• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

New Member complaint

Actually I have never spoken to you before, My name is Liz so Sir is the wrong directive.

I am not sure what facts for proof I can give you, would you like phone records? bank statements? It's always a he said she said when it comes to business.

I have done nothing but stated I had a bad experience and I got jumped on. How about asking the facts from Chris? Does he have to prove that I didn't get the **** end of the stick?

As to moving the post I can understand your decision but it seems unfair that when everyone is saying they had a good experience, I can't offer an opposing POV. That's my point.

As for Rich I PMed him and had a discussion privately. The way it should have been handled.
Fine here goes. Chris I don't care anymore.

My car started screwing up in Dec of last year maybe earlier, I brought it to Chris. He's been one of my best friends for years. We took the belts off and couldn't figure it out. We put new belts on. It still wasn't right, then we thought it was the water pump. I was sent to a different shop to get the water pump changed, turned out it was the air compressor. I didn't have the money at the time to fix it so I went with a bypass. This is now January.

The other shop called me and said I needed a whole new engine, I picked the car up all the while on the phone with chris talking to him about how shady it was. He agreed. Nothing he could do at this point my engine was screwed. We transported it to his shop in March of 09. Where it has sat since. He's had the money and the car. I've contacted several times every month when I write a check for insurance, off and on several times since July 31 when I got my new phone over 65 times.

On Nov 1st I was hit by a drunk driver in my Trailblazer, I called Chris from the accident scene. I begged him to complete my other car because I now needed it. I still have no car or truck because the repairs on the truck are more extensive then they originally thought. It's been over 30 days and nothing. I tried for 2 weeks everyday to get him to respond. Finally friday I went to the shop. It was sitting outside where it's been since he got it. He's told me on several occasions that it was in the works and being done. Truth is he hadn't even started it.
Oh I forgot to mention that I inherited some money so I could afford to buy the Trailblazer and fix the car that I have a weird affection to. Chris knew all about it and was worried someone was going to take advantage of me.
Hopefully this shows up. The first is the truck that hit me with my bumper stuck and the rest are my Trailblazer.


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liz not as bad as i thought it would be atleast its all cosmedic. and hopefully you didnt get hurt. what did insurance say? they should have been right on it.
if he was dui and arrested you already have his ins. info and they will provide a rental.
It was at 2 in the morning on Nov 1st coming home from a Halloween Party. None of the witness' stayed. I was alone he was alone. Florida is a no fault state. So that means his insurance pays for him and mine for me. I still have to pay a portion of the rental. Also. It was more then cosmetic. There was 6889.34 originally estimated, does not include the suspension issues or the rim that got chewed up. Yep. Suckville Population: THISGIRL.
When I got it back the first time it drove like crap and had to go back and the paint and fenders and the headlights had to be re-worked. Now before you all jump to conclusions none of this stuff happened at Chris' place. It was a body shop. It's supposed to be done on Wednesday. I will be out of town and driving a civic, which like many of you I feel like it's an insult to drive.

My complaint is that I own two cars neither of which I can drive and 10 months is a long time to not fix one.
Fine here goes. Chris I don't care anymore.

My car started screwing up in Dec of last year maybe earlier, I brought it to Chris. He's been one of my best friends for years. We took the belts off and couldn't figure it out. We put new belts on. It still wasn't right, then we thought it was the water pump. I was sent to a different shop to get the water pump changed, turned out it was the air compressor. I didn't have the money at the time to fix it so I went with a bypass. This is now January.

Screwing up? Can you define "screwing up?" Missing, hesitating, won't idle? (just curious as to the symptoms).

The other shop called me and said I needed a whole new engine,

Did they explain why?

I picked the car up all the while on the phone with chris talking to him about how shady it was. He agreed. Nothing he could do at this point my engine was screwed.

Again, just curious. Why was it "screwed?"

We transported it to his shop in March of 09. Where it has sat since. He's had the money and the car. I've contacted several times every month when I write a check for insurance, off and on several times since July 31 when I got my new phone over 65 times.

Why did you wait so long? Friends or not, nine (9) months is way too long!
Either fix it or give it back and refund my $$$.

On Nov 1st I was hit by a drunk driver in my Trailblazer,

Sorry to hear that. Saw the pics...not pretty:(

I called Chris from the accident scene. I begged him to complete my other car because I now needed it. I still have no car or truck because the repairs on the truck are more extensive then they originally thought. It's been over 30 days and nothing. I tried for 2 weeks everyday to get him to respond. Finally friday I went to the shop. It was sitting outside where it's been since he got it. He's told me on several occasions that it was in the works and being done. Truth is he hadn't even started it.

Just curious here, sort of being the devils advocate for a few minutes.

Had you bothered during the last nine (9) months to go by the shop and check on the progress? Maybe go by and speak with him directly?

Again, if you guys have been "friends" for that long, this should have resolved the problem. Even if not, if I don't have some resolution in a month or so, I'm paying a personal visit to the shop!;)

Once you realized nothing was being done, why not contact the police and file (or at least attempt to file) criminal charges?
If someone has your property, has not done the contracted work, and has refued to return your money and property, you "may" have fraud and/or theft charges that could be brought. It would depend on the agency handling the call. Some agencies won't get involved and will consider it a civil matter. Others will consider it "white collar" simply due to the planned nature of the events and go the criminal route.

Why wait so long to start civil proceedings? To make noise on various internet sites? Did you do a BBB complaint?

Either way, I'd have done something way before now;)


Actually I have never spoken to you before, My name is Liz so Sir is the wrong directive.

Unfortunately, computers are not gender specific:lmao:
If you'd have filled out your profile (or attached a photo (we love pics around here:rofl1:) maybe one would be able to tell;)

I am not sure what facts for proof I can give you, would you like phone records? bank statements? It's always a he said she said when it comes to business.

As I mentioned before, we don't need all the minute details. A simple description of the problem, possibly the attempts made to resolve it, and maybe a requested solution, are all that are necessary.

I have done nothing but stated I had a bad experience...
That's the problem ma'am, that's all you've done and repeatedly:rolleyes:

...and I got jumped on.

Trust me, this isn't "jumped on:rofl1:."
As I said, go elsewhere and do the exact same thing with one of thier vendors, and see how long it last and how well it's recieved?
We have a place to air differences. That place is this section:thumbsup:

How about asking the facts from Chris? Does he have to prove that I didn't get the **** end of the stick?

First of all, if you hadn't brought it up, no one would have known there was a potential problem;) But since you did, it's up to you to be more specific if you want your post to be taken with any credibility.

And no, as a matter of fact he doesn't:NoNo:
Remember, you are the PLAINTIFF. You are the one bringing the allegations.

Actually, if you have filed a civil action as you imply, then he'd be well advised to remain quiet and let the courts sort it out. All he can do at this point is incriminate himself while trying to defend himself. Not smart even if your innocent.

And you are not "required" to post facts; however, as mentioned, it lends much more credibility to your "claims" on a site such as this when you do.
Remember, you came on here as a new member. Both of your posts were essentially identical and nothing more than unsupported allegations about a member/vendor. Just not a great way to start out in most places. Kind of makes you go Huummm????

Too many people complain over absolutely nothing, are unreasonable in thier demands and simply can't be satisfied regardless of what you do:( Facts when stated with your "opinion" keep you out of that category.

As to moving the post I can understand your decision but it seems unfair that when everyone is saying they had a good experience, I can't offer an opposing POV. That's my point.

There's a place for everything. The veterans brothers thread wasn't the place. That's MY point, understood?

If there's a "rah rah" thread going on and you want to interject a differing POV, feel free. A simple "I had a different experience" or "my experieices weren't so good" would probably have served you better. I'm sure at that point that others would have been prompted to ask why? Same result, different, less threatening approach:yesnod:

As for Rich I PMed him and had a discussion privately. The way it should have been handled.

Glad you found the pm function. :thumbsup:

Good luck with your claim and I hope that everything gets ironed out as it should.

Maybe Chris will choose to chime in here, and maybe not. It's his choice.

Meanwhile, back to the regular programming already in progress.....
I work sometimes 7 days a week I have a rolling schedule and time off is usually for other things it's hard to make a four hour trip down there, You are right I should have gone sooner. I didn't I listened to him. I did meet with him face to face always the same story.

My car was making an odd noise at first, then running slightly hot.

As to the first guy explaining why I needed a new engine no he never really did but when I picked it up it sounded like there were bolts flying around under the hood.

Apparently it seized and died, ironically at the same gas station where I'd later get creamed by the Ford truck. Since Chris never did any tear down on the car I only have first guys word that i need a new engine and from what I heard picking up the car.

I'm sorry we're one day shy of 10 months. I wrote the check on the 15th.
I work sometimes 7 days a week I have a rolling schedule and time off is usually for other things it's hard to make a four hour trip down there, You are right I should have gone sooner. I didn't I listened to him. I did meet with him face to face always the same story.

My car was making an odd noise at first, then running slightly hot.

As to the first guy explaining why I needed a new engine no he never really did but when I picked it up it sounded like there were bolts flying around under the hood.

Apparently it seized and died, ironically at the same gas station where I'd later get creamed by the Ford truck. Since Chris never did any tear down on the car I only have first guys word that i need a new engine and from what I heard picking up the car.

I'm sorry we're one day shy of 10 months. I wrote the check on the 15th.

Nine (9) months, ten (10) months, all too long for something like this to go on:(

Sounds like it overheated and was ran hot. My "guess" and that's all it is, based upon the information provided, would be that you're hearing bearing noise. Junk, you wanna jump in here?

Just because a bearing or bearings are fried, doesn't mean you necessarily need a "new engine."

Have someone drop the pan and take a look. Any engine shop or full service repair facility can do that. Make sure you are THERE when they pull it apart.

I know the 7 day/flexible hours routine. I'm there myself:( But sometimes, you just have to make time.

And I'd stay away from that gas station...there's bad mojo flyin' 'round there;)
Fine here goes. Chris I don't care anymore.

My car started screwing up in Dec of last year maybe earlier, I brought it to Chris. He's been one of my best friends for years. We took the belts off and couldn't figure it out. We put new belts on. It still wasn't right, then we thought it was the water pump. I was sent to a different shop to get the water pump changed, turned out it was the air compressor. I didn't have the money at the time to fix it so I went with a bypass. This is now January.

The other shop called me and said I needed a whole new engine, I picked the car up all the while on the phone with chris talking to him about how shady it was. He agreed. Nothing he could do at this point my engine was screwed. We transported it to his shop in March of 09. Where it has sat since. He's had the money and the car. I've contacted several times every month when I write a check for insurance, off and on several times since July 31 when I got my new phone over 65 times.

On Nov 1st I was hit by a drunk driver in my Trailblazer, I called Chris from the accident scene. I begged him to complete my other car because I now needed it. I still have no car or truck because the repairs on the truck are more extensive then they originally thought. It's been over 30 days and nothing. I tried for 2 weeks everyday to get him to respond. Finally friday I went to the shop. It was sitting outside where it's been since he got it. He's told me on several occasions that it was in the works and being done. Truth is he hadn't even started it.

I'm sorry, but a lot of this just doesn't make sense to me..

Your car started having problems "in Dec of last year maybe earlier", so you and Chris "took the belts off and couldn't figure it out. We put new belts on. It still wasn't right, then we thought it was the water pump." So at that point "I was sent to a different shop to get the water pump changed, turned out it was the air compressor. I didn't have the money at the time to fix it so I went with a bypass." I don't see any mention of that the actual original problem was that you were trying to diagnose, but then "The other shop called me and said I needed a whole new engine".

So then you state "I picked the car up all the while on the phone with chris talking to him about how shady it was. He agreed.", which sounds to me you were the one making the claims about how "shady" the other shop was and Chris must have simply made some indication that he agreed. "Nothing he could do at this point my engine was screwed.", but yet you were able to "pick the car up"? But then you state "We transported it to his shop in March of 09", where the term "transported" used here seems to indicate that it was not driven, but was perhaps towed? So was the engine "screwed" before you took it to the other shop, or did that happen while it was in their care?

So after it was transported to Chris's shop, "Where it has sat since." Earlier you stated "I didn't have the money at the time to fix it so I went with a bypass." Did you at this time have enough money to replace the engine? So you then state "I've contacted several times every month when I write a check for insurance, off and on several times since July 31 when I got my new phone over 65 times.", which I am having trouble interpreting, but from between March and July 31 you tried contacting Chris "several times"? At what point did you PAY him for the work you needed done on your car?

It appears YOUR priorities changed when "On Nov 1st I was hit by a drunk driver in my Trailblazer, I called Chris from the accident scene. I begged him to complete my other car because I now needed it." Indicating that prior to this time, this really wasn't on the front burner for you, but suddenly became so, and you expected Chris to drop everything he had going on at the time and make YOUR now new top priority HIS as well.

I dunno, but there seems to be a lot of gaps in this story. Do you have anything at all in WRITING concerning what arrangements were made between yourself and Chris about the repairs on your car? It just appears from what I can gather from the above post that from March through November 1, you somehow developed a bum engine, which was not Chris's fault, quite possibly caused by something done at the "different shop". What was this "bypass" you mentioned? Could it have contributed to the engine problem in your efforts to save money? I'm guessing you drove it home, then had it towed to Chris's shop, and unless you suddenly came up with enough money to have the engine fixed, quite likely told Chris to just hold it there until such time that you could afford to have it fixed. I don't see any indication of when that point in time occurred where you actually paid for any work to be done, unfortunately.

So finally Friday you took a trip to his shop. Was Chris there? Did you speak to him?

I believe in another post you claimed that Chris has both your car and your money. When did he get your money and what was the arrangement that was agreed to at that time? It would be great if you had this in writing so there is no confusion of the facts due to a misunderstanding which often happens in verbal discussions. Sometimes a "whenever you can get to it" means something completely different to each side of the discussion.

Facts and details really help in situations like this, if for no other reason then to try to have both sides of the discussion look at possible failures that both may have contributed to in the breakdown in communications.
Good job on the details Rich. Running a busy shop is not easy to say the least. Most customers are concerned with their car only, no matter where on the priority list it is. They also don't realize if one project (we have between 7-12 in the shop at any given time) has a delay due to parts not showing on time, wrong part arrives, machining delays, etc. etc. etc. that it pushes ALL the builds back as everytime you pull off of one job to do another, time is lost. Very easy to "holler to the world" when upset in todays internet age, but that usually sets up greater animosity between the parties making a resolution all the harder.

Interested to see the outcome, I trust it will turn out fine as I have respect for their shop & abilities as well as many other shops around.

Good luck all!
Good job on the details Rich. Running a busy shop is not easy to say the least. Most customers are concerned with their car only, no matter where on the priority list it is. They also don't realize if one project (we have between 7-12 in the shop at any given time) has a delay due to parts not showing on time, wrong part arrives, machining delays, etc. etc. etc. that it pushes ALL the builds back as everytime you pull off of one job to do another, time is lost. Very easy to "holler to the world" when upset in todays internet age, but that usually sets up greater animosity between the parties making a resolution all the harder.

Interested to see the outcome, I trust it will turn out fine as I have respect for their shop & abilities as well as many other shops around.

Good luck all!

Good job on the details Rich. Running a busy shop is not easy to say the least. Most customers are concerned with their car only, no matter where on the priority list it is. They also don't realize if one project (we have between 7-12 in the shop at any given time) has a delay due to parts not showing on time, wrong part arrives, machining delays, etc. etc. etc. that it pushes ALL the builds back as everytime you pull off of one job to do another, time is lost. Very easy to "holler to the world" when upset in todays internet age, but that usually sets up greater animosity between the parties making a resolution all the harder.

Interested to see the outcome, I trust it will turn out fine as I have respect for their shop & abilities as well as many other shops around.

Good luck all!
:iagree::iagree::iagree:And then you have to take into account Employees not showing up, Wife or SO calling every 30 min.,Having Marital or SO problems or setting in a chair testing everybody and their dog and not doing their job!!:banghead::banghead::banghead:
How do you know I call him every 30 mins Junk? :lmao:
o.k. once a day maybe two I'm guilty. But Im sick...lol

Im sure they were really trying to help you out, Got busy and you had another car in-till last month so it was a take time save you money process. they weren't trying to hurt you on purpose. Kelli is cool as S&^% why didnt you just go talk to her.
If both are smart, this will stop until it's been worked out on court (if the action has indeed been filed).

It can't do either of them any good to air it publically at this time.

As far as the details we have presently, we only have one side:(

I disagree that there's a problem with her timeline. I do however agree that it makes no sense to have allowed it to go on this long.
9- 10 months is unreasonable in anyones book (IMO).

Then again, it appears it wasn't at Chris' all that time;) and it seems that the priority changed as did her circumstances. I've been in that boat so i can understand how that happens.

It'll be interesting to see how it all washes out.
We need James Patterson to write a detective Alex Cross novel to get to the bottom of this story. The suspense is killing me.
How do you know I call him every 30 mins Junk? :lmao:
o.k. once a day maybe two I'm guilty. But Im sick...lol

Im sure they were really trying to help you out, Got busy and you had another car in-till last month so it was a take time save you money process. they weren't trying to hurt you on purpose. Kelli is cool as S&^% why didnt you just go talk to her.
I wasn't talking about the bosses wife or girlfriend,I was talking about the employees!!:thumbsup:I haven't had a employee put in a compleat 40 hour week in 5 years!! There is always a dilemma that is more important than making a living!I'm to the point that I may to try to find me a illegal,at least they'll work!:thumbsup:
Well understood Mr.Junk:yesnod: You must talk to Greg allot, you sound just like him!

I wasn't talking about the bosses wife or girlfriend,I was talking about the employees!!:thumbsup:I haven't had a employee put in a compleat 40 hour week in 5 years!! There is always a dilemma that is more important than making a living!I'm to the point that I may to try to find me a illegal,at least they'll work!:thumbsup: