• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.


Kinda what i've been thinking.:confused:

He/She is either a post whore, young kid, or or a troll. 90-95% of the posts don't make any sense. I am personally getting tired of it. It's not a situation of picking on someone, as we have seen this pattern repeat itself many times over already. It's not an occasional misspelling or grammer issue, it's constant gibbrish. It's nonsense, and my only option at this point is to put the guy on my "Ignore" list in the user CP so I don't have to see the rediculous posts anymore. It's gotten on my nerves for quite awhile now, and Rich has too much of a live and let live attitude. Shadow is trying to quietly and discreetley straighten the guy out but he's not taking the hint. Just go to his posts in a search and see what crazy stuff he adds on here for no reason whatsoever (and I am not referring to posting to old topics, I mean just off the wall garbage posts).

:rant: off


Done.... on the ignore list now. I won't be lucky enough to see the ultra intelligent reply he will have to this post, but all of you can bask in his glory and enjy the Yoda-ism that will fall out of his mouth onto the keyboard.... :crazy03:
Be Warned!!

"Shadow is trying to quietly and discreetley straighten the guy out but he's not taking the hint. Just go to his posts in a search and see what crazy stuff he adds on here for no reason whatsoever (and I am not referring to posting to old topics, I mean just off the wall garbage posts)."

I have to agree with all of you and I sent the moderators a PM. I think if we give him a warning and he does not comply, we have the option to ban him or have probation for a week :eek:. He needs to learn, if you have nothing to add to a "thread", move along to the next one and you might learn something about Corvettes.
:hehehe: Jim :hehehe:
Thank god some others are finally catching on. I called the guy out a few weeks ago and got hell from Rich Z or whoever and some other folks. Finally others see the light!

Useless replies, posts, bringing up of year old threads with a useless reply. . . ****ty punctuation as well!
I had my one stint about him in a previous thread, and when Rich Z stepped, I backed down, cause i gave the newbie the benefit of the doubt.

Honestly, who goes into a for sale thread, and says no thanks already got some blah blah...like it was a general thread. I understand the no swearing rule, the post of grown up material in Roadhouse, but there has got to be some kind of rule on somewhat coherent thoughtful post.

The best is his recent thread of Mr. Blues photos getting him excited, cmon wtf is that?!?! :banghead: :shrug01:
IMO, what makes THIS board better than others, is the fact that we DON'T rush to punish or threaten our members. That the Benefit of the Doubt is given Before actions are taken.

We ALL see what's going on in dvd's posts and threads and rest assured, there have been discreet attempts to talk with dvd (as Jim stated in his post).

Thank god some others are finally catching on. I called the guy out a few weeks ago and got hell from Rich Z or whoever and some other folks. Finally others see the light!

Useless replies, posts, bringing up of year old threads with a useless reply. . . ****ty punctuation as well!
As far as the claims in this post (above)... I did a search, and no where :NoNo: did I find where RichZ or anyone else for that matter, gave you "Hell".

Seriously though...Z06 Rocket nailed it by Utilizing a function on this board, that was provided for situations like this..the ignore list.:thumbsup:

Honestly...it's as easy as this...Go to and click on user cp, scroll down to the bottom of that page where it says buddy/ignore list and click.
The page that'll pop up has two separate areas you can utilize.
The First is the buddy list and the Second is the Ignore list.
Type in the name you wish to add as a buddy or type in the name you want to ignore..then save it.
If you chose to ignore someone...From that point on..you'll see that they posted but, NOT what they said.:thumbsup:

Btw, sorry for the edits.
Dick and LS2POWA, I sat back awhile and hoped the guy would shape up or float away. When that didn't happen I got a bit tired of it and used the "Ignore" feature in the Ignore/Buddy lists. By putting him in the "Ignore" column I see a small line saying that he posted in a thread where the post would normally go but I don't have to read the nonsense anymore. I can post my own comment or reply to the thread right after his blocked reply without having to know what came out of his keyboard. If curiosity gets the best of you (some people like to watch a train wreck every once in awhile) then you can choose to click on a single link to "view that post". I have not used it and don't imagine I will because the drunk Yoda-ism's are gone now (like a bad rash). :thumbsup: I only wish I could turn off the voice of annoying people in real life too......
I like that ignore feature.

I still think hes a troll. What kinda of gangsta typing yuppie claims to have a vette, with 3 nitrous bottles(2 10# and a 5#..i believe), and doesnt post pictures of it?

And is it soooo hard to hit the spell check button? Or is it hard to comprehend corrected engrish? :banghead:

One of the things that sets us apart from all the other forums and in a way, maybe takes us a notch above, is the fact that we all seem to get along pretty well.
Even with the disagreements that will arise from time to time, we still manage to remain civil to one another:thumbsup:

That and we don't take irrational actions against a member simply because they have trouble with thier computer skills, or don't necessarily "fit the mold" at times.

Some of our common ground?

1) We're all in one shape or another Floridians (transplants or otherwise:thumbsup:)
2) We're all vette owners or (as in my current case) "enthusiasts.":hehehe:
3) Many of us have actually met one another along the way...or will:thumbsup:

BTW, I've had the pleasure and opportunity to speak personally with our new member. Lets not make assumptions that we can't support ok?:thumbsup:

Thanks folks:icon_cheers:


One of the things that sets us apart from all the other forums and in a way, maybe takes us a notch above, is the fact that we all seem to get along pretty well.
Even with the disagreements that will arise from time to time, we still manage to remain civil to one another:thumbsup:

That and we don't take irrational actions against a member simply because they have trouble with thier computer skills, or don't necessarily "fit the mold" at times.

Some of our common ground?

1) We're all in one shape or another Floridians (transplants or otherwise:thumbsup:)
2) We're all vette owners or (as in my current case) "enthusiasts.":hehehe:
3) Many of us have actually met one another along the way...or will:thumbsup:

BTW, I've had the pleasure and opportunity to speak personally with our new member. Lets not make assumptions that we can't support ok?:thumbsup:

Thanks folks:icon_cheers:


Well said, mt friend. :thumbsup::thumbsup:
I've had the pleasure and opportunity to speak personally with our new member. Lets not make assumptions that we can't support ok?:thumbsup:

I don't know about assumptions, a vast majority, if not 95% of his posts are not Vette related, you can't make sense out of his posts they are just ramblings and I'm not talking about grammar or punctuation. I don't see any benefit in the ancient threads he brings back to the surface.
Maybe one is to believe to is already a member is is doing this as a prank.
I've seen a very knowable member leave this forum over people's one and only post being to sell something.
I saw another active member leave because his post was moved to an area he felt it wouldn't get it's do.
I just hope all the defending this character gets, doesn't drive anyone else away, since many have started blocking his junk.
Maybe there should be a feature so he can send his ramblings to the , and I'll go on a limb and say, minority of members eager to read them :D
Fair enough.

But let's think about this a minute.. Let's say 10 members here don't care for the manner in which dvdcta posts on this site and demand I ban him or they leave. Would that be sufficient incentive to do so? And continuing with that train of thought, if 10 members then decided that they don't like the way YOU post, and threaten to leave if I don't ban YOU, should I capitulate as well?