go thru there to beware of billy bob and Jetrho. Yes there were two of them writing tickets as quickly as they could. Like shooting fish in a barrel with a license to steal. I think I'll stay on the Interstate, that way if I get pulled over( by a professional) it's because I voilated the law, not simply driven into an ambush by LEO terrorists.
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