• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

A little about my life.


New member
I'm new to this forum and computers, so pardon my stupidity. I was born a long time ago. I died in 1970. Let me explain, my wife and I went looking for a car. I saw a 1962 Vette that I wanted, she was pregnant, bought a Plymouth wagon instead of the Vette. That was when I died. I came back to life in 2003. Thats when I bought a 1992 Vette. I'm now living life to it's fullest. I sold my 92 and bought a 1998 Red Coupe. My new wife loves it. Would like to post pictures of my baby, but I don't know how to do it. Help !!!!!!!
:welcome: to the living and to this site! You'll like it here. Hope you get those pics up soon, we're waiting to see them :yesnod:
Would like to post pictures of my baby, but I don't know how to do it. Help !!!!!!!
If you have pic's of your vette on your computer, scroll down below "Submit Reply" at the bottom of the page you're creating your post and you'll see a button that says "Manage Attachments". Click on that button and then the "Browse" button on the window that opens. You may have to select "My Picture" and then double click on the pic you want to post. When you have selected the pic's to post, click "Upload" and then close the little window. Then "Submit Reply" at the bottom of the page and you should post with pictures. :thumbsup: ........Tom :)


  • Zresize1.jpg
    120.7 KB · Views: 102
Unless of course you pictures are too big for this posting method.
This is long but follow along and you will be fine.

If they are, click on the "Photo Gallery" link at the top. On the right side you will see "Upload Phots". Click on it. You will see 4 blank lines with "Browse" at the end of them. Click the 1st "Browse" button. It will open a window that is looking at your computer. Select the picture and click on "Open". This will load the selected picture info into the 1st line next to the Browse button you had selected. Just do 1 at first. The next area will ask you to enter a default title. Give it a name. Go to the bottom and click on "Upload/Submit".
This will load your photo into the Photo Gallery and show it to you on the screen. Scroll down below the picture and you will see a button labeled "copy to clipboard". Click it once. Now click on the Corvette Florida.com logo at the top of the page to go to the Lobby. Scroll down to the section called "Staging Area", click there and then select "New Thread". Give your thread a title, like test 123. Click in the box where you would type your message test. Right click on the mouse and select "Paste". You should see something like this.
http://www.corvetteflorida.com/photopost/data/500/PartyGuy2.jpg[/img] Now click on submit new thread and you photo should be there in a new thread for the world to see.
Hi and welcome to the site. Sorry you had to wait so long to be reborn but the second time around can be the best.:welcome: :thumbsup:
Hi Welcome to :crazy03: people! Listen to SteveK. He is one sharp dude and his tecnique worked very well for me. Picyures taken in high resolution and large file sizes will need to be reduced. So follow his thread and you will do fine. Welcome again.:welcome: :welcome:
:welcome: Heck, I wasn't even born, then, until last year. I bought my first vette at the end of September, 2005. Man, I sure could KICK myself for waiting for so long........... :banghead:
I guess that when you ride in a Vette prior to owning one you are conceived. But you are never born until you get your own. :hehehe: