• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Department of Justice head is a proven perjurer.


New member
Department of Justice head is a liar. In sworn testimony before Congress, DOJ head, Eric Holder, gave false statements and lied about his involvement in the scandalous "Fast and Furious" gun running operation. This failed scheme is most likely responsible for the death of a U.S. Border Patrol Agent and numerous others.

Eric holder Is A Documented Liar
And quite likely nothing will come of it. I'm sure "special privileges" come with the job. :rolleyes:
And quite likely nothing will come of it. I'm sure "special privileges" come with the job. :rolleyes:

Agreed! This will probably go nowhere. I'm not sure special privileges come with the job in so much as some people consider themselves worthy of special privileges. Holder is one for sure. IMO, the reason this will probably go nowhere is you'll never hear a peep about this in most of the main stream obamamedia- although to the credit of some at ABC News, a lot about this scandal had been uncovered. If you were to hear anything from the other "News", you'll be told that Bush is responsible. :banghead: AND- if you disagree with that, you'll be called a :reddevil: racist. Go figure. :shrug01:
Actually, I never could figure out how racism got to be such a one way street lately.... :shrug01:
Actually, I never could figure out how racism got to be such a one way street lately.... :shrug01:

Even Herman Cain is called a racist, an "Uncle Tom", a sell-out, a traitor. REASON? He's a black Conservative! Condoleezza Rice got the same treatment. REASON? She's a black Conservative. Colin Powell? I think so, but the "treatment" seemed to cease once he went on his bash Bush/Chaney tour!
Any non-white politician who espouses a conservative position will be chastised and unfairly targeted by CNBC, CNN, NBC, ObamaTimes, ABC, etc. And those who drank the Kool-Aid will blindly follow.
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And how is this scandal any different than any other in recent memory during past half dozen adminitrations regardless of party, race or gender...Lets face it people, although its the best in the world, our government is just as corrupt and racist as any other in its own way...
And how is this scandal any different than any other in recent memory during past half dozen adminitrations regardless of party, race or gender...Lets face it people, although its the best in the world, our government is just as corrupt and racist as any other in its own way...

That certainly doesn't make me feel any better about the situation, however...