• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Laser jammers

Really? Maybe you should watch this...........


Hey, nothing personal... you can spend your money on whatever floats your boat. Marketing can be tricky though. My experience with jammers is that they don't work. We can't see the whole thing in split screen to see if there is a hand or something else blocking the beam just below what the camera can see at the most opportune times like when the guy says out loud which car he is clocking etc... All it takes is something like a light rain or tall grass on the side of the road blowing in the way of the beam to disrupt it,, a hand would be easy to do. If you buy one I know where to get a laser I can borrow to test your new gear out.
I haven't heard of anything in Florida's laws that says they are illegal. Radar detectors are not, so why would Laser jammers be illegal?!

I know they've wanted to outlaw them for sometime but that noise is quiet right now. I've heard that Laser jammers do work and that's why the hub-bub but it depends how much you want to spend on a good one. Radar jammers however do not work. You are going to get screwed one way or the other so why not just obey the law. It's cheaper!!!!!:thumbsup:
I bought a Rocky mt. a few years back,it was a scam and it did not work.

It's my understanding a true jammer is very sophisticated and costly (like thousands)
A little something to think about:


Radar Detectors - The Operation of a radar detector and or laser detector is legal in every state with the exception of Virginia and Washington DC. It is illegal to use a radar detector and or laser detector while on a military base or in a commercial vehicle weighing over 10,000 pounds.

Active Radar jammers - The use of an active radar jammer is illegal anywhere in the united states and may carry stiff fines and or jail time.

Passive Radar jammers - We do not recommend purchasing a passive jammer as we have never seen or heard of one that actually works. However, there is no law against the use of passive radar jammers except possibly in states that have specifically banned the use of jammers (see list below). We say possibly because if it does not actually work, it is unlikely you are actually breaking the law when using a passive jammer.

Q: What is the difference between passive and active jammers?
A: Active jammers send a signal to jam radar and or laser guns while passive jammers claim they simply scramble the incoming signal that is attempting to obtain your speed before it is sent back to the radar and or laser gun attempting to read your speed.

Laser jammers - There are no Federal laws against the transmission of infrared light. Therefore, laser jammers are legal in every state except while on a military base, in a commercial vehicle weighing over 10,000 pounds or where they have specifically been banned. Please see the list below for states that have banned the use of jammers.

States that have Banned the use of all jammers
California, Colorado, Illinois, Minnesota, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Utah, Virginia and Washington DC
I bought a Rocky mt. a few years back,it was a scam and it did not work.

It's my understanding a true jammer is very sophisticated and costly (like thousands)

Yup exactly.....thousands!!!!! Like I said, it's all about how much you want to spend.
I guess my question would be, why does anyone even need one?

So you can avoid getting a ticket while enjoying you cars performance. My last ticket was for 40 MPH In a 30 mph zone driving my truck. The 30mph zone was on highway 41 here in Naples The road is a six lane highway with turn lanes. I was hit with a laser and I think it is stupid that a six lane highway has a 30 mph speed limit
Yup exactly.....thousands!!!!! Like I said, it's all about how much you want to spend.
From all I've read in the internet, the best LASER jammer today looks like a Blinder Xtreme. Big difference between LASER jammers, legal in most states and Radar Jammers, Illegal everywhere. I just saw several sites selling M25 Laser jammers for under $400 so you can buy them for less than a Valentine One, NOT thousands $$$.

Remember, this is all a game we play with the LEO's and politicians. None of this speeding crap is really about safety, it's all about them getting our money. Radar detectors/Laser jammers are just ways for us to try to even the playing field. If it was really about speed, the we'd all die if we went 100MPH, the ways Laws seem to advertise "speed Kills". I've always heard most accidents & deaths occur at more mundane speeds like 25MPH. Poor judgment and not paying attention cause "Accidents" and deaths, speed just makes it worse if you weren't paying attention in the first place. So worry less about going a few miles over the limits and pay more attention to the actual driving.
Hell, I think most accidents are caused by SLOW drivers! They throw the flow of traffic into chaos. I've often thought I could bring most major metropolitan areas to their knees by completely devastating vehicular traffic during rush hour. Simply import some of the drivers from here in Wakulla country into the traffic flow and stand back.... :hehehe:

Many of the drivers around here seem convinced that it doesn't really matter how fast oncoming traffic is, nor how slow they drive once they get in front of you. Just by getting there in front of you, they WIN, and YOU have to work around them. The speed of them getting in front of you is inversely proportional to the speed it takes them to finally turn off at the very next intersection. Turn signals? Oh, is THAT what that lever is for?

Working brake lights are optional........
Hell, I think most accidents are caused by SLOW drivers! They throw the flow of traffic into chaos. I've often thought I could bring most major metropolitan areas to their knees by completely devastating vehicular traffic during rush hour. Simply import some of the drivers from here in Wakulla country into the traffic flow and stand back.... :hehehe:

Many of the drivers around here seem convinced that it doesn't really matter how fast oncoming traffic is, nor how slow they drive once they get in front of you. Just by getting there in front of you, they WIN, and YOU have to work around them. The speed of them getting in front of you is inversely proportional to the speed it takes them to finally turn off at the very next intersection. Turn signals? Oh, is THAT what that lever is for?

Working brake lights are optional........
1) I'm convinced Florda driving shools specifically instruct to NEVER use turn/indicator signals.
2) the only time a slow driver MAY speed up is if they are ten miles under the limit for a while and they see you trying to pass them, ONLY THEN will they speed up, but only long enough to prevent you from passing them if you are in a four lane...
3) once again proving that Speed does not kill. However in a state where everybody has guns, The moron driving too slow may have a much better chance at getting shot and killed, than to be killed in a car wreck. ;>] just kidding, of course......
Really? Maybe you should watch this...........


That is obviously an advertisment for their product.

#1 The "average" officer DOES NOT write 15 tickets a day. Possibly 15 a day in a city where there are NO calls for service or an officer assigned to a traffic unit.

#2 The shot where they are taking a guy into custody and placing him in the back of the patrol car is for something other than speeding. In Florida, unlawful speed is a traffic infraction, not a criminal violation. Reckless driving, however is criminal.

#3 The "laser" device is nothing more than a digital tape measure that converts closing or gaining distance into speed. There is nothing to jam. If this "so called" jammer is in the front of the vehicle, what's to stop me from getting your speed when I point the laser at the rear after you pass me?

#4 When an officer is radar / laser certified he / she is able to make a VISUAL estimate of speed that is confirmed by the instrument. I have testified to visual estimates and they have been upheld in court.

SAVE YOUR MONEY! Don't be scammed by one of these products.
I concur with most of what Prestige593 says, but I add that in Florida, any speed violation in excess of 25 over the limit can automatically be treated as "Reckless" all by itself. Thus if you're driving 75 in a 50 zone or 95 in a 70 zone you can/may be written up as reckless and get arrested on the spot, not just get a ticket. Your vehicle can also get impounded and damaged with virtually no recourse. (NO, it never happened to me?)

As indicated in an earlier post, the Speed game is played by LEO's and otherwise law-abiding, 'wicked' speeders. Of course the only way to not get caught is not to speed. But we live in a free America where we can choose to blindly follow every rule the government creates, or we can choose to examine a situation, consider the pitfalls and penalties, then make our own decision what to do, 100% Legal or not.

I in no way condone or advise anyone to break the law or speed, but how many people out there can say they have never exceeded posted speed limits? Not even once?

Or roll through a stop sign, even 10PM at night on a lonely country road with no other vehicles or pedestrians on the road with a clear view in both directions........ no other vehicles in sight except maybe a rookie officer hiding deep in the bushes looking for just that opportunity to "Bag one"...... Like in Lutz...
I could go on, but suffice to say: "One way or another you have to pay to play."

BTW to really have fun in your Vette and have no worries, Just attend one of the many Autocrosses sponsored by numerous organizations or attend an event at a major road course. Get all the speed fix you want in a safer, controlled environment. All the fun in the world, adrenaline fix and NO WORRIES about getting a Ticket of any kind, except a time slip!
MYTH #1 : Driving 25 miles over the posted speed limit IS NOT reckless driving according to Florida State Statute.

316.192 - 1)(a) Any person who drives any vehicle in willful or wanton disregard for the safety of persons or property is guilty of reckless driving.

No where does it state that excessive speed is reckless. If you received a citaion for reckless driving, and you were "ONLY" travelling 25 (+) M.P.H. over the posted speed than that citaion would be invalid. (example) If the excessive speed, accompanied with cutting around other vehicles, on wet roads, where pedestrians were present that is another story.

Speeding is one of the most prevalent factors contributing to traffic crashes. The economic cost to society of speeding-related crashes is estimated by NHTSA to be $40.4 BILLION per year. In 2005, speeding was a contributing factor in 30 percent of all fatal crashes, and 13,113 lives were lost in speeding-related crashes.
-NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

I have been a Police Officer for 12 yrs in a large city, I am not pulling this information out of my @ss. I do know that laser jammers are a waste of money and do NOT work. Remember in the late 80's early 90's the "Radar absorbing bra"? How short lived was that! And yes, HeelnToe you have to pay to play (and that goes for me too, yes there are cops who write other cops tickets out there). For the rest of you, If you get caught speeding then take your licks. My advice to you is not to argue w/ the officer (or worse Trooper), just accept the citaion and drive off. Trust me, you wont win the argument and may just piss him/her off to write more citations. Your best bet (at least in Broward county) is to hire a ticket attorney, or go to court yourself.
I'm thinking I might have to break down and buy one of those Valentine radar detectors...... This past weekend, Connie and I were just cruising in the C5Z along a country road (4 lane) in south Georgia and I must have been doing around 80 in a 65 mph zoned area. No other traffic to speak of on the road and those long rolling hills just beckoned seductively. Matter of fact, Connie said "Let's see what this baby will do!", kind of half kidding. Luckily I didn't take up her challenge.... :eek: I saw the lights on top of the cop car pointing in my direction parked alongside the road to the right as we topped the hill. I knew he had me dead to rights, so I just waved when I went by. He waved back. Surprised the hell out of me that I didn't see him come after me......

I don't really flaunt the law, but sometimes the conditions just seduce you into going with the flow. There are sometimes just the right combination of weather, road, lack of traffic, feel of the car, and feeling all is right with the world that makes the foot on the gas pedal heavier. Wouldn't hold up in court, I know, but I think most everyone here has felt that pull one time or another.

As for speed causing accidents, I kind of disagree. I believe it is the decision of WHEN and WHERE to speed that is responsible for accidents moreso than the actual application of speed when driving. Again, not supportable in court, but I believe this is realistic and logical.

Which brings up a question: Exactly how are speed limits for any stretch of road determined? Who makes that kind of decision and what is it based on? I've seen some stretches of road that just had no logic at all in the posted speed limit. Some, I thought, were actually too HIGH based on the number of transversing intersections and the number of residences there. Others, of course, were way too LOW based on the LACK of intersections and any residences or other buildings. So the logic of how speed limits are determined just escapes me. Sometimes it appears to be just grabbing a slip of paper out of a jar with a number written on it. :shrug01:
I guess we could go on forever. For sure it never pays to argue with someone that has Authority over you, they have all the power, so there is nothing to gain, only lose.

The problem with all the statistics is they can be used to portray any position. Sure "speeding was a contributing factor in 30 percent of all fatal crashes", but in what percentage was speeding the CAUSE of the accident? Who keeps track of that one? I can guarantee that speed and Breathing were a 'factor' in 100% of all the accidents, but again, it is the Cause that needs to be addressed, all I ever hear is Speeding is a factor, a SEVERE oversimplification.

Coming from the days of 55 MPH speed limits, Most No-One ever complied, at least not back in Jersey or most of the East coast, at least 60-80% sped, most of the time.

I've been driving for 33 Years [knock wood] and the only wreck I was involved in was with a guy who passed out from heart problems, hit a car next to me head-on [only 5-10 MPH], and his car mirror cracked my rear tail light. And that includes 13 years of NYC driving.

We're all responsible for our actions, it just makes more sense to be completely aware of all your surroundings and pay full attention while on the road, rather than just concentrate on speed. There are way worse habits that cause accidents, I'd bet speeding is not even near the top of bad habits that CAUSE accidents. It just seems that Speed is the only thing that is simple for authorities to prosecute or persecute with modern electronics. That's just taking the easy way out, blame the speeders. Anything else is probably cost-prohibitive or unconstitutional to pursue.

I'm done.