• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

They've GOT to be kidding!

Rich Z

Internet Sanitation Engineer
Staff member
The other day I was coming back from my weekly trip into Tallahassee to go to the post office and I had some clown in a SUV next to me speeding up and slowing down trying to egg me on, I guess. Then at the same time I had another clown in some beat up jalopy with big wheels all around riding my ass. I was already doing 58 in a 45 mph zone! Anyway, this went on for a while and I just got tired of it. Finally got to a stretch of road with no other traffic on it and I decided to get those clowns out of my hair. Didn't even downshift out of fifth, I just pressed on the GO pedal. I was to 110 in less time then it takes to tell about it, and left those two clowns WAY back in the distance.
I moved here from Mass three years ago, and I gotta tell ya I have never seen drivers like the people down here in my life. People in Mass drive crazy and fast, but not reckless like here. Running red lights is a way of life here, changing lanes to get ten feet ahead, stopping at lights and leaving fifteen feet between you and the car in front of you and the worst, slowing down for a yellow light and not knowing if the person behind you is planning to slow down also. I find it especially funny the way pedestrians are more like targets here than people who have the right of way. I know, I know natives here are going to say it's the non-Floridians, but I'm not buying it, drivers here have to be the worst in the nation. Drivers education should be mandatory in this state, and I don't mean online driving courses. Just my .02.
Well the situation here in Wakulla County is pretty bizarre. People will break their necks to pull out in front of you no matter how fast you are driving or how close you are to them. I believe there is some unwritten rule that as long as they get out onto the road, to hell with anyone else coming down the road towards them. Ninety mph to get onto the road then slow down to 35 mph is OK, even when the traffic on the road is going 60. Conversely, when it comes time for them to turn OFF of the road, you would think they were carrying nitroglycerine in the trunk as they slowly reduced speed then creeped around that turn. You would think they changed drivers somewhere along the way.

And BTW, I was up in Boston for a while, and that place scared the hell out of me. I learned the hard way that when a Bostonian turns on the turn signal, it is NOT a request. Get OUT of the way because he/she is COMING over! Like right NOW! :eek:
I don't know what its like in other parts of Florida, but the thing that ticks me off the most here in jax is that people WILL NOT let you in line. I don't care if it rush hour traffic or a slow sunday afternoon. People will just stop right in front of you while you're trying to get onto the road. They act like one more car in front of them is going to add an hour onto wherever they're going.:rolleyes:
Z06 Rocket said:
I know that it's bad here in FL,,,, but have you ever driven in Atlanta or LA??? WWOOOAAAAAAAAA:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

I've driven in both. You're right, it's nuts. But there is nothing like driving in Manhattan. Taxi's actually bump into each other trying to get through intersections. It's been awhile since I've been there. Maybe they've calmed down with the high gas prices, but I doubt it! :rofl1:
Nytro said:
I moved here from Mass three years ago, and I gotta tell ya I have never seen drivers like the people down here in my life. People in Mass drive crazy and fast, but not reckless like here. Running red lights is a way of life here, changing lanes to get ten feet ahead, stopping at lights and leaving fifteen feet between you and the car in front of you and the worst, slowing down for a yellow light and not knowing if the person behind you is planning to slow down also. I find it especially funny the way pedestrians are more like targets here than people who have the right of way. I know, I know natives here are going to say it's the non-Floridians, but I'm not buying it, drivers here have to be the worst in the nation. Drivers education should be mandatory in this state, and I don't mean online driving courses. Just my .02.

you just dont understand the way we do things down here yet. yellow means floor it. red means the next 5 cars go. green means look both ways and go only when it is clear. j/k:crazy03: my ex-wife was from boston and that is a crazy place to try to dive in. they really use their bumpers to park. what we call an accident they call using the bumpers to park. i think a lot of our problem is that we have so many people comming here from so many dif. places and they are all used to driving they way they drove where thay came from. the laws are not the same everywhere and lifestyles are not the same either. there are very few real floridians driving. we are a rare breed. they should make it mandatory that before you get a florida license you have to take a drivers school even if you have one from another state, no exceptions. i do agree people do drive like idiots here. the good news for me is it is job security. i am in the idiot business. if it were not for idiots and people doing stupid things i would be out of a job.
I agree 100%

Nytro said:
I moved here from Mass three years ago, and I gotta tell ya I have never seen drivers like the people down here in my life. People in Mass drive crazy and fast, but not reckless like here. Running red lights is a way of life here, changing lanes to get ten feet ahead, stopping at lights and leaving fifteen feet between you and the car in front of you and the worst, slowing down for a yellow light and not knowing if the person behind you is planning to slow down also. I find it especially funny the way pedestrians are more like targets here than people who have the right of way. I know, I know natives here are going to say it's the non-Floridians, but I'm not buying it, drivers here have to be the worst in the nation. Drivers education should be mandatory in this state, and I don't mean online driving courses. Just my .02.

I also live in Valrico and have for the past 14 years. I learned to drive here and 10 years ago when I started driving here there was only half as many people living here. You will eventually get use to it.
I don't know what its like in other parts of Florida, but the thing that ticks me off the most here in jax is that people WILL NOT let you in line. I don't care if it rush hour traffic or a slow sunday afternoon. People will just stop right in front of you while you're trying to get onto the road. They act like one more car in front of them is going to add an hour onto wherever they're going.:rolleyes:

Thats probably because they have been in the traffic line for about 20 minutes and someone who has not been in line speeds up and tries to get in front of the line. We wait, you wait also.
I don't know what its like in other parts of Florida, but the thing that ticks me off the most here in jax is that people WILL NOT let you in line. I don't care if it rush hour traffic or a slow sunday afternoon. People will just stop right in front of you while you're trying to get onto the road. They act like one more car in front of them is going to add an hour onto wherever they're going.:rolleyes:

I've had the good fortune (or misfortune, depending how you view it) to live in virtually all parts of the state and found the drivers in Jax to be actually better than most!:yesnod:
I moved here from Mass three years ago, and I gotta tell ya I have never seen drivers like the people down here in my life. People in Mass drive crazy and fast, but not reckless like here. Running red lights is a way of life here, changing lanes to get ten feet ahead, stopping at lights and leaving fifteen feet between you and the car in front of you and the worst, slowing down for a yellow light and not knowing if the person behind you is planning to slow down also. I find it especially funny the way pedestrians are more like targets here than people who have the right of way. I know, I know natives here are going to say it's the non-Floridians, but I'm not buying it, drivers here have to be the worst in the nation. Drivers education should be mandatory in this state, and I don't mean online driving courses. Just my .02.

I am a native Floridian and by gawd you are dead right in every word you say of Florida drivers. I, of course, attempt to explain these situations as caused by drivers from other states that have retired here or moved here although I know that's only a small portion of where the blame should go.

As a former LEO I have watched poo occur directly in front of me that just makes you scratch your head, again and again.
A while back Connie and I were coming back from the east coast, but don't remember exactly where we were. Bunch of guys in pickup trucks all around us and were speeding up and slowing down, probably trying to get us to show them what the C5Z could do. Sorry, I wasn't playing. But a ways down the road, the two lanes funneled into one and I was in the right lane that was merging into the left. The guys in the pickup were still playing grabass and I were blocking us from merging. OK, wanna play? The head of the merge lane was about 10 car lengths ahead, and there was clear road just ahead of him. Third gear with the turbos is like having wings, so I punched it. The world just stood still and I was around them and up the road. Connie didn't say a word but I think I saw white knuckles. Heck, I didn't even hit the grass as it was like everyone else just stopped dead. :hehehe:

Yeah, not my usual kind of stunt, but the yahoos got on my nerves by that time, and I wanted away from them.

Why do some people act all goofy when they are driving next to a Vette?
A while back Connie and I were coming back from the east coast, but don't remember exactly where we were. Bunch of guys in pickup trucks all around us and were speeding up and slowing down, probably trying to get us to show them what the C5Z could do. Sorry, I wasn't playing. But a ways down the road, the two lanes funneled into one and I was in the right lane that was merging into the left. The guys in the pickup were still playing grabass and I were blocking us from merging. OK, wanna play? The head of the merge lane was about 10 car lengths ahead, and there was clear road just ahead of him. Third gear with the turbos is like having wings, so I punched it. The world just stood still and I was around them and up the road. Connie didn't say a word but I think I saw white knuckles. Heck, I didn't even hit the grass as it was like everyone else just stopped dead. :hehehe:

Yeah, not my usual kind of stunt, but the yahoos got on my nerves by that time, and I wanted away from them.

Why do some people act all goofy when they are driving next to a Vette?

I would have liked to be the fly on the wall and seen that. I'd be screaming for joy.
Why do some people act all goofy when they are driving next to a Vette?

You should try behaving while in MY Vette! Man does it bring out SpeedRacer in everyone! Talk about drivers playing alongside you trying to egg you into a powerblast! And Yes, I use to live in Boston, (a Gloucester comuter back and forth while in the NAVY) and THEY are the craziest drivers I've EVER encountered in Beantown. They are even worse than NY when they move down here to live! There, that should offend everyone on the east coast.:rofl1:
I moved here from Mass three years ago, and I gotta tell ya I have never seen drivers like the people down here in my life. People in Mass drive crazy and fast, but not reckless like here. Running red lights is a way of life here, changing lanes to get ten feet ahead, stopping at lights and leaving fifteen feet between you and the car in front of you and the worst, slowing down for a yellow light and not knowing if the person behind you is planning to slow down also. I find it especially funny the way pedestrians are more like targets here than people who have the right of way. I know, I know natives here are going to say it's the non-Floridians, but I'm not buying it, drivers here have to be the worst in the nation. Drivers education should be mandatory in this state, and I don't mean online driving courses. Just my .02.

Well tough if you ain't buying it because it's true. North of the Miami-Dade co. line, all from up north, south of the Miami-Dade co. line, Caribbean and South America. And you people think people up north drive crazy and like s#!t?!:lmao: Live in the Caribbean or South American and you'll know what driving crazy and like s#!t really is!!!!!! Three years in a row Miami drivers have been voted the rudest, nastiest and craziest drivers in the U.S. Worse then New York, worse then L.A., worse then anywhere else. I lived in Mexico City if you want to know what driving like s#!t really is with 25 million of your closest friends on the street with you.

All with sticks, where no speed laws are respected and observed, one way just means when no one is coming down the street and the cops can be bought to get out of a ticket. Not to mention how many roads are still to this day in bad shape from the big one in '85. You cannot own a 'vette unless you live in the highest northern part of the city or else you won't have it for very long at all, if you live long enough to see it taken from you at the light. If you're lucky they'll just take the car and not you with it for ransom.

Only place worse to drive in the world, maybe Rome, Italy. 2K year old streets were just not made for cars!:NoNo: Well, real cars anyway.
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"Three years in a row Miami drivers have been voted the rudest, nastiest and craziest drivers in the U.S.

Miami is still part of the U.S.??:rofl1:
Absolutely, I'm born and raised in the county of Dade! But the point I was making was to reaffirm that a good majority of Florida drivers are NOT native Floridians.