• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Here we go.....

Doesn't look bad to me. Maybe a tropical storm, at worst.

Ventusky isn't showing any real threats to Florida in any of the forecast tracks for the predictable future.
Looks like it may be a heavy rain event here on Tuesday, but Ventusky is showing it remaining a tropical storm and the main bulk of it moving east of us. Hopefully anyway. Connie just came out of the hospital this evening, and she doesn't need this sort of excitement right now.
I hope she's ok. Looks like it will move through quickly so hopefully that will minimize the danger.
The real kick in the teeth is that we both tested positive for COVID recently. Obviously we picked that up after being in the hospital week before last. We both feel like crap right now.

Going to be just a wonderful time if the power gets knocked out. If trees are down across the driveway, no way I am going to feel up to dealing with that.

Wish I had felt up to fixing the Onan generator. With everything going on, just don't have enough wind in my sails lately....
Hopefully Connie and I won't be woken by the roof blowing off of our house or tree tops crashing down on it.

Neither one of us feels well enough to jump into a vehicle and evacuate, so we just have to take our chances.
Praying for you and Connie, every one in the path of this storm. The Hurricane Center is saying it may be a Cat 4 by landfall now.
So how's everybody doing in the aftermath? Seems it was a non-event for the most part, at least compared to the predictions. It just blew leaves from the Pecan trees down up here in Georgia. I know Perry Florida got hit hard and even Valdosta Georgia as well as the usual coastal flooding, but I believe it could have been far worse.
We drove from Tallahassee east through Madison on up through Valdosta Georgia yesterday as we were delivering a new car to my son in southeast Georgia. The Labor Day traffic on I-10 was more insane than usual and we exited at exit 251 where we saw that the storm was brutal over there. Still had powerlines on the ground, roofs missing from houses, trees down EVERYWHERE! And this went on for miles on up through Valdosta. I guess we were following the storms path. Didn't see many folks with power, still many traffic lights out. Reminded me of some of the hurricane recovery efforts that I worked as a deputy when I was sent to other counties throughout Florida to assist other agencies. I certainly don't miss those days and I know what those folks are dealing with. God Bless them all.
I guess Rich has no power.

Negative. Power is 100% restored in his county. I had a deputy check on them yesterday and it appears that no one was at home. I got concerned when I saw no activity on this web page. I have his home phone number but I don't have a cell number for him. I'm hoping they just left to avoid the storm but it seems strange that he's not checking in here. Even checked the two area hospitals with negative results. I was going to offer my generator if they needed it. :shrug01:
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Power was out here for over 28 hours. Then Thursday night I had to take Connie to the emergency room at TMH. We just got back home yesterday late afternoon. Have to throw out just about everything in the refrigerator.

Oh yeah, while Connie was at the hospital on the week of the 14th, we both picked up COVID there. Lovely.....

Connie is not doing very well.

Seems like our whole universe has turned to nothing but crap.