• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

System response?

Rich Z

Internet Sanitation Engineer
Staff member
Every once in a while this site gets kind of sluggish for me, where I will post a reply to a thread, and it just hangs up for maybe 10 to 20 seconds. Is this happening to anyone else?

I'm trying to figure out if it's a server issue, my ISP, or just my browser itself.
Yes, it has done that with me also. It made me double post a time or two. I assumed it was on my end. :shrug01:
Yep, same-same for me! Sometimes fine, other times it seems to get hung
up for no apparent reason. Anything I can be writing down to help solve it?
Andy :wavey:
I believe the host I am using for this site is using some sort of funky caching scheme for the server. I've noticed that once the site seems to wake up, then it is very fast. Writes seem to be slow all of the time, but that would be the case with a cached server algorithm.

I'll have to think about my options...
Well, there appear to be three options:
  1. Squeeze this site and a couple of others onto my own server and hope they don't negatively affect my main sites.
  2. Get a new dedicated server solely for these sideline sites I have and outlay 2X more money per month for them.
  3. Drop them altogether and save myself some money.

At various and sundry times, any one of them has appeared to be the best choice for me. :shrug01:
I'm going to go ahead and lease another server. This slowness when I post a message is driving me nuts. I need some sort of offsite backup for my main server anyway, so I can get a server to do this and store this site and a few others on the server too.

Sure wish I could get some paid advertisers here to help foot the bill, but that obviously is not going to happen. Too little traffic here to be attractive for anyone, I suppose. That's the breaks for me. :(
Server move coming in likely a few days. Not sure when exactly, but the site will likely be down for a bit when it happens.