• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Gun Control at a cost


Active member
Our cost! I looked at the Cheaper Than Dirt online catalog yesterday. The cheap 30 round plastic magazines for my Colt AR15 are $39.95 and the original metal 30 round Colt mags are $129.95! Don't know what ammo is. Just the other day it was $22.00 for 20 rounds....IF they had it in stock! Glad I keep a large supply on hand. Seems like we just did this a few years back....
Yeah, the dumbasses already tried this, and it didn't work out too well. The problem with a high capacity magazine ban is that unless the law also applies to law enforcement, then it is useless. And marking the magazines as "LEO ONLY" isn't going to work now, because during the last hi-cap magazine ban, that's what they did and now THOSE magazines are everywhere. So how exactly do they plan on implementing something like that?

And yeah, the same old tune about "assault weapons" being the cause of the problems in society. Having them banned from 1994 thru 2004 didn't accomplish anything but to piss off and inconvenience legitimate gun owners and put a bunch of democrats into the unemployment lines. So they are going to try it again?

It appears that bad legislation never really dies. It just goes dormant awaiting the proper tragedy in order to come back out of dormancy. Sort of like a fungus.
.... Having them banned from 1994 thru 2004 didn't accomplish anything but to piss off and inconvenience legitimate gun owners and put a bunch of democrats into the unemployment lines. So they are going to try it again? ...

Some dems might have been made to go packin', but somehow I'm feeling very uneasy about the next mid-term elections partly because I have little faith in the intelligence of today's voting population and also because we a*holes have short memories. We don't remember the threat we faced and quite by chance, were actually lucky that the ban had a sunset clause. Nowadays, even some lawmakers who are pro 2nd Amendment supporters are changing their tune about hi cap mags and "assault" weapons. Dems are supportive of each other's causes. They join together for the good of their party. After all, dems have never been known for their support of the right of the "individual" and that is why I fear that this time around the gun saga will leave a nasty taste in the mouths of many- and the many will be the pro gun advocates. Unfortunately the Repubes aren't so unified, and will end up being their own worst enemy.

The times they are a changin'.