• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.


Fair enough.

But let's think about this a minute.. Let's say 10 members here don't care for the manner in which dvdcta posts on this site and demand I ban him or they leave. Would that be sufficient incentive to do so? And continuing with that train of thought, if 10 members then decided that they don't like the way YOU post, and threaten to leave if I don't ban YOU, should I capitulate as well?

If 5 members say my posts are to the point they will use the ignore button, you don't have to banish me, just tell me and I'll walk away :thumbsup:
Everyone else here has a clue as to whats going on. So the likely hood of that happening is pretty slim in my opinion.

Also, if you read posts where people are complaining and bringing up stuff, and if you dont "get the hint" and correct the issue(s), well then theres something wrong with you.

I wonder if dvd has any input? whats your deal?
If 5 members say my posts are to the point they will use the ignore button, you don't have to banish me, just tell me and I'll walk away :thumbsup:

Nope, I won't do that. But if 5 members were hassling you to leave, how would YOU feel about THIS place?
Nope, I won't do that. But if 5 members were hassling you to leave, how would YOU feel about THIS place?
I understand not every post made by every member can be considerered as value to all. Somebody is not gouing to like it or approve of it, but at least they are readable and for the most part in the right forum/area. If I day after day posted useless ramblings I think it would be only right something would be done.
I know a lot of my posts are useless to most, but I hope they are at least coherent.
I guess a few must find this poster a value, he is gathering Rep Power.
BTW, I've had the pleasure and opportunity to speak personally with our new member. Lets not make assumptions that we can't support ok?:thumbsup:

Sorry Gordon, what does BTW mean?
You met DVDCTA? If you have and the guy/gal is for real and there are circumstances as to why his/her posts are the way they are, let us know and I think most of us will understand and leave the subject die.
Holy Crap, now I have to put my .02 in here. Everyone stop your whining and crying about the guy. Put him on your ignore list or don't reply to his posts but RichZ is right, we shouldn't ban someone simply because he posts "off the topic" replies to a thread. Move On. Ignore his ramblings. I know it is easy to get sidetracked in a thread, I have done it too many times. I also think that if I saw a thread of people bustin on me like this I would be long gone and no one would have to put me on "probation".


Joe B.
Just read his post's and you should be able to figure out what the problem is.

Like I and 98 said, put him on your "Ignore List"..and move on!
The guy is trying to be a part of THIS forum but, has bad grammar. It's a headache waiting to happen..I get it! But, I'm going to just deal with it, rather than :beatdeadhorse5:.
He hasn't called your mama's bad names. He hasn't cussed ANYONE out and He hasn't broken ANY major rules of the forum, But because of his inability to punctuate, we need to "do something". WTF!!! Now we're TEACHERS!!!
(If that's the case...He's no better off)!!:hehehe:

What happened to the "family atmosphere" we were all SO proud of?!!!

Seiously...This is beginning to sound like another forum that some of us HATE!!!

Yeah, I went there, Deal with it!!!:yesnod:
I understand not every post made by every member can be considerered as value to all. Somebody is not gouing to like it or approve of it, but at least they are readable and for the most part in the right forum/area. If I day after day posted useless ramblings I think it would be only right something would be done.
I know a lot of my posts are useless to most, but I hope they are at least coherent.
I guess a few must find this poster a value, he is gathering Rep Power.

Perhaps you need to define "useless"....... I think that might be pretty subjective, and certainly not universal in scope.

With dvdcta, I see someone who is not very computer proficient trying his hardest to join in this forum in the best way he can, regardless, of how "useful" everyone else may think his postings are. He obviously wants to join this group and although his enthusiasm does not match his proficiency with a keyboard nor with navigating a message board, what is he getting from some members for his efforts?

I'll be honest, I'm pretty disappointed to see this sort of thing on this site. I thought we were all here to try to have fun here. Not be "keyboard bigots" trying to belittle someone else who may not be up to our own self perceived standards of what makes a post "useful" or "useless".

I'm sorry guys, but this sort of thing has to go from this site. I do NOT want to see any other member singled out and belittled by other members here. The only time such a thing may be relevant and proper would be IF you engaged in some business deal or activity with said person, and wanted to relate that incident, whether positive or negative, within the BOI forum on this site. Otherwise, if you have a problem with someone, contact me and/or the moderators about it. Belittling and embarrassing them in public with posts ABOUT them for what can arguable be determined as "frivolous" concerns, is just not welcome on this site. It presents a very hostile atmosphere to new or prospective members, which is unbecoming of what I and others wish for this site.

I hate to make rules, because rules need to be enforced, which takes time away from things myself and the moderators would rather be doing. And to be honest, trying to create rules to MAKE people play nice together on a public message forum is a very tough tight rope to walk. I would rather everyone take some time for some introspection about their own actions and see how it could be viewed from an objective viewer, then for myself or the mods to have to WORK at enforcing rules to try to limit such activities from members here I would hope would have more empathy towards fellow Corvette owners who may not be as good of keyboard jockeys as they are.

So I DO hope this does not portent a trend, and can be headed off before WE become something I don't believe any of us really want this online family to become.

Don't like posts by a certain individual, then perhaps the solution is, don't read them. Am I missing something here?:shrug01

I didn't know? I was so offensive, to some of you stiff necks, & yeah I can spell, if you live in a cave all your life, you don't see daylight! As far as some of dumb stuff I do! If you can't have some fun in your life. Your not living! Life is too short to pick someone apart. If you can't see some good in a person! I don't know what to tell you!!! GET your azz'z off the throne & get with it!!! Your marble palace is going to crumble!!!...........from the desk of the PHANTOM!......... Think about this!!!!

If 5 members say my posts are to the point they will use the ignore button, you don't have to banish me, just tell me and I'll walk away :thumbsup:

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! & don't walk away, I read all posts! & I don't use the ignore Thingggyy thing!! YO! bro just get away from the stiff necks!! put em on your ignore LIST!! :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

Everyone else here has a clue as to whats going on. So the likely hood of that happening is pretty slim in my opinion.

Also, if you read posts where people are complaining and bringing up stuff, and if you dont "get the hint" and correct the issue(s), well then theres something wrong with you.

I wonder if dvd has any input? whats your deal?

I took a break! I have Input & It's!...I can do a lot of stuff I just can't handle some one that doesn't have a sense of humor! were all here to have fun! If ya need a bigger sand box kids! I'll build it!!!! & take that starch shirt off It doesn't do ya justus!!!!! :thumbsup::thumbsup:
To All Members of CF.COM

Perhaps you need to define "useless"....... I think that might be pretty subjective, and certainly not universal in scope.

With dvdcta, I see someone who is not very computer proficient trying his hardest to join in this forum in the best way he can, regardless, of how "useful" everyone else may think his postings are. He obviously wants to join this group and although his enthusiasm does not match his proficiency with a keyboard nor with navigating a message board, what is he getting from some members for his efforts?

I'll be honest, I'm pretty disappointed to see this sort of thing on this site. I thought we were all here to try to have fun here. Not be "keyboard bigots" trying to belittle someone else who may not be up to our own self perceived standards of what makes a post "useful" or "useless".

I'm sorry guys, but this sort of thing has to go from this site. I do NOT want to see any other member singled out and belittled by other members here. The only time such a thing may be relevant and proper would be IF you engaged in some business deal or activity with said person, and wanted to relate that incident, whether positive or negative, within the BOI forum on this site. Otherwise, if you have a problem with someone, contact me and/or the moderators about it. Belittling and embarrassing them in public with posts ABOUT them for what can arguable be determined as "frivolous" concerns, is just not welcome on this site. It presents a very hostile atmosphere to new or prospective members, which is unbecoming of what I and others wish for this site.

I hate to make rules, because rules need to be enforced, which takes time away from things myself and the moderators would rather be doing. And to be honest, trying to create rules to MAKE people play nice together on a public message forum is a very tough tight rope to walk. I would rather everyone take some time for some introspection about their own actions and see how it could be viewed from an objective viewer, then for myself or the mods to have to WORK at enforcing rules to try to limit such activities from members here I would hope would have more empathy towards fellow Corvette owners who may not be as good of keyboard jockeys as they are.

So I DO hope this does not portent a trend, and can be headed off before WE become something I don't believe any of us really want this online family to become.

:banghead: I am engaged in debate with the owners of another Corvette Forum over this very issue. Same person, same issues, and same frustrations. I will defend DVD to the best of my ability as long as I can justify his actions. He is well intended and brings many good assets to your club. The thing I like most about him is his ability to make people smile. Off the wall at times and hard to follow. Who cares! He helps create an environment that motivates people to participate and have fun while doing so. I followed DVD to this site and am very pleased that I made the decision to do so. If I find that he is treated unfairly here as he was at the other site I will pursue the same course of action. Everyone deserves to be treated with respect and not singled out by a small group of nay sayers. I know I am new to this site. But the truth of the matter is that I interacted with DVD for over a year. I would like to thank all of you in advance for your consideration and fairness on this subject.

:I would like to thank all of you in advance for your consideration and fairness on this subject.


:welcome::welcome:to the best forum I know of.
How about going to the Welcome Forum and introduce yourself.
We love to see Vette pictures so how about one of yours?
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:banghead: I am engaged in debate with the owners of another Corvette Forum over this very issue. Same person, same issues, and same frustrations. I will defend DVD to the best of my ability as long as I can justify his actions. He is well intended and brings many good assets to your club. The thing I like most about him is his ability to make people smile. Off the wall at times and hard to follow. Who cares! He helps create an environment that motivates people to participate and have fun while doing so. I followed DVD to this site and am very pleased that I made the decision to do so. If I find that he is treated unfairly here as he was at the other site I will pursue the same course of action. Everyone deserves to be treated with respect and not singled out by a small group of nay sayers. I know I am new to this site. But the truth of the matter is that I interacted with DVD for over a year. I would like to thank all of you in advance for your consideration and fairness on this subject.


Im not all about adding fuel to the fire, but if you wanna talk fairness then fine. Go look in threads months ago, where some of his stuff was just so off the wall, you werent smiling you were thinking wtf. It only got worse until enough people said something and we all cooled off cause of admin.

I go look Just for Laughs section, and see nothing but his threads started, a lot of them are the off the wall wtf moments...like

"What do ya do? With a blonde & a Beer???????????? If ya don't know? I'm shure as h**l not gonna tell ya!!!..................from the desk of the PHANTOM!!!!.........." :confused:


.............A!...... cold Beer & Lasts Nights Pizza!!!! Memo from the desk of the PHANTOM!!!!.............Now Ya'll can't say, ya never did this?........ need some on This??????.......Ya, Know!!!!........ ta add ta this the girl! ya brought home Last Night!!!!.......................IT'S.. Called......... LEFT OVERS!!!!!!"

I know this is supposed to be a tight knit community, 1) im sure 99% of us all drive vettes or had one, 2) 99% of us live in florida or visit for winter.

On a full scale forum like some others i post at, half the oddball stuff hes responded to would be considered forum trolling. Is it also that hard to put just a small effort into grammar? I know this isnt english class, and were not writing term papers, but half arse grammar helps make more sense of a post then forty million periods and random smiley emotes. I dont see how this motivates people. The motivation i see it bringing from people who are avid forum users is negative motivation, i.e, criticizing or just not showing up or responding to anything. I put him on ignore because his post were horrible imo. Every so often ill click show post and then wish i never did.

Im not trying to sway you from this site, by all means welcome to the forum. Lot of great people here, and tons of knowledge, but you expect people to not single someone out, but you expect everyone to just let random stuff be posted. I know youve interacted with him for over a year, look at it this way, if you didnt know him and you saw post like his coming in your email...prolly hit the spam button? Im really still trying to think of many assets hes brought, please fill me in. If you want us to be fair to him, then have him be fair to us. Simple grammar and senseful post, is all we ask :shrug01:

Prolly wont like me for this post, sure Rich will get an email, but if were going to express ones self about the situation then Im gonna get my say in, and again welcome to the forum.
Im not all about adding fuel to the fire, but if you wanna talk fairness then fine. Go look in threads months ago, where some of his stuff was just so off the wall, you werent smiling you were thinking wtf. It only got worse until enough people said something and we all cooled off cause of admin.

I go look Just for Laughs section, and see nothing but his threads started, a lot of them are the off the wall wtf moments...like

"What do ya do? With a blonde & a Beer???????????? If ya don't know? I'm shure as h**l not gonna tell ya!!!..................from the desk of the PHANTOM!!!!.........." :confused:


.............A!...... cold Beer & Lasts Nights Pizza!!!! Memo from the desk of the PHANTOM!!!!.............Now Ya'll can't say, ya never did this?........ need some on This??????.......Ya, Know!!!!........ ta add ta this the girl! ya brought home Last Night!!!!.......................IT'S.. Called......... LEFT OVERS!!!!!!"

I know this is supposed to be a tight knit community, 1) im sure 99% of us all drive vettes or had one, 2) 99% of us live in florida or visit for winter.

On a full scale forum like some others i post at, half the oddball stuff hes responded to would be considered forum trolling. Is it also that hard to put just a small effort into grammar? I know this isnt english class, and were not writing term papers, but half arse grammar helps make more sense of a post then forty million periods and random smiley emotes. I dont see how this motivates people. The motivation i see it bringing from people who are avid forum users is negative motivation, i.e, criticizing or just not showing up or responding to anything. I put him on ignore because his post were horrible imo. Every so often ill click show post and then wish i never did.

Im not trying to sway you from this site, by all means welcome to the forum. Lot of great people here, and tons of knowledge, but you expect people to not single someone out, but you expect everyone to just let random stuff be posted. I know youve interacted with him for over a year, look at it this way, if you didnt know him and you saw post like his coming in your email...prolly hit the spam button? Im really still trying to think of many assets hes brought, please fill me in. If you want us to be fair to him, then have him be fair to us. Simple grammar and senseful post, is all we ask :shrug01:

Prolly wont like me for this post, sure Rich will get an email, but if were going to express ones self about the situation then Im gonna get my say in, and again welcome to the forum.


Thank you for the welcome it is appreciated. I fully respect your position and opinion. I have no doubt that DVD will read your post. The fact that you made your opinion clear ant to the point hopefully will have some meaning to DVD. I know he fully understands the effect some of his posts have on other members. I truly want to believe it should have some affect on future posts he makes. I do not condone a lot of foolishness and statements that have negative effects on other members. I do enjoy having fun in a controlled way, but not in a way that is offensive to others. I do not mean to ramble on and so will close on a positive note. I know I will be talking to DVD in the near future. I will try to explain the issues and what needs to be done to avoid further issues on this subject. Thank you for your input.
