• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

What this is all about.

Rich Z

Internet Sanitation Engineer
Staff member
As many of you probably know, if you have a deal go wrong on you, there is normally very little you can do about it utilizing the legal system. Generally speaking, unless the "crime" is of sufficient magnitude, then in most cases it is very difficult to get the attention of law enforcement to help. For one thing, jurisdiction on internet transactions can be problematical. Secondly, their resources are generally stretched pretty thinly, so quite frankly, your getting screwed by someone who just kept your $200 and didn't send you the merchandise you paid for is just not going to make very big waves with them.

So about the only thing that seems to work is the ability to publicly call attention to their dealings, and if not use peer pressure to obtain a resolution that will help YOU out directly, then perhaps simply preventing someone else from making the same mistake would prove to be a somewhat satisfactory bandaid on that wound.

Bear in mind that this is NOT only for bad deals. It is also for recognition of those persons and businesses engaging in GOOD deals as well. Give them the pat on the back that you feel is deserving for going that extra mile in order to make you a more then satisfied customer.

Got some doubts about someone or just looking for feedback before sending off your money? Well ask away. Maybe someone else has had experience that would help to either give you some peace of mind, or perhaps steer you away from a potential bad experience that could be avoided.

But please note this is not intended to be a place for flame wars. Keep it civil and professional at all times. Calling someone derogatory names does nothing to help the situation, and in many instances may push the conversation into a position where NO resolution at all will be remotely possible afterwards.

So please use verifiable evidence whenever possible. The whole idea is to present your case in such a way as to leave no doubt as to what has transpired.
I definitely like the idea Rich. I'll have some comments and reviews of stuff when I get back from Bowling Green.

hey rich...how about a pat on the back for me for the 500.00 i gave you for tires for the z06 you knew had c5 wheels and not z06 wheels.
or the pat on the back for offering you a 2003 z06 for your 2002 i sold you.:thumbsup:

anyway rich, i did the right thing by you, i offered you a newer z06, all original, what else do you want? my next born child?
mike rini
I too also believe it would be a good idea as long as everyone has their facts straight when posting. Last thing you need unjust bashing.
