• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Obama and the attempt to destroy the Second Amendment

I don't fear NObama as much as the two beneath him, PelOSi and gReid. They are the true commie bastards that want NObama in there to succumb to all their demands and he will.

Nobody seems to realize what will happen if all brances of the government go blue will mean to the country. McCarnage has failed time and time again to point that out. If he wins the election which at this point is a long shot considering the media is 100% against him, every step has been taken to insure that Demoncrats have fixed it to their advantage (ACORN) and not to mention the billions of dollars put forth by George Soros and Warren Buffett (can't understand this one), it would truly be an act of God......or Joe the Plumber!

Does anyone else realize that Joe the Plumber in five minutes has single handedly done the one thing that no one has been able to do in two years and that's paint Obama bin Laden as a Socialist? The man definitely deserves a position in the Cabinet.
We must be long lost brothers or something cause I had already planned that!:D You are correct. The Yakuza in Japan is actually good.

I already have my plush penthouse loft scoped out in Makati City in the Philippines if Japan is too expensive for my needs. Oh yeah, shipping the car is about $3K. Found out from a friend's friend who flew to Japan to check out a "real" Skyline (not a GTR) and bought it.

Ha, that's funny. I'd have to say Haruna would be my backup plan, though my aim would be Chiba City.

As for the situation with Obama... I'll use a quote from a fellow Z31 owner. It seems to sum up the situation better than anything else I have seen.
It's pointless man. You just can't compete with the media's goldenboy. Hell, he can get away with hanging out with radicals, racists, and modern day Al Capones. All he has to do is continue looking like the furthest thing from a politician and say "Bush Bush Bush Bush Bush" and the Obama T-shirts will fly off the racks at Urban Outfitters.

I think this whole CHANGE thing is funny. I would have thought people would have learned to ditch these puppets and endorse a 3rd party instead of joining the hitler youth.

What really piss me off though... I'm sure I'm not the only one to have seen this broadcast. Who here saw the story about the girl who wore the McCain shirt to school and got called racist because the shirt wasn't an Obama one?
I'vs seen stands of Obama T's all over town, and people lining up to buy them.
Oh well, to each thier own.

Yeah, keep your guns loaded. But bear in mind that protecting your life and property by force may soon be deemed as treason.

Eh, so be it? As long as I have a breath in me, you'll never threaten my family and close friends safety!!:mad:

Frankly, I don't think all the fear is justified.

As I said, he can't (or won't) do much if any harm in his first 4 years.:NoNo:Not if he want's another 4.
Instead, look for a lot of feel good tactics. Touchy feely acts that will lull the unsuspecting into believing he has our best interest at heart.

Once he's won the hearts and minds, thats where things will get dangerous. The Sheep will really come out and people will follow blindly for the smell of the carrot.

Gotta keep people feeling good if he wants a shot at another 4 years. And that's where things will get ugly:(

Things to look for:

*Keep an eye on proposed constitutional changes, efforts to repeal term limits and presidential overrides via exectutive powers.

*The expansion of powers among governmental law enforcement agencies.

*The inclusion of local and state law enforcement into the "fold" of government agencies, providing them with fedeeral powers as well as state and local authority (more on this further down)

*Expansion of power among federal regulatory agencies.

*Interest by local and state agencies into additional registrations (of anything) but specifically:
-chipping (cell phones, kid, etc)
-bar coding.
-Additional internet tracking by the government
-Expansion of the warrantless surveillance and evesdropping on U.S. citizens.

If we don't oversight, the changes will sneak up on us before we know it, much the same as traffic fines have risen to a ludicrous level over the last several years, all without a word to the taxpayers and citizens.

However, "If" radical changes are put in place as you guys mention, who is going to enforce the actions? Whi si going to come take our peoperty and our guns?

On firearms alone, there are more "unregistered firearms" in this country than one can shake a stick at! The country was forged using force. How are they going to find them?

Regardless, any attempt to take away those freedoms using law enforcement would unfortunately I fear, result in massacres across our great nation. People not willing to give up property, money, guns and freedoms, will then rise up.

The real nut jobs that live for these uprisings, will then become "leaders" of bans of armed, angry Americans.

You think law enforcement has problems now? Wait until the government tries to use them to pull of it's confiscation act:thumbsdown:

I pray that will never happen.

A more likely scenario, is this:

Federal agencies will become more aggressive (as though they're not already) in thier policing of states and local activities.

The IRS (yeah, those scumbags) will become uber-aggressive in thier collections and enforcement. Remember when the Clinton administration made them less aggressive and easier to work with?

That will be GONE!.

That's one agency that, not if, but when unleashed, can truly wreak havoc on an individual or business. They operate almost as a renegade collection agency with little true oversight. They can and do, do things to one financially that if done by a citizen or collection agency, would be considered criminal!

Watch for changes in thier method of operation and any expansion of thier power and oppose it if yoiu have the opportunity.

Watch for the expansion of the FBI's role into local affairs under the guise (as the Bush administration has done) of Homeland Security.

Watch for the expansion of power among other federal agencies, even those not necessarily though of as "enforcement types". The regulatory agencies and such. More government will result in less freedom.

Finally, and this is a comment I've made on many occasions when people talk about the military role in protecting our "freedoms."

It doesn't sit well with a lot of people, but if you look at the facts, you'll find it to be true.

The military DOES NOT defend our freedoms.

The military role is the defense of our country against it's enimies.

It functions to keep the COUNTRY free from attack and invasion. That's it!

The people that founded our freedoms and defended them, were the lawyers and statesmen that founded the constitution and those that fought to defend it in it's early years.

But that role of the military and the "Minutemen" has changed:(

The military DOES NOT guarantee our freedoms.

The Supreme Court, the Congress, and others involved in the legislative proess foster and in essense, protect our freedoms.

The one's we tend to dispise the most. Lawyers, the ACLU and other groups that fight to protect the freedoms that were guaranteed us by our Constitution!

Now I'm no ACLU leghumper by any means. But they do have a valid purpose. They're a watchdog in a way, keeping the renegade types at bay.
Sure, they throw a fly in th eointment at times, but all in all, they still have a purpose.

Here's an off the wall "DOOMSDAY" scenario that will demonstrate my point:

So, lets say, O'bama gets elected.

He goes renegade on the U.S. during his 1st term (a very bad decision unless he plans on overriding the constitution and becoming a dictator...can't happen!)

He then decides and convinces the congress to agree, that redistribution of wealth or the confiscation of firearms and personal property are a "good thing" and implements a plan of action to effect such change.

Here's where it gets ugly: follow carefully:

Local agencies (since thier powers were expanded as mentioned above) are required to assist in the confiscation of firearms, property and $$$ and enforce the new "law of the land."

Hopefully, they would resist the action; however, seeing what we have leading some of our agencies lately, it wouldn't surprise me to see the administrations jump at the opportunity:(

Either way, they become overwhelmed or over worked and the administration orders the Federal agencies to become more involved in enforcing this nonsense.

In short order, the Federal agencies will become overwhelmed as well. On top of that, by this time you will likely see agents are killed, headquarter descimated (sounds like the work of one of his old buddies doesn't it?) and the overall morale of the agencies either waining.

The opposing side of that coin is the agencies will ban together, it'll become even more of an "us vs. them" (the citizen) mentalilty, and they will become exremely aggressive and more violent in thier tactics.

At this point, look for a moderate to sever civil uprising:( with formerly good people deciding to stand up and protect themselves.

Here's where we get to the military.

If this were to occur, it would be glaringly obvious that federal, state and local governemts can not go it alone and the president would activate the reserves and national guard to "assist."

That assistance is a physical one as we see during various natural disasters. Armed troops patrolling the streets and martial law.

As long as the Posse Comitatus is in full force and effect, the regular military can not involve itseld in civillian affairs more that as advisers, trainers and support personnel (yeah, right!).

However, if the constitution is suspended and martial law is enacted, watch out!

Once martial law is enacted, it clears the way for the use of reguilar U.S. Forces in the daily operations of law enforcement.

Essentially SOLDIERS enforcing or supporting federal and state law enforcement against the citizens of the United States.

We start using companies, brigades and battalions to patrol the streets, SF, SEALS and DELTA to support or pull off specialized operations and training, the intel sections for thier purpose, and the techincal types do what they do best.

You now have THE MILITARY involved in actions that counter the U.S. Constitution, reduce states and personal rights,enslave the populace and taking away the freedoms of CITIZENS OF THE U.S.

The point I've made is, the military is a pawn of the government. They do what they are told and go where they are pointed.

Ask any of us that have BTDT:thumbsup: We have had little choice in the operation or planning.

Before anyone calls me anti-American, remember that the above was to demonstrate a point.

And the scenario could just as easily with a little modification, apply to Mccain.

My total point?

Watch your government!! Demand SERVICE, RESPECT, INFORMATION!!

These MOFO's work for US, not the other way around!!!:mad:

And always remember:

They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety

Benjamin Franklin:thumbsup:
I'vs seen stands of Obama T's all over town, and people lining up to buy them.
Oh well, to each thier own.

Eh, so be it? As long as I have a breath in me, you'll never threaten my family and close friends safety!!:mad:

Frankly, I don't think all the fear is justified.

As I said, he can't (or won't) do much if any harm in his first 4 years.:NoNo:Not if he want's another 4.
Instead, look for a lot of feel good tactics. Touchy feely acts that will lull the unsuspecting into believing he has our best interest at heart.

Once he's won the hearts and minds, thats where things will get dangerous. The Sheep will really come out and people will follow blindly for the smell of the carrot.

Gotta keep people feeling good if he wants a shot at another 4 years. And that's where things will get ugly:(

Things to look for:

*Keep an eye on proposed constitutional changes, efforts to repeal term limits and presidential overrides via exectutive powers.

*The expansion of powers among governmental law enforcement agencies.

*The inclusion of local and state law enforcement into the "fold" of government agencies, providing them with fedeeral powers as well as state and local authority (more on this further down)

*Expansion of power among federal regulatory agencies.

*Interest by local and state agencies into additional registrations (of anything) but specifically:
-chipping (cell phones, kid, etc)
-bar coding.
-Additional internet tracking by the government
-Expansion of the warrantless surveillance and evesdropping on U.S. citizens.

If we don't oversight, the changes will sneak up on us before we know it, much the same as traffic fines have risen to a ludicrous level over the last several years, all without a word to the taxpayers and citizens.

However, "If" radical changes are put in place as you guys mention, who is going to enforce the actions? Whi si going to come take our peoperty and our guns?

On firearms alone, there are more "unregistered firearms" in this country than one can shake a stick at! The country was forged using force. How are they going to find them?

Regardless, any attempt to take away those freedoms using law enforcement would unfortunately I fear, result in massacres across our great nation. People not willing to give up property, money, guns and freedoms, will then rise up.

The real nut jobs that live for these uprisings, will then become "leaders" of bans of armed, angry Americans.

You think law enforcement has problems now? Wait until the government tries to use them to pull of it's confiscation act:thumbsdown:

I pray that will never happen.

A more likely scenario, is this:

Federal agencies will become more aggressive (as though they're not already) in thier policing of states and local activities.

The IRS (yeah, those scumbags) will become uber-aggressive in thier collections and enforcement. Remember when the Clinton administration made them less aggressive and easier to work with?

That will be GONE!.

That's one agency that, not if, but when unleashed, can truly wreak havoc on an individual or business. They operate almost as a renegade collection agency with little true oversight. They can and do, do things to one financially that if done by a citizen or collection agency, would be considered criminal!

Watch for changes in thier method of operation and any expansion of thier power and oppose it if yoiu have the opportunity.

Watch for the expansion of the FBI's role into local affairs under the guise (as the Bush administration has done) of Homeland Security.

Watch for the expansion of power among other federal agencies, even those not necessarily though of as "enforcement types". The regulatory agencies and such. More government will result in less freedom.

Finally, and this is a comment I've made on many occasions when people talk about the military role in protecting our "freedoms."

It doesn't sit well with a lot of people, but if you look at the facts, you'll find it to be true.

The military DOES NOT defend our freedoms.

The military role is the defense of our country against it's enimies.

It functions to keep the COUNTRY free from attack and invasion. That's it!

The people that founded our freedoms and defended them, were the lawyers and statesmen that founded the constitution and those that fought to defend it in it's early years.

But that role of the military and the "Minutemen" has changed:(

The military DOES NOT guarantee our freedoms.

The Supreme Court, the Congress, and others involved in the legislative proess foster and in essense, protect our freedoms.

The one's we tend to dispise the most. Lawyers, the ACLU and other groups that fight to protect the freedoms that were guaranteed us by our Constitution!

Now I'm no ACLU leghumper by any means. But they do have a valid purpose. They're a watchdog in a way, keeping the renegade types at bay.
Sure, they throw a fly in th eointment at times, but all in all, they still have a purpose.

Here's an off the wall "DOOMSDAY" scenario that will demonstrate my point:

So, lets say, O'bama gets elected.

He goes renegade on the U.S. during his 1st term (a very bad decision unless he plans on overriding the constitution and becoming a dictator...can't happen!)

He then decides and convinces the congress to agree, that redistribution of wealth or the confiscation of firearms and personal property are a "good thing" and implements a plan of action to effect such change.

Here's where it gets ugly: follow carefully:

Local agencies (since thier powers were expanded as mentioned above) are required to assist in the confiscation of firearms, property and $$$ and enforce the new "law of the land."

Hopefully, they would resist the action; however, seeing what we have leading some of our agencies lately, it wouldn't surprise me to see the administrations jump at the opportunity:(

Either way, they become overwhelmed or over worked and the administration orders the Federal agencies to become more involved in enforcing this nonsense.

In short order, the Federal agencies will become overwhelmed as well. On top of that, by this time you will likely see agents are killed, headquarter descimated (sounds like the work of one of his old buddies doesn't it?) and the overall morale of the agencies either waining.

The opposing side of that coin is the agencies will ban together, it'll become even more of an "us vs. them" (the citizen) mentalilty, and they will become exremely aggressive and more violent in thier tactics.

At this point, look for a moderate to sever civil uprising:( with formerly good people deciding to stand up and protect themselves.

Here's where we get to the military.

If this were to occur, it would be glaringly obvious that federal, state and local governemts can not go it alone and the president would activate the reserves and national guard to "assist."

That assistance is a physical one as we see during various natural disasters. Armed troops patrolling the streets and martial law.

As long as the Posse Comitatus is in full force and effect, the regular military can not involve itseld in civillian affairs more that as advisers, trainers and support personnel (yeah, right!).

However, if the constitution is suspended and martial law is enacted, watch out!

Once martial law is enacted, it clears the way for the use of reguilar U.S. Forces in the daily operations of law enforcement.

Essentially SOLDIERS enforcing or supporting federal and state law enforcement against the citizens of the United States.

We start using companies, brigades and battalions to patrol the streets, SF, SEALS and DELTA to support or pull off specialized operations and training, the intel sections for thier purpose, and the techincal types do what they do best.

You now have THE MILITARY involved in actions that counter the U.S. Constitution, reduce states and personal rights,enslave the populace and taking away the freedoms of CITIZENS OF THE U.S.

The point I've made is, the military is a pawn of the government. They do what they are told and go where they are pointed.

Ask any of us that have BTDT:thumbsup: We have had little choice in the operation or planning.

Before anyone calls me anti-American, remember that the above was to demonstrate a point.

And the scenario could just as easily with a little modification, apply to Mccain.

My total point?

Watch your government!! Demand SERVICE, RESPECT, INFORMATION!!

These MOFO's work for US, not the other way around!!!:mad:

And always remember:

Benjamin Franklin:thumbsup:

Shadow is just about dead on. He's spun it towards the dramatic but unfortunately drama is what attracts people.

If you Google Fidel Castro videos, you will see what he described to the letter. This is how it all started and this is how it's now starting.