• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Have you been caught by.......


New member
.................................A RED LIGHT CAMERA!

We had several good threads about traffic tickets, and letting folks off with warnings, LEO's with warnings, etc, etc....

But how about the impartial Red Light Camera? :shrug01:

I know that in Brevard County, LEO's I talk with hate writing tickets with our economy in the crapper. A moving violation has a $169.00 fine, and higher for speeders. That is really tough to handle for a lot of folks these days. Even the "fix it tickets" went from $10.00 to $99.00! Many more warnings are being written nowadays than were a few years ago.

Most people think that tickets are big money makers for agencies, but that isn't really accurate. Out of a $169.00 fine, an agency will probably receive about $10.00, more or less.

Enter the impartial Red Light Camera.

No one in my agency or any of our municipal employees is exempt. Discretion is out the window. The only good aspect of this for a violator is that he or she won't receive any points against their driver record.

Out of the $150.00 fine, about 1/2 goes to the municipality or county. These are controversial $$$ makers and are catching on all around the state.

The cameras will, and are, being contested in courts and time will tell if they will be around awhile or not.

I thought of this tread because I received a couple of photos in the mail of my vette going past two unmanned .25 cent toll booths a few weeks ago in the Orlando area, and I didn't have any change. I had to mail back $3.75 for each one. :nonod:

I haven't been nailed by the Red Light Camera Monster yet! :)

How about you or someone you know?
Kenneth city installed a few just recently and i got nailed for making a right turn on a red light w/o making a complete stop. Luckily for me, it was during the initial start up time and it was only a warning notice i received in the mail.

Needless to say, i make sure i come to complete stops now when i go see my folks!:thumbsup:
Maybe Florida is going to go the route of Camden, NJ and lay off some of the police force? Certainly having automated cameras doing the job of a bunch of warm bodies is being looked at from a bottom line perspective. If it is all about money, then it becomes ALL ABOUT money....
Time will tell.
At the moment, I'm not a fan of them, but I'm waiting for the crash stats before making a final determination.

"If" they really do reduce crashes, then I can live with them.
Turn the traffic LEO's loose on some pro-active criminal actuvity suppression:thumbsup:

If not, or worse yet, "other" crashes take thier place, then they go away.

I am not at all happy with the fact that we give 1/2 of the $$ or more to a private agency:thumbsdown: yet still have to have a sworn LEO review them:shrug01:

ATS technicians and police review footage, but police decide whether a ticket is warranted.

Again, if they don't do what they say they do, then they're nothing more than a revenue generator for the agencies.:NoNo:

If you really want to know what your local government is really thinking when they install camera systems, take a look at this:
(*hint-it has nothing to do with your safety;) *)


City commissioners are disturbed that the cameras have not lived up to expectations and are proving to be a time-consuming burden to the Police Department


But officials believe the cameras are saving lives – and also making money.

The fine for blowing a red light is $100. From October to January, Temple Terrace issued 9,339 tickets based on photographic evidence at the two intersections – or nearly $1 million worth of tickets

Where does the money go:

I ran a stop sign the other day and went to pay the ticket at the Clerk's office. I was curious about where traffic ticket money ends up.

A: The money from traffic infractions is used in a variety of ways. The majority of the dollars and cents stay in the city or county where the ticket is written. The rest of the fine money is distributed to the state for general revenue and a variety of state trust funds and programs, such as: Emergency Medical Services, Brain and Spinal Cord Rehabilitation, Florida Endowment, Child Welfare Training, Juvenile Justice, foster care citizen review panels, Nongame Wildlife studies and state criminal justice programs. The Clerk of Court only retains a half of one percent. The percentage of money received from traffic tickets to be applied to each of the various funds is established by the Legislature, and it is the statutory responsibility of the Clerk of Court to see that the monies are properly distributed.

I used to have the breakdown for ticket fines around somewhere.
When I get back from dinner, I'll try to find them.
Hydrolic license plate

Wouldn't it be funny to have a license plate the retracts down when going through a light?...Example, your approaching a light that just turned yellow, you start going faster to beat it, when you hit a little button the lays the license plate flat so you can't read it?...:hehehe:
Wouldn't it be funny to have a license plate the retracts down when going through a light?...Example, your approaching a light that just turned yellow, you start going faster to beat it, when you hit a little button the lays the license plate flat so you can't read it?...:hehehe:

Believe me, the thought of that or a drop down cover, have crossed my mind. Especially in areas where they talk about "speed cameras.".

Damn, I'm getting cranky in my old age:lmao::rofl1:
My vehicles are registered to my wife and myself. Maybe a friend is driving it. How can they write me a ticket? Gordon, say whatever you want to about safety, but this is bullshlt. Same for the speeding cameras.

My blood just boils when I read this crap. How long before 'big brother' is in our house?
My vehicles are registered to my wife and myself. Maybe a friend is driving it. How can they write me a ticket? Gordon, say whatever you want to about safety, but this is bullshlt. Same for the speeding cameras.

My blood just boils when I read this crap. How long before 'big brother' is in our house?

Probably just a baseless rumor, but I heard a while back that phones and even your cable TV are actually bidirectional with audio. Heck, I remember seeing devices sold that you could hook up to your home phone that would allow you to silently call in and be able to monitor the inside of your house remotely. With computers being in just about everything, do you REALLY know all of the circuitry in them and the coding being processed? Do you really think NSA would TELL us about this little "perk" of the current day "connected" society?

This is one of the reasons I don't use a cell phone. I have one for emergencies, but it is NEVER turned on unless I have to make an immediate call out. I just don't care to broadcast my whereabouts to anyone.

But for the most part, if you don't believe that "Big Brother" is already here, you are being pretty naive.
Probably just a baseless rumor, but I heard a while back that phones and even your cable TV are actually bidirectional with audio. Heck, I remember seeing devices sold that you could hook up to your home phone that would allow you to silently call in and be able to monitor the inside of your house remotely. With computers being in just about everything, do you REALLY know all of the circuitry in them and the coding being processed? Do you really think NSA would TELL us about this little "perk" of the current day "connected" society?

This is one of the reasons I don't use a cell phone. I have one for emergencies, but it is NEVER turned on unless I have to make an immediate call out. I just don't care to broadcast my whereabouts to anyone.

But for the most part, if you don't believe that "Big Brother" is already here, you are being pretty naive.

Now I am getting really pissed. Just thinking about what you just said. Cookies, you know what they are. The other stuff I can't remember right now that enables these companies to track your every movement on the computer. How about the computer in your car that will record your every movement and speed.

Are you ready? I think we need to form an army and revolt. :mad:
My vehicles are registered to my wife and myself. Maybe a friend is driving it. How can they write me a ticket? Gordon, say whatever you want to about safety, but this is bullshlt. Same for the speeding cameras.

My blood just boils when I read this crap. How long before 'big brother' is in our house?
1) The company will issue the citation the the primary owner, or first on the title (IIRC).

2) I never said it was about safety (read the links).
I said "IF" it proves worthwhile, then I can support it.
If not it needs to go!

Probably just a baseless rumor, but I heard a while back that phones and even your cable TV are actually bidirectional with audio. Heck, I remember seeing devices sold that you could hook up to your home phone that would allow you to silently call in and be able to monitor the inside of your house remotely. With computers being in just about everything, do you REALLY know all of the circuitry in them and the coding being processed? Do you really think NSA would TELL us about this little "perk" of the current day "connected" society?

This is one of the reasons I don't use a cell phone. I have one for emergencies, but it is NEVER turned on unless I have to make an immediate call out. I just don't care to broadcast my whereabouts to anyone.

But for the most part, if you don't believe that "Big Brother" is already here, you are being pretty naive.

But you'll use a computer and drive a new car?:shrug01::lmao:
BTW- There is technology out there that can track your phone with it off...or so I'm told by a friend of mine that doesn't exist:lmao:

Now I am getting really pissed. Just thinking about what you just said. Cookies, you know what they are. The other stuff I can't remember right now that enables these companies to track your every movement on the computer. How about the computer in your car that will record your every movement and speed.

1) Use a proxy server.
2) Use the "in private" browsing function of windows.
There are a few other things you can do to lessen the way companies track computer usage.

The auto computer is a bit inaccutate.

The CDR only records a segment of time prior at or around the incident it's set off.
There's some other chit in cars that give the dealerships an idea what you've been doing with your car, but IIRC, you can disable most of those.
You'll void your warranty, but WTF, at least they won't know what you're doing;)

Are you ready? I think we need to form an army and revolt. :mad:

Hold on, let me grab the tinfoil......
But you'll use a computer and drive a new car?:shrug01::lmao:
BTW- There is technology out there that can track your phone with it off...or so I'm told by a friend of mine that doesn't exist:lmao:

Sorry Gordon, guess I hit a nerve concerning cell phones. :rolleyes:
But you'll use a computer and drive a new car?:shrug01::lmao:
BTW- There is technology out there that can track your phone with it off...or so I'm told by a friend of mine that doesn't exist:lmao:

So how could a cell phone be beaconing without any power applied to it? I'm not talking about it just being idle waiting for a call, I'm talking about OFF. As in no power being applied. But I guess many folks with cell phones don't even know you CAN turn it off..... :lmao:
Sorry Gordon, guess I hit a nerve concerning cell phones. :rolleyes:

WTF is :rolleyes: all about:shrug01:
No nerves with me.
I use it, feel free to track it.
If you want to know where I'm at, or where I'm going, get in the f**king car!:lmao:

I don't care if someone knows my location but getting my personal info is another matter. You just got me cranked up. :D

Nothing's really "personal" these days. It's just a matter of how far you want to dig, how much you want to spend, and what you're willing to risk to gain the information;)

So how could a cell phone be beaconing without any power applied to it? I'm not talking about it just being idle waiting for a call, I'm talking about OFF. As in no power being applied. But I guess many folks with cell phones don't even know you CAN turn it off..... :lmao:

Time for a little edumacation I reckon?
Here ya' go:


Warrantless cell phone tracking has been a part of the US government as long as there have been cell phones, and cell phone companies are forced by law to hand over any amount of control over these cell phones as either the state or federal government desires. This is for certain once the authorites have a good case for probable cause, and somewhat more borderline if they haven't gone ahead and gotten a proper warrant. This includes location data for tracking purposes. There is a possibility that the FBI does such tracking independently of the phone company, but this is rather difficult to verify.

...This doesn't mean they're tracking everyone in the US at all times; only a few Big Brother theorists will make that claim. However, they do have the resources to actively track and analyze many many people at once, and they use this capability frequently for purposes of tracking criminals and suspects.

NSA ring a bell?

And of coures, when a better mousetrap is designed, we just design a better f**king mouse:D

Defeating the bug:
My vehicles are registered to my wife and myself. Maybe a friend is driving it. How can they write me a ticket? Gordon, say whatever you want to about safety, but this is bullshlt. Same for the speeding cameras.

My blood just boils when I read this crap. How long before 'big brother' is in our house?
Bob, We had these back in Ohio where I came from.
The red light camera citations are civil, not criminal. Since it is your car, they feel that you are responsible. ("Don't lend your car to an irresponsible driver, or get the fine money from them.") That's why these don't put "points" on your license. I don't know if they share the information with your insurance company.
Some cameras also take a picture of the driver through the windshield. (Get a Rick Scott mask.) ;)
Bob, We had these back in Ohio where I came from.
The red light camera citations are civil, not criminal. Since it is your car, they feel that you are responsible. ("Don't lend your car to an irresponsible driver, or get the fine money from them.") That's why these don't put "points" on your license. I don't know if they share the information with your insurance company.
Some cameras also take a picture of the driver through the windshield. (Get a Rick Scott mask.) ;)

Kenneth city installed a few just recently and i got nailed for making a right turn on a red light w/o making a complete stop. Luckily for me, it was during the initial start up time and it was only a warning notice i received in the mail.

Needless to say, i make sure i come to complete stops now when i go see my folks!:thumbsup:

X2 here. made a right onto 58 street form 54th ave and got a warning.:thumbsdown:

nice pic of my car though:thumbsup: