• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Tuning log for the C5Z

Post 26 from the link I posted.

Post 26 from the link I posted.

Actually I took a look at that post and most of the thread, but that chart didn't look like anything I remember seeing in EFIlive. But seems to me I recall one or more tables that can be used to scale the gas pedal/throttle body blade position that had warnings associated with it that alterations to that table could destroy the PCM and/or the TAC module. Evidently the scaling is hard coded into the TAC module and any variances outside of whatever tolerances were programmed into the PCM and TAC module can cause a hard failure in those modules. Certainly that has to be a bug, because it doesn't make sense that GM would have a table comparison failure cause a catastrophic failure of the electronics.

I'll see if I can find that table again and see if it appears to be the one you have referenced for me. But with the above in mind, and considering the history of what I went through with the car getting it to where I am today, I seriously doubt I would be willing to monkey around with that particular setting.

Tune #2014_10_17_0004

Not logged

B4309 - Throttle Cracker Airflow in Gear - Raised values in cells on 1000 rpm row and smoothed the matrix for low rpm and low mph cells. Targeted the area most likely to affect low speed cruising.

Notes: Cruising at low rpm/low speed feels much smoother without any surging it used to have as the engine hunted for the correct engine speed.
That table is viewed from hptuners. Looks like you've got a handle on the idle tuning though.
Yeah, that does seem to be smoothing out rather well.

I'm hoping I can take care of the throttle response in spots that feels a bit soft to me without hooking up the wideband sensor again. The throttle cracker table should allow me to provide more air in the range I'm targeting, but I have to be careful that more air doesn't mean it gets too lean on me. I may have to goose the fuel via the VE table in that range as well.

I think I need to take a look at my old logs and just analyze the AFR in those cells and see what is going on. It may be too lean or too rich causing the softness and I can maybe just fiddle with that a bit. I'm thinking that, if anything, perhaps there is a temporary lean situation going on during moderate gas pedal pressure. The problem is that I don't think the VE table is the way for me to tackle this. This sort of situation is considered to be a transient effect whereas the VE table is pretty much for static events. Matter of fact, when tuning the VE table, you try to filter out any transient effects from skewing the results you are looking at.

BTW, in out chat we were discussing the size of the file being downloaded to the PCM during the flashing process. The file size I am seeing of the saved file in EFILive is roughly 175K to 178K. I'm not sure what causes the variances in file size there. But so far ALL of the files being loaded to the PCM during a calibration flash are only 96K.

So there are a couple of questions here. Does EFIlive capture EVERYTHING in the PCM when you save an image to the PC? Of the remaining 82K or so that is not uploaded during a calibration flash, are there other tables that are not being addressed by EFIlive or is that all the operating system that would be uploaded during a FULL flash?

I was told that the tuning software for the TECH II can address a whole lot more tables than the commercial tuning software products can, but at this point, I guess I have to classify that merely as hearsay.
Tune #2014_10_19_0005

Not logged.

{B3616} - Normal PE Mode Enable (TPS %) - sharpened slope from 1600 to 4000 rpm.

Notes: Took the car out for a test drive today and when I had the paved part of my road under the wheels, I goosed the throttle a little bit. I honestly exclaimed "DAYUMMM" when the car just took off like a shot. Now we're talking! This is what I was looking for. I drove around for a while to try out the change in multiple driving situations, and the change was impressive, to say the least. One thing that shocked me was that I was hearing the blow-off valve sounding off a LOT. So it was going into boost very rapidly. Hah! For the STS-haters who say that their turbo system has too much lag, they should take THIS car out for a ride. :hehehe:

Actually I think even a bone stock tune could get a real boost in "seat of the pants" feel by making this minor change. I'll show the tables below to show the difference.

Here's what you would generally see in a stock C5 Z06 tune for the {B3616} table:

And below is the same table with the changes I made prior to this last one:

And this is the change I made last night and loaded in today that gave me such a marked improvement in throttle response:

Anyway, I'm pleased as punch about how the car is driving now. The throttle response is just superb. To give you an analogy of how it feels, to any of you who have done body surfing, you know the feeling when you catch the wave just right and you feel the total power of the wave carrying you along. THIS is the feeling I get with my foot on the gas pedal. Feels like almost unlimited power available that is directly correlated to how much I press on the gas pedal. Pretty danged awesome feeling! :thumbsup:
Well glad to hear you got it where you want it. There is areal difference in viewing between hptuners and efilive.
Yeah, I wish I could use both platforms, but once I made the decision to go with a 2-bar MAP tune and a custom operating system, I had to choose one or the other. I chose EFILive mostly because their customer service policies just seemed to be a lot more user friendly than HPTuners. So now the extended and added tables in the PCM calibrations can no longer be read by HPTuners.

Not really sure EFILive was the best choice, but I'm sure that's an argument that could run most way through the next century.... Seems like just about every thread I have found on various forums discussing this has had to be locked after things came to verbal fisticuffs. Each side swears that their choice is the best.

It seems to have done the job for me, though. Would the job have been easier with HPTuners? :shrug01:
I don't think any easier. But I haven't used efilive. I'll download it and look them over and see if I can compare.
Tune #2014_10_31_0006

Logged several times while minor tweaks were done along the way.

B3613 - Normal PE Mode Enable (TPS%)
sharpened slope from 1200 thru 2800 rpm. 3200 thru 7200 rpm changed to 20.0​

B3306 - Cold Engine RPM limiter
Raised ECT 154 - 284 to 7500​
Sloped ECT 68 - 133​

B3305 - Cold Engine Protection Timer
Increased low temp cells​

B0504 - Purge Cannister Min Run Time
Changed from 100 to 13421770 (*effectively disabled)​

B0501 - Purge Cannister Min Temp
Changed from 84 to 283 (disabled)​

B0502 - Purge Cannister Min Speed
Changed from 10 to 255 (disabled)​

B0503 - Purge Cannister Min Air Flow
Changed from 1.587 to 67.720 (disabled)​

B0506 - Purge Cannister vs Vac (lbs/minute)
Zeroed graph (disabled)​

B0507 - Purge Flow Map Multiplier (Multiplier)
Zeroed graph (disabled)​

Notes: Since the purge cannister plumbing has been removed, I felt disabling all the tables would make sense. Seems I have smelled gasoline near the passenger side gas tank now and again, and it may be fumes from the cannister. Not sure disabling all these tables will do anything, but likely can't hurt.

Table B3616 was just tweaked a bit to lower throttle position for higher RPM response and the rest of the table sharpened slightly to bring in PE mode at an increased rate. PE mode should kick in with increasing RPMs even if the gas pedal is held constant. This should work nicely when the turbos also kick in. :)

Nothing negative was noted during logging, but there still seems to be a slight leanout at throttle tip-in that PE doesn't seem to be smoothing out. Might be another tree that needs barking up. Although I certainly can't complain about the throttle response, regardless of what the graph is showing.
Been tinkering with a "valet tune" lately and have come up with something that works pretty well. The car will not go over 20 mph nor 3,000 rpm. I'm thinking it might be worthwhile loading in this tune if I go out of town for a while just in case someone might break into my garage and want to snatch that pretty blue car for a joy ride. Sure wouldn't be very joyful for him... :hehehe:

Tune Valet_Mode_3

Logged 11-11-2014

B3616 - Normal PE Mode Enable (TPS%)
Changed all values to 99% throttle​

B2201 - ETC Rev Limit

B3330 - Fuel Cutoff in P/N
6900 changed to 3000​

B3331 - Fuel Re-Enable in P/N
6899 changed to 2999​

B3303 - Fuel Cutoff Limiters in Gear
Cutoff = 3000
Re-enable = 2999​

H0108 - ETC Speed Govern Threshold
255 changed to 20​

H0109 - Maximum Vehicle Speed (Non ETC)
255 changed to 20​

H0111 - Maximum Vehicle Speed (with ETC)
255 changed to 20​

H0112 - Overspeed Timer (with ETC)
Changed 409.59 to 1 second​

H0114 - Maximum Vehicle Speed with RTD Fault
256 changed to 20​

B1201 - Abuse Management (in gear) Upper RPM Threshold
6600 changed to 3000​

B1202 - Abuse Management (in Gear) Lower RPM Threshold

B1203 - Abuse Management (in P/N) Upper RPM Threshold

B1204 - Abuse Management (in P/N) Lower RPM threshold

B1205 - Abuse Management TPS Upper Threshold

B1206 - Abuse Management TPS Lower Threshold

B1207 - Abuse Management Vehicle Speed Threshold

B5401 - ETC Controller RPM Limit (RPM)
9000 changed to 2500​

B3305 - Cold Engine Protection Timer
All cells set to 409 seconds​

B3306 - Cold Engine RPM Limiter
Cutoff = 2500
Re-Enable = 2490​

Notes: Logging shows that the fuel is cut off when any of the limits are hit. The car is still drivable, as it recovers quickly after the fuel is shut off, but speed and engine RPM is drastically reduced. I could catch up to the car on my bicycle if I needed to. :)
MAN...............that's a neat trick. Too bad you couldn't have 2 tunes loaded
and use a key lock switch to go between them. Well.....there you go.....!
Another money making idea from navy2kcoupe. It's all yours to produce, patent,
and make millions on. I won't take a penny either :thumbsup:
Andy :wavey:
MAN...............that's a neat trick. Too bad you couldn't have 2 tunes loaded
and use a key lock switch to go between them. Well.....there you go.....!
Another money making idea from navy2kcoupe. It's all yours to produce, patent,
and make millions on. I won't take a penny either :thumbsup:
Andy :wavey:

EFIlive already has that capability in some of their custom operating systems. It requires patching a wire into the PCM harness to run a signal pin to ground via a switch to trigger it. I didn't feel like going through that trouble since it really doesn't take long to load in a new tune for the rare times I may want to use it.

Long ago I used to have something like that on my Bronco by putting a switch on a signal wire that killed the distributor.
MAN...............that's a neat trick. Too bad you couldn't have 2 tunes loaded
and use a key lock switch to go between them. Well.....there you go.....!
Another money making idea from navy2kcoupe. It's all yours to produce, patent,
and make millions on. I won't take a penny either :thumbsup:
Andy :wavey:

c4 corvettes had a valet key switch.


So on to the 1990 model year and the big news for this year was the introduction of the ZR-1 coupe known as the "King-of-the-Hill". This engine was still a 5.7 liter small block, but it was a duel over head cam 32 valve V8. It was designated as the LT5 and was rated at 375 hp. A special feature for this car/engine package was called the valet mode. This allowed the owner with an in dash key to have full power (375 hp) or turn it off and limit the output to 250 hp. You could only get this car with the manual 6-speed transmission.

also JET chip had what you are referring to for the older replaceable chip vehicles.


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