• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

New registration audits...

Rich Z

Internet Sanitation Engineer
Staff member
Since around mid March or so, we've been getting a LOT of spammers registering on this site. Matter of fact the number of spammers hitting this site is MANY times the number I have hitting ALL of my other sites combined.

So that normally means someone who is pissed at me or this site has engaged in an effort to try to aggravate me, possibly to the point that I terminate this site in frustration. Been there before with some of my other sites, and it didn't work then either.

But in any event, I have had to set up the registration process whereby I have to approve all new registrations before the new members can post on this site. I am sorry about the complication for those new *legitimate* members, but this seems to be the most effective method to keep this problem from infusing this site with spam messages. Chris has been keeping on top of it, but it is a time waster for him that I would rather not have him have to deal with constantly.
Rich, it's also a waste when you open a post expecting one thing and finding SPAM instead!
By all means, do whatever it takes to put these guys out of business.:thumbsup:
Andy Anderson :wavey:
Rich, it's also a waste when you open a post expecting one thing and finding SPAM instead!
By all means, do whatever it takes to put these guys out of business.:thumbsup:
Andy Anderson :wavey:

You really can't put them out of business, because most are located overseas, but I CAN stop them from infesting my sites with their garbage.
Ur Not The Only Place Getting Them ! Their all Over The Net !!!

Yeah, but the percentage of spammers compared to actual real registrations here at THIS site is pretty unusual, to say the least.

Yeah, but the percentage of spammers compared to actual real registrations here at THIS site is pretty unusual, to say the least.

One Forum Got Over 300 in one Night ! Their out Hunting ...U Get Them Everywhere !!! & one of the Biggest Places is FB !!!
One Forum Got Over 300 in one Night ! Their out Hunting ...U Get Them Everywhere !!! & one of the Biggest Places is FB !!!

What is so unusual is that this is such a low profile site that it REALLY shouldn't be a target for any spammers....